Basic Usage =========== In this chapter, we'll walk through basic usage of Deform to render a form, and capture and validate input. The steps a developer must take to cause a form to be renderered and subsequently be ready to accept form submission input are: - Define a schema - Create a form object. - Assign non-default widgets to fields in the form (optional). - Render the form. Once the form is rendered, a user will interact with the form in his browser, and some point, they will submit it. When the user submits the form, the data provided by the user will either validate properly, or the form will need to be rerendered with error markers which help to inform the user of which parts need to be filled in "properly" (as defined by the schema). We allow the user to continue filling in the form, submitting, and revalidating indefinitely. Defining A Schema ----------------- The first step to using Deform is to create a :term:`schema` which represents the data structure you wish to be captured via a form rendering. For example, let's imagine you want to create a form based roughly on a data structure you'll obtain by reading data from a relational database. An example of such a data structure might look something like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: [ { 'name':'keith', 'age':20, }, { 'name':'fred', 'age':23, }, ] In other words, the database query we make returns a sequence of *people*; each person is represented by some data. We need to edit this data. There won't be many people in this list, so we don't need any sort of paging or batching to make our way through the list; we can display it all on one form page. Deform designates a structure akin to the example above as an :term:`appstruct`. The term "appstruct" is shorthand for "application structure", because it's the kind of high-level structure that an application usually cares about: the data present in an appstruct is useful directly to an application itself. .. note:: An appstruct differs from other structures that Deform uses (such as :term:`pstruct` and :term:`cstruct` structures): pstructs and cstructs are typically only useful during intermediate parts of the rendering process. Usually, given some appstruct, you can divine a :term:`schema` that would allow you to edit the data related to the appstruct. Let's define a schema which will attempt to serialize this particular appstruct to a form. Our application has these requirements of the resulting form: - It must be possible to add and remove a person. - It must be possible to change any person's name or age after they've been added. Here's a schema that will help us meet those requirements: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import colander class Person(colander.MappingSchema): name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) age = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Integer(), validator=colander.Range(0, 200)) class People(colander.SequenceSchema): person = Person() class Schema(colander.MappingSchema): people = People() schema = Schema() The schemas used by Deform come from a package named :term:`Colander`. The canonical documentation for Colander exists at . To compose complex schemas, you'll need to read it to get comfy with the documentation of the default Colander data types. But for now, we can play it by ear. For ease of reading, we've actually defined *three* schemas above, but we coalesce them all into a single schema instance as ``schema`` in the last step. A ``People`` schema is a collection of ``Person`` schema nodes. As the result of our definitions, a ``Person`` represents: - A ``name``, which must be a string. - An ``age``, which must be deserializable to an integer; after deserialization happens, a validator ensures that the integer is between 0 and 200 inclusive. Schema Node Objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. note:: This section repeats and contextualizes the :term:`Colander` documentation about schema nodes in order to prevent you from needing to switch away from this page to another while trying to learn about forms. But you can also get much the same information at A schema is composed of one or more *schema node* objects, each typically of the class :class:`colander.SchemaNode`, usually in a nested arrangement. Each schema node object has a required *type*, an optional *preparer* for adjusting data after deserialization, an optional *validator* for deserialized prepared data, an optional *default*, an optional *missing*, an optional *title*, an optional *description*, and a slightly less optional *name*. It also accepts *arbitrary* keyword arguments, which are attached directly as attributes to the node instance. The *type* of a schema node indicates its data type (such as :class:`colander.Int` or :class:`colander.String`). The *preparer* of a schema node is called after deserialization but before validation; it prepares a deserialized value for validation. Examples would be to prepend schemes that may be missing on url values or to filter html provided by a rich text editor. A preparer is not called during serialization, only during deserialization. The *validator* of a schema node is called after deserialization and preparation ; it makes sure the value matches a constraint. An example of such a validator is provided in the schema above: ``validator=colander.Range(0, 200)``. A validator is not called after schema node serialization, only after node deserialization. The *default* of a schema node indicates the value to be serialized if a value for the schema node is not found in the input data during serialization. It should be the deserialized representation. The *missing* of a schema node indicates the value to be deserialized if a value for the schema node is not found in the input data during deserialization. It