Source code for pyramid.testing

import copy
import os

from zope.deprecation import deprecated

from zope.interface import (

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid.compat import (

from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPForbidden
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.registry import Registry

from import (

from pyramid.threadlocal import (

from pyramid.request import (

from pyramid.url import URLMethodsMixin

_marker = object()

def registerDummySecurityPolicy(userid=None, groupids=(), permissive=True):
    """ Registers a pair of faux :app:`Pyramid` security policies:
    a :term:`authentication policy` and a :term:`authorization

    The behavior of the registered :term:`authorization policy`
    depends on the ``permissive`` argument.  If ``permissive`` is
    true, a permissive :term:`authorization policy` is registered;
    this policy allows all access.  If ``permissive`` is false, a
    nonpermissive :term:`authorization policy` is registered; this
    policy denies all access.

    The behavior of the registered :term:`authentication policy`
    depends on the values provided for the ``userid`` and ``groupids``
    argument.  The authentication policy will return the userid
    identifier implied by the ``userid`` argument and the group ids
    implied by the ``groupids`` argument when the
    :func:`` or
    :func:`` APIs are used.

    This function is most useful when testing code that uses the APIs named
    :func:``, and

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=registry)
    result = config.testing_securitypolicy(userid=userid, groupids=groupids,
    return result

           'The testing.registerDummySecurityPolicy API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_securitypolicy '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerResources(resources):
    """ Registers a dictionary of :term:`resource` objects that can be
    resolved via the :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API.

    The :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API is called with a
    path as one of its arguments.  If the dictionary you register when
    calling this method contains that path as a string key
    (e.g. ``/foo/bar`` or ``foo/bar``), the corresponding value will
    be returned to ``find_resource`` (and thus to your code) when
    :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` is called with an
    equivalent path string or tuple.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.

    .. note:: For ancient backward compatibility purposes, this API can also
       be accessed as :func:`pyramid.testing.registerModels`.
    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=registry)
    result = config.testing_resources(resources)
    return result

           'The testing.registerResources API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_resources '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

registerModels = registerResources

           'The testing.registerModels API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_resources '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerEventListener(event_iface=None):
    """ Registers an :term:`event` listener (aka :term:`subscriber`)
    listening for events of the type ``event_iface``.  This method
    returns a list object which is appended to by the subscriber
    whenever an event