Source code for pyramid.interfaces

from zope.interface import Attribute
from zope.interface import Interface

# public API interfaces

[docs]class IContextFound(Interface): """ An event type that is emitted after :app:`Pyramid` finds a :term:`context` object but before it calls any view code. See the documentation attached to :class:`` for more information. .. note:: For backwards compatibility with versions of :app:`Pyramid` before 1.0, this event interface can also be imported as :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IAfterTraversal`. """ request = Attribute('The request object')
IAfterTraversal = IContextFound
[docs]class INewRequest(Interface): """ An event type that is emitted whenever :app:`Pyramid` begins to process a new request. See the documentation attached to :class:`` for more information.""" request = Attribute('The request object')
[docs]class INewResponse(Interface): """ An event type that is emitted whenever any :app:`Pyramid` view returns a response. See the documentation attached to :class:`` for more information.""" request = Attribute('The request object') response = Attribute('The response object')
[docs]class IApplicationCreated(Interface): """ Event issued when the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_wsgi_app` method is called. See the documentation attached to :class:`` for more information. .. note:: For backwards compatibility with :app:`Pyramid` versions before 1.0, this interface can also be imported as :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IWSGIApplicationCreatedEvent`. """ app = Attribute(u"Created application")
IWSGIApplicationCreatedEvent = IApplicationCreated # b /c class IResponse(Interface): # not an API status = Attribute('WSGI status code of response') headerlist = Attribute('List of response headers') app_iter = Attribute('Iterable representing the response body') class IException(Interface): # not an API """ An interface representing a generic exception """
[docs]class IExceptionResponse(IException, IResponse): """ An interface representing a WSGI response which is also an exception object. Register an exception view using this interface as a ``context`` to apply the registered view for all exception types raised by :app:`Pyramid` internally (:class:`pyramid.exceptions.NotFound` and :class:`pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden`)."""
[docs]class IBeforeRender(Interface): """ Subscribers to this event may introspect the and modify the set of :term:`renderer globals` before they are passed to a :term:`renderer`. This event object iself has a dictionary-like interface that can be used for this purpose. For example:: from import subscriber from pyramid.interfaces import IBeforeRender @subscriber(IBeforeRender) def add_global(event): event['mykey'] = 'foo' See also :ref:`beforerender_event`. """ def __setitem__(name, value): """ Set a name/value pair into the dictionary which is passed to a renderer as the renderer globals dictionary. If the ``name`` already exists in the target dictionary, a :exc:`KeyError` will be raised.""" def update(d): """ Update the renderer globals dictionary with another dictionary ``d``. If any of the key names in the source dictionary already exist in the target dictionary, a :exc:`KeyError` will be raised""" def __contains__(k): """ Return ``True`` if ``k`` exists in the renderer globals dictionary.""" def __getitem__(k): """ Return the value for key ``k`` from the renderer globals dictionary.""" def get(k, default=None): """ Return the value for key ``k`` from the renderer globals dictionary, or the default if no such value exists."""
class IRenderer(Interface): def __call__(value, system): """ Call a the renderer implementation with the result of the view (``value``) passed in and return a result (a string or unicode object useful as a response body). Values computed by the system are passed by the system in the ``system`` parameter, which is a dictionary. Keys in the dictionary include: ``view`` (the view callable that returned the value), ``renderer_name`` (the template name or simple name of the renderer), ``context`` (the context object passed to the view), and ``request`` (the request object passed to the view)."""
[docs]class ITemplateRenderer(IRenderer): def implementation(): """ Return the object that the underlying templating system uses to render the template; it is typically a callable that accepts arbitrary keyword arguments and returns a string or unicode object """
[docs]class IViewMapper(Interface): def __call__(self, object): """ Provided with an arbitrary object (a function, class, or instance), returns a callable with the call signature ``(context, request)``. The callable returned should itself return a Response object. An IViewMapper is returned by :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewMapperFactory`."""