should be the deserialized representation. If a schema node does not have a ``missing`` value, a :exc:`colander.Invalid` exception will be raised if the data structure being deserialized does not contain a matching value. The *name* of a schema node is used to relate schema nodes to each other. It is also used as the title if a title is not provided. The *title* of a schema node is metadata about a schema node. It shows up in the legend above the form field(s) related to the schema node. By default, it is a capitalization of the *name*. The *description* of a schema node is metadata about a schema node. It shows up as a tooltip when someone hovers over the form control(s) related to a :term:`field`. By default, it is empty. The name of a schema node that is introduced as a class-level attribute of a :class:`colander.MappingSchema`, :class:`colander.TupleSchema` or a :class:`colander.SequenceSchema` is its class attribute name. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import colander class Phone(colander.MappingSchema): location = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String(), validator=colander.OneOf(['home','work'])) number = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) The name of the schema node defined via ``location = colander.SchemaNode(..)`` within the schema above is ``location``. The title of the same schema node is ``Location``. Schema Objects ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the examples above, if you've been paying attention, you'll have noticed that we're defining classes which subclass from :class:`colander.MappingSchema`, and :class:`colander.SequenceSchema`. It's turtles all the way down: the result of creating an instance of any of :class:`colander.MappingSchema`, :class:`colander.TupleSchema` or :class:`colander.SequenceSchema` object is *also* a :class:`colander.SchemaNode` object. Instantiating a :class:`colander.MappingSchema` creates a schema node which has a *type* value of :class:`colander.Mapping`. Instantiating a :class:`colander.TupleSchema` creates a schema node which has a *type* value of :class:`colander.Tuple`. Instantiating a :class:`colander.SequenceSchema` creates a schema node which has a *type* value of :class:`colander.Sequence`. Creating Schemas Without Using a Class Statement (Imperatively) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ See for information about how to create schemas without using a ``class`` statement. Creating a schema with or without ``class`` statements is purely a style decision; the outcome of creating a schema without ``class`` statements is the same as creating one with ``class`` statements. Rendering a Form ---------------- Earlier we defined a schema: .. code-block:: python :linenos: import colander class Person(colander.MappingSchema): name = colander.SchemaNode(colander.String()) age = colander.SchemaNode(colander.Integer(), validator=colander.Range(0, 200)) class People(colander.SequenceSchema): person = Person() class Schema(colander.MappingSchema): people = People() schema = Schema() Let's now use this schema to create, render and validate a form. .. _creating_a_form: Creating a Form Object ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To create a form object, we do this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from deform import Form myform = Form(schema, buttons=('submit',)) We used the ``schema`` object (an instance of :class:`colander.MappingSchema`) we created in the previous section as the first positional parameter to the :class:`deform.Form` class; we passed the value ``('submit',)`` as the value of the ``buttons`` keyword argument. This will cause a single ``submit`` input element labeled ``Submit`` to be injected at the bottom of the form rendering. We chose to pass in the button names as a sequence of strings, but we could have also passed a sequence of instances of the :class:`deform.Button` class. Either is permissible. Note that the first positional argument to :class:`deform.Form` must be a schema node representing a *mapping* object (a structure which maps a key to a value). We satisfied this constraint above by passing our ``schema`` object, which we obtained via the :class:`colander.MappingSchema` constructor, as the ``schema`` argument to the :class:`deform.Form` constructor Although different kinds of schema nodes can be present in a schema used by a Deform :class:`deform.Form` instance, a form instance cannot deal with a schema node representing a sequence, a tuple schema, a string, an integer, etc. as the value of its ``schema`` parameter; only a schema node representing a mapping is permissible. This typically means that the object passed as the ``schema`` argument to a :class:`deform.Form` constructor must be obtained as the result of using the :class:`colander.MappingSchema` constructor (or the equivalent imperative spelling). Rendering the Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Once we've created a Form object, we can render it without issue by calling the :meth:`deform.Field.render` method: the :class:`deform.Form` class is a subclass of the :class:`deform.Field` class, so this method is available to a :class:`deform.Form` instance. If we wanted to render an "add" form (a form without initial data), we'd just omit the appstruct while calling :meth:`deform.Field.render`. .. code-block:: python form = myform.render() If we have some existing data already that we'd like to edit using the form (the form is an "edit form" as opposed to an "add form"). That data might look like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: appstruct = { 'people': [ { 'name':'keith', 'age':20, }, { 'name':'fred', 'age':23, }, ]} To inject it into the serialized form as the data to be edited, we'd pass it in to the :meth:`deform.Field.render` method to get a form rendering: .. code-block:: python form = myform.render(appstruct) If, finally, instead we wanted to render a "read-only" variant of an edit form using the same appstruct, we'd pass the ``readonly`` flag as ``True`` to the :meth:`deform.Field.render` method. .. code-block:: python form = myform.render(appstruct, readonly=True) This would cause a page to be rendered in a crude form without any form controls, so the user it's presented to cannot edit it. Once any of the above statements runs, the ``form`` variable is now a Unicode object containing an HTML rendering of the edit form, useful for serving out to a browser. The root tag of the rendering will be the ``
