

The config file contains the following settings which aren’t in Pyramid’s built-in scaffolds:

  • mako.directories: necessary when using Mako, to set the template search path. (Theoretically you don’t need this if you specify renderers by asset spec rather than by relative path, but I couldn’t get that to work.)
  • cache.*: Beaker cache settings. These are not actually necessary because the demo never uses a cache, but they’re here for demonstration.
  • session.*: Beaker session settings. These are necessary if you use sessions or flash messages.

Beaker supports several kinds of session persistence: in-memory, files, memcached, database, etc. The demo’s configuration uses memory mode, which holds the sessions in memory until the application quits. It contains commented settings for file-based sessions, which is Pylons’ default. Experienced developers seem to be choosing memcached mode nowadays. Memory sessions disappear when the server is restarted, and work only with multithreaded servers, not multiprocess servers. File-based sessions are persistent, but add the complications of a directory and permissions and maintenance. Memcached avoids all these problems, and it also scales to multiple parallel servers, which can all share a memcached session.

If you copy the session configuration to your application, do change “session.secret” to a random string. This is used to help ensure the integrity of the session, to prevent people from hijacking it.

Init module and main function

The main function, in addition to the minimal Pyramid configuration, activates Beaker sessions and caching, and sets up templates, subscribers, routes, and a static route. The Beaker setup passes the settings dict to Beaker; that’s how your settings are read. Pyramid cofigures Mako the same way behind the scenes, passing the settings to it. The “add_renderer” line tells Pyramid to recognize filenames ending in ”.html” as Mako templates. The subscribers include we’ll see in a minute.

Activating static routes involves an include line and a “config.add_static_route” call.


The demo provides a Pylons-like helpers module, akhet_demo/lib/ You can put utility functions here for use in your templates. The helper contains imports for WebHelper’s HTML tag helpers, but they’re commented out. (WebHelpers is a Python package containing generic functions for use in web applications and other applications.) I’m tempted to actually use the tag helpers in the site template but haven’t done so yet.

Most of WebHelpers works with Pyramid, including the popular webhelpers.html subpackage, webhelpers.text, and webhelpers.number. You’ll have to add a WebHelpers dependency to your application if you want to use it. The only part of WebHelpers that doesn’t work with Pyramid is the webhelpers.pylonslib subpackage, which depends on Pylons’ special globals.

Note that webhelpers.paginate requires a slightly different configuration with Pyramid than with Pylons, because pylons.url is not available. You’ll have to supply a URL generator, perhaps using one of the convenience classes included in WebHelpers 1.3. Paginate’s URL generator is not Akhet’s URL generator: it’s a different kind of class specific to the paginator’s needs.


akhet_demo/ is unique to the demo. It sets up a URL generator and configures several Pylons-like globals for the template namespace. The only thing you need in here is the includeme function, which the application’s main function invokes via the config.include(".subscribers") line.

The add_renderer_globals subscriber configures the following variables for the template namespace:

  • h: the helpers module.
  • r: an alias for request.
  • url: the URL generator.

It has commented code to configure “settings”, “session”, and “c” variables if you want those.

For completeness, here are the system variables Pyramid 1.3 adds to the template namespace:

  • context: the context.
  • renderer_name: the name of the renderer.
  • renderer_info: a RendererHelper object (defined in pyramid.renderers).
  • request: the request.
  • view: the view. (A function or instance.)

As a reminder, everything here is local to the current request. The URL generator is attached to the request object, and the renderer globals are set just before the renderer is invoked. These variables are all discarded at the end of the request.


The views module has a base class called Handler (but it’s not related to “pyramid_handlers”). The index view demonstrates logging, optionally sets a flash message, and invokes a Mako template renderer.

The demo pushes a flash message by calling self.request.session.flash() with the message text. By default this puts the message on the “info” queue, and it’s displayed using an “info” CSS class. You can push the message onto a different queue by specifying the queue name as a second argument. But that’s only useful if the template pops the messages from the other queue by name, otherwise they’ll never be displayed. It’s customary to name the queues according to the Python logging hierarchy: debug, info (notice), warn(ing), error, critical. The default stylesheet defines CSS classes with distinct styling for several of these levels.

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