[docs]class IViewMapperFactory(Interface): def __call__(self, **kw): """ Return an object which implements :class:`pyramid.interfaces.IViewMapper`. ``kw`` will be a dictionary containing view-specific arguments, such as ``permission``, ``predicates``, ``attr``, ``renderer``, and other items. An IViewMapperFactory is used by :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view` to provide a plugpoint to extension developers who want to modify potential view callable invocation signatures and response values. """
# internal interfaces class IRequest(Interface): """ Request type interface attached to all request objects """ IRequest.combined = IRequest # for exception view lookups class IRouteRequest(Interface): """ *internal only* interface used as in a utility lookup to find route-specific interfaces. Not an API.""" class IAuthenticationPolicy(Interface): """ An object representing a Pyramid authentication policy. """ def authenticated_userid(request): """ Return the authenticated userid or ``None`` if no authenticated userid can be found. This method of the policy should ensure that a record exists in whatever persistent store is used related to the user (the user should not have been deleted); if a record associated with the current id does not exist in a persistent store, it should return ``None``.""" def unauthenticated_userid(request): """ Return the *unauthenticated* userid. This method performs the same duty as ``authenticated_userid`` but is permitted to return the userid based only on data present in the request; it needn't (and shouldn't) check any persistent store to ensure that the user record related to the request userid exists.""" def effective_principals(request): """ Return a sequence representing the effective principals including the userid and any groups belonged to by the current user, including 'system' groups such as Everyone and Authenticated. """ def remember(request, principal, **kw): """ Return a set of headers suitable for 'remembering' the principal named ``principal`` when set in a response. An individual authentication policy and its consumers can decide on the composition and meaning of **kw. """ def forget(request): """ Return a set of headers suitable for 'forgetting' the current user on subsequent requests. """ class IAuthorizationPolicy(Interface): """ An object representing a Pyramid authorization policy. """ def permits(context, principals, permission): """ Return ``True`` if any of the ``principals`` is allowed the ``permission`` in the current ``context``, else return ``False`` """ def principals_allowed_by_permission(context, permission): """ Return a set of principal identifiers allowed by the ``permission`` in ``context``. This behavior is optional; if you choose to not implement it you should define this method as something which raises a ``NotImplementedError``. This method will only be called when the ```` API is used.""" class IStaticURLInfo(Interface): """ A policy for generating URLs to static assets """ def add(name, spec, **extra): """ Add a new static info registration """ def generate(path, request, **kw): """ Generate a URL for the given path """ class IResponseFactory(Interface): """ A utility which generates a response factory """ def __call__(): """ Return a response factory (e.g. a callable that returns an object implementing IResponse, e.g. :class:`pyramid.response.Response`). It should accept all the arguments that the Pyramid Response class accepts.""" class IRequestFactory(Interface): """ A utility which generates a request """ def __call__(environ): """ Return an object implementing IRequest, e.g. an instance of ``pyramid.request.Request``""" def blank(path): """ Return an empty request object (see :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.blank`)""" class IViewClassifier(Interface): """ *Internal only* marker interface for views.""" class IExceptionViewClassifier(Interface): """ *Internal only* marker interface for exception views.""" class IView(Interface): def __call__(context, request): """ Must return an object that implements IResponse. May optionally raise ``pyramid.exceptions.Forbidden`` if an authorization failure is detected during view execution or ``pyramid.exceptions.NotFound`` if the not found page is meant to be returned.""" class ISecuredView(IView): """ *Internal only* interface. Not an API. """ def __call_permissive__(context, request): """ Guaranteed-permissive version of __call__ """ def __permitted__(context, request): """ Return True if view execution will be permitted using the context and request, False otherwise""" class IMultiView(ISecuredView): """ *internal only*. A multiview is a secured view that is a collection of other views. Each of the views is associated with zero or more predicates. Not an API.""" def add(view, predicates, order, accept=None, phash=None): """ Add a view to the multiview. """ class IRootFactory(Interface): def __call__(request): """ Return a root object based on the request """ class IDefaultRootFactory(Interface): def __call__(request): """ Return the *default* root object for an application """ class ITraverser(Interface): def __call__(request): """ Return a dictionary with (at least) the keys ``root``, ``context``, ``view_name``, ``subpath``, ``traversed``, ``virtual_root``, and ``virtual_root_path``. These values are typically the result of an object graph traversal. ``root`` is the physical root object, ``context`` will be a model object, ``view_name`` will be the view name used (a Unicode name), ``subpath`` will be a sequence of Unicode names that followed the view name but were not traversed, ``traversed`` will be a sequence of Unicode names that were traversed (including the virtual root path, if any) ``virtual_root`` will be a model object representing the virtual root (or the physical root if traversal was not performed), and ``virtual_root_path`` will be a sequence representing the virtual root path (a sequence of Unicode names) or None if traversal was not