`` tag representing this form (or at least a ``
`` tag that contains this form tag), so the application using it will need to wrap it in HTML ```` and ```` tags as necessary. It will need to be inserted as "structure" without any HTML escaping. .. _serving_up_the_rendered_form: Serving up the Rendered Form ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ We now have an HTML rendering of a form as the variable named ``form``. But before we can serve it up successfully to a browser user, we have to make sure that static resources used by Deform can be resolved properly. Some Deform widgets (including at least one we've implied in our sample schema) require access to static resources such as images via HTTP. For these widgets to work properly, we'll need to arrange that files in the directory named ``static`` within the :mod:`deform` package can be resolved via a URL which lives at the same hostname and port number as the page which serves up the form itself. For example, the URL ``/static/css/form.css`` should be willing to return the ``form.css`` CSS file in the ``static/css`` directory in the :mod:`deform` package as ``text/css`` content and return ``/static/scripts/deform.js`` as``text/javascript`` content. How you arrange to do this is dependent on your web framework. It's done in :mod:`pyramid` imperative configuration via: .. code-block:: python config = Configurator(...) ... config.add_static_view('static', 'deform:static') ... Your web framework will use a different mechanism to offer up static files. Some of the more important files in the set of JavaScript, CSS files, and images present in the ``static`` directory of the :mod:`deform` package are the following: ``static/scripts/jquery-1.4.2.min.js`` A local copy of the JQuery javascript library, used by widgets and other JavaScript files. ``static/scripts/deform.js`` A JavaScript library which should be loaded by any template which injects a rendered Deform form. ``static/css/form.css`` CSS related to form element renderings. Each of these libraries should be included in the ```` tag of a page which renders a Deform form, e.g.: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Deform Demo Site The :meth:`deform.field.get_widget_resources` method can be used to tell you which ``static`` directory-relative files are required by a particular form rendering, so that you can inject only the ones necessary into the page rendering. The JavaScript function ``deform.load()`` *must* be called by the HTML page (usually in a script tag near the end of the page, ala ``deform.load()``) which renders a Deform form in order for widgets which use JavaScript to do proper event and behavior binding. If this function is not called, built-in widgets which use JavaScript will not function properly. For example, you might include this within the body of the rendered page near its end: .. code-block:: xml :linenos: As above, the head should also contain a ```` tag which names a ``utf-8`` charset in a ``Content-Type`` http-equiv. This is a sane setting for most systems. Validating a Form Submission ---------------------------- Once the user seen the form and has chewed on its inputs a bit, he will eventually submit the form. When they submit it, the logic you use to deal with the form validation must do a few things: - It must detect that a submit button was clicked. - It must obtain the list of :term:`form controls` from the form POST data. - It must call the :meth:`deform.Form.validate` method with the list of form controls. - It must be willing to catch a :exc:`deform.ValidationFailure` exception and rerender the form if there were validation errors. For example, using the :term:`WebOb` API for the above tasks, and the ``form`` object we created earlier, such a dance might look like this: .. code-block:: python :linenos: if 'submit' in request.POST: # detect that the submit button was clicked controls = request.POST.items() # get the form controls try: appstruct = myform.validate(controls) # call validate except ValidationFailure as e: # catch the exception return {'form':e.render()} # re-render the form with an exception # the form submission succeeded, we have the data return {'form':None, 'appstruct':appstruct} The above set of statements is the sort of logic every web app that uses Deform must do. If the validation stage does not fail, a variable named ``appstruct`` will exist with the data serialized from the form to be used in your application. Otherwise the form will be rerendered. Note that by default, when any form submit button is clicked, the form will send a post request to the same URL which rendered the form. This can be changed by passing a different ``action`` to the :class:`deform.Form` constructor. Seeing it In Action ------------------- To see an "add form" in action that follows the schema in this chapter, visit ` `_. To see a "readonly edit form" in action that follows the schema in this chapter, visit ` `_ The application at is a :mod:`pyramid` application which demonstrates most of the features of Deform, including most of the widget and data types available for use within an application that uses Deform.