============ Basic Layout ============ The starter files generated by the ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` template are basic, but they provide a good orientation for the high-level patterns common to most :term:`url dispatch` -based :app:`Pyramid` projects. The source code for this tutorial stage can be browsed at `http://github.com/Pylons/pyramid/tree/1.0-branch/docs/tutorials/wiki2/src/basiclayout/ `_. App Startup with ``__init__.py`` -------------------------------- A directory on disk can be turned into a Python :term:`package` by containing an ``__init__.py`` file. Even if empty, this marks a directory as a Python package. We use ``__init__.py`` both as a package marker and to contain configuration code. The generated ``development.ini`` file is read by ``paster`` which looks for the application module in the ``use`` variable of the ``app:tutorial`` section. The *entry point* is defined in the Setuptools configuration of this module, specifically in the ``setup.py`` file. For this tutorial, the *entry point* is defined as ``tutorial:main`` and points to the following ``main`` function: .. literalinclude:: src/basiclayout/tutorial/__init__.py :linenos: :language: py #. *Lines 1-4*. Imports to support later code. #. *Line 9*. Create a SQLAlchemy database engine from the ``sqlalchemy.`` prefixed settings in the ``development.ini`` file's ``[app:tutorial]`` section. This will be a URI (something like ``sqlite://``). #. *Line 10*. We initialize our SQL database using SQLAlchemy, passing it the engine #. *Line 11*. We construct a :term:`Configurator`. ``settings`` is passed as a keyword argument with the dictionary values passed by PasteDeploy as the ``settings`` argument. This will be a dictionary of settings parsed by PasteDeploy, which contains deployment-related values such as ``reload_templates``, ``db_string``, etc. #. *Line 12*. We call :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view` with the arguments ``static`` (the name), and ``tutorial:static`` (the path). This registers a static resource view which will match any URL that starts with ``/static/``. This will serve up static resources for us from within the ``static`` directory of our ``tutorial`` package, in this case, via ``http://localhost:6543/static/`` and below. With this declaration, we're saying that any URL that starts with ``/static`` should go to the static view; any remainder of its path (e.g. the ``/foo`` in ``/static/foo``) will be used to compose a path to a static file resource, such as a CSS file. #. *Lines 13-14*. Register a :term:`route configuration` via the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` method that will be used when the URL is ``/``. Since this route has a ``pattern`` equalling ``/`` it is the "default" route. The argument named ``view`` with the value ``tutorial.views.my_view`` is the dotted name to a *function* we write (generated by the ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` template) that is given a ``request`` object and which returns a response or a dictionary. You will use :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route` statements in a :term:`URL dispatch` based application to map URLs to code. This route also names a ``view_renderer``, which is a template which lives in the ``templates`` subdirectory of the package. When the ``tutorial.views.my_view`` view returns a dictionary, a :term:`renderer` will use this template to create a response. #. *Line 15*. We use the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.make_wsgi_app` method to return a :term:`WSGI` application. Content Models with ``models.py`` --------------------------------- In a SQLAlchemy-based application, a *model* object is an object composed by querying the SQL database which backs an application. SQLAlchemy is an "object relational mapper" (an ORM). The ``models.py`` file is where the ``pyramid_routesalchemy`` Paster template put the classes that implement our models. Here is the source for ``models.py``: .. literalinclude:: src/basiclayout/tutorial/models.py :linenos: :language: py #. *Lines 1-13*. Imports to support later code. #. *Line 15*. We set up a SQLAlchemy "DBSession" object here. We specify that we'd like to use the "ZopeTransactionExtension". This extension is an extension which allows us to use a *transaction manager* instead of controlling commits and aborts to database operations by hand. #. *Line 16*. We create a declarative ``Base`` object to use as a base class for our model. #. *Lines 18-26*. A model class named ``MyModel``. It has an ``__init__`` that takes a two arguments (``name``, and ``value``). It stores these values as ``self.name`` and ``self.value`` within the ``__init__`` function itself. The ``MyModel`` class also has a ``__tablename__`` attribute. This informs SQLAlchemy which table to use to store the data representing instances of this class. #. *Lines 28-33*. A function named ``populate`` which adds a single model instance into our SQL storage and commits a transaction. #. *Lines 35-42*. A function named ``initialize_sql`` which receives a SQL database engine and binds it to our SQLAlchemy DBSession object. It also calls the ``populate`` function, to do initial database population.