performed. Extra keys for special purpose functionality can be added as necessary. All values returned in the dictionary will be made available as attributes of the ``request`` object. """ ITraverserFactory = ITraverser # b / c for 1.0 code class IRendererFactory(Interface): def __call__(name): """ Return an object that implements ``IRenderer`` """ class IRendererGlobalsFactory(Interface): def __call__(system_values): """ Return a dictionary of global renderer values (aka top-level template names). The ``system_values`` value passed in will be a dictionary that includes at least a ``request`` key, indicating the current request, and the value ``renderer_name``, which will be the name of the renderer in use.""" class IViewPermission(Interface): def __call__(context, request): """ Return True if the permission allows, return False if it denies. """ class IRouter(Interface): """WSGI application which routes requests to 'view' code based on a view registry.""" registry = Attribute( """Component architecture registry local to this application.""") class ISettings(Interface): """ Runtime settings utility for pyramid; represents the deployment settings for the application. Implements a mapping interface.""" # this interface, even if it becomes unused within Pyramid, is # imported by other packages (such as traversalwrapper) class ILocation(Interface): """Objects that have a structural location""" __parent__ = Attribute("The parent in the location hierarchy") __name__ = Attribute("The name within the parent") class IDebugLogger(Interface): """ Interface representing a PEP 282 logger """ ILogger = IDebugLogger # b/c
[docs]class IRoutePregenerator(Interface): def __call__(request, elements, kw): """ A pregenerator is a function associated by a developer with a :term:`route`. The pregenerator for a route is called by :func:`pyramid.url.route_url` in order to adjust the set of arguments passed to it by the user for special purposes, such as Pylons 'subdomain' support. It will influence the URL returned by ``route_url``. A pregenerator should return a two-tuple of ``(elements, kw)`` after examining the originals passed to this function, which are the arguments ``(request, elements, kw)``. The simplest pregenerator is:: def pregenerator(request, elements, kw): return elements, kw You can employ a pregenerator by passing a ``pregenerator`` argument to the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` function. """
[docs]class IRoute(Interface): """ Interface representing the type of object returned from ``IRoutesMapper.get_route``""" name = Attribute('The route name') pattern = Attribute('The route pattern') factory = Attribute( 'The :term:`root factory` used by the :app:`Pyramid` router ' 'when this route matches (or ``None``)') predicates = Attribute( 'A sequence of :term:`route predicate` objects used to ' 'determine if a request matches this route or not or not after ' 'basic pattern matching has been completed.') pregenerator = Attribute('This attribute should either be ``None`` or ' 'a callable object implementing the ' '``IRoutePregenerator`` interface') def match(path): """ If the ``path`` passed to this function can be matched by the ``pattern`` of this route, return a dictionary (the 'matchdict'), which will contain keys representing the dynamic segment markers in the pattern mapped to values extracted from the provided ``path``. If the ``path`` passed to this function cannot be matched by the ``pattern`` of this route, return ``None``. """ def generate(kw): """ Generate a URL based on filling in the dynamic segment markers in the pattern using the ``kw`` dictionary provided. """
class IRoutesMapper(Interface): """ Interface representing a Routes ``Mapper`` object """ def get_routes(): """ Return a sequence of Route objects registered in the mapper.""" def has_routes(): """ Returns ``True`` if any route has been registered. """ def get_route(name): """ Returns an ``IRoute`` object if a route with the name ``name`` was registered, otherwise return ``None``.""" def connect(name, pattern, factory=None, predicates=()): """ Add a new route. """ def generate(name, kw): """ Generate a URL using the route named ``name`` with the keywords implied by kw""" def __call__(request): """ Return a dictionary containing matching information for the request; the ``route`` key of this dictionary will either be a Route object or ``None`` if no route matched; the ``match`` key will be the matchdict or ``None`` if no route matched.""" class IContextURL(Interface): """ An adapter which deals with URLs related to a context. """ def virtual_root(): """ Return the virtual root related to a request and the current context""" def __call__(): """ Return a URL that points to the context """ class IPackageOverrides(Interface): """ Utility for pkg_resources overrides """ # VH_ROOT_KEY is an interface; its imported from other packages (e.g. # traversalwrapper) VH_ROOT_KEY = 'HTTP_X_VHM_ROOT' class IChameleonLookup(Interface): translate = Attribute('IChameleonTranslate object') debug = Attribute('The ``debug_templates`` setting for this application') auto_reload = Attribute('The ``reload_templates`` setting for this app') def __call__(self, info): """ Return an ITemplateRenderer based on IRendererInfo ``info`` """ class IChameleonTranslate(Interface): """ Internal interface representing a chameleon translate function """ def __call__(msgid, domain=None, mapping=None, context=None, target_language=None, default=None): """ Translate a mess of arguments to a Unicode object """ class ILocalizer(Interface): """ Localizer for a specific language """ class ILocaleNegotiator(Interface): def __call__(request): """ Return a locale name """ class ITranslationDirectories(Interface): """ A list object representing all known translation directories for an application""" class IDefaultPermission(Interface): """ A string object representing the default permission to be used for all view configurations which do not explicitly declare their own."""
[docs]class ISessionFactory(Interface): """ An interface representing a factory which accepts a request object and returns an ISession object """ def __call__(request): """ Return an ISession object """
[docs]class ISession(Interface): """ An interface representing a session (a web session object, usually accessed via ``request.session``. Keys and values of a session must be pickleable. """ # attributes created = Attribute('Integer representing Epoch time when created.') new = Attribute('Boolean attribute. If ``True``, the session is new.') # special methods def invalidate(): """ Invalidate the session. The action caused by ``invalidate`` is implementation-dependent, but it should have the effect of completely dissociating any data stored in the session with the current request. It might set response values (such as one which clears a cookie), or it might not.""" def changed(): """ Mark the session as changed. A user of a session should call this method after he or she mutates a mutable object that is *a value of the session* (it should not be required after mutating the session itself). For example, if the user has stored a dictionary in the session under the key ``foo``, and he or she does ``session['foo'] = {}``, ``changed()`` needn't be called. However, if subsequently he or she does ``session['foo']['a'] = 1``, ``changed()`` must be called for the sessioning machinery to notice the mutation of the internal dictionary.""" def flash(msg, queue='', allow_duplicate=True): """ Push a flash message onto the end of the flash queue represented by ``queue``. An alternate flash message queue can used by passing an optional ``queue``, which must be a string. If ``allow_duplicate`` is false, if the ``msg`` already exists in the queue, it will not be readded.""" def pop_flash(queue=''): """ Pop a queue from the flash storage. The queue is removed from flash storage after this message is called. The queue is returned; it is a list of flash messages added by :meth:`pyramid.interfaces.ISesssion.flash`""" def peek_flash(queue=''): """ Peek at a queue in the flash storage. The queue remains in flash storage after this message is called. The queue is returned; it is a list of flash messages added by :meth:`pyramid.interfaces.ISesssion.flash` """ def new_csrf_token(): """ Create and set into the session a new, random cross-site request forgery protection token. Return the token. It will be a string.""" def get_csrf_token(): """ Return a random cross-site request forgery protection token. It will be a string. If a token was previously added to the session via ``new_csrf_token``, that token will be returned. If no CSRF token was previously set into the session, ``new_csrf_token`` will be called, which will create and set a token, and this token will be returned. """ # mapping methods def __getitem__(key): """Get a value for a key A ``KeyError`` is raised if there is no value for the key. """ def get(key, default=None): """Get a value for a key The default is returned if there is no value for the key. """ def __delitem__(key): """Delete a value from the mapping using the key. A ``KeyError`` is raised if there is no value for the key. """ def __setitem__(key, value): """Set a new item in the mapping.""" def keys(): """Return the keys of the mapping object. """ def values(): """Return the values of the mapping object. """ def items(): """Return the items of the mapping object. """ def iterkeys(): "iterate over keys; equivalent to __iter__" def itervalues(): "iterate over values" def iteritems(): "iterate over items" def clear(): "delete all items" def update(d): " Update D from E: for k in E.keys(): D[k] = E[k]" def setdefault(key, default=None): " D.setdefault(k[,d]) -> D.get(k,d), also set D[k]=d if k not in D " def pop(k, *args): """remove specified key and return the corresponding value ``*args`` may contain a single default value, or may not be supplied. If key is not found, default is returned if given, otherwise ``KeyError`` is raised""" def popitem(): """remove and return some (key, value) pair as a 2-tuple; but raise ``KeyError`` if mapping is empty""" def __len__(): """Return the number of items in the session. """ def __iter__(): """Return an iterator for the keys of the mapping object. """ def __contains__(key): """Return true if a key exists in the mapping."""
NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED = '__no_permission_required__'
[docs]class IRendererInfo(Interface): """ An object implementing this interface is passed to every :term:`renderer factory` constructor as its only argument (conventionally named ``info``)""" name = Attribute('The value passed by the user as the renderer name') package = Attribute('The "current package" when the renderer ' 'configuration statement was found') type = Attribute('The renderer type name') registry = Attribute('The "current" application registry when the ' 'renderer was created') settings = Attribute('The deployment settings dictionary related ' 'to the current application')