Source code for plaster.protocols

import abc

from .compat import add_metaclass

[docs]class IWSGIProtocol(object): @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def get_wsgi_app(self, name=None, defaults=None): """ Create a WSGI application object. An example application object may be: .. code-block:: python def app(environ, start_response): start_response(b'200 OK', [(b'Content-Type', b'text/plain')]) yield [b'hello world\\n'] :param name: The name of the application referenced in the config. If ``None`` then it should default to the :attr:`plaster.PlasterURL.fragment`, if available. :param defaults: A ``dict`` of default values used to populate the settings and support variable interpolation. Any values in ``defaults`` may be overridden by the loader prior to returning the final configuration dictionary. :raises LookupError: If a WSGI application cannot be found by the specified name. """
[docs] def get_wsgi_app_settings(self, name=None, defaults=None): """ Create a WSGI application object. An example application object may be: .. code-block:: python def app(environ, start_response): start_response(b'200 OK', [(b'Content-Type', b'text/plain')]) yield [b'hello world\\n'] :param name: The name of the application referenced in the config. If ``None`` then it should default to the :attr:`plaster.PlasterURL.fragment`, if available. :param defaults: A ``dict`` of default values used to populate the settings and support variable interpolation. Any values in ``defaults`` may be overridden by the loader prior to returning the final configuration dictionary. :raises LookupError: If a WSGI application cannot be found by the specified name. """
[docs] def get_wsgi_filter(self, name=None, defaults=None): """ Create a composable WSGI middleware object. An example middleware filter may be: .. code-block:: python class Filter(object): def __init__(self, app): = app def __call__(self, environ, start_response): return, start_response) :param name: The name of the application referenced in the config. If ``None`` then it should default to the :attr:`plaster.PlasterURL.fragment`, if available. :param defaults: A ``dict`` of default values used to populate the settings and support variable interpolation. Any values in ``defaults`` may be overridden by the loader prior to returning the final configuration dictionary. :raises LookupError: If a WSGI filter cannot be found by the specified name. """
[docs] def get_wsgi_server(self, name=None, defaults=None): """ Create a WSGI server runner. An example server runner may be: .. code-block:: python def runner(app): from wsgiref.simple_server import make_server server = make_server('', 8080, app) server.serve_forever() :param name: The name of the application referenced in the config. If ``None`` then it should default to the :attr:`plaster.PlasterURL.fragment`, if available. :param defaults: A ``dict`` of default values used to populate the settings and support variable interpolation. Any values in ``defaults`` may be overridden by the loader prior to returning the final configuration dictionary. :raises LookupError: If a WSGI server cannot be found by the specified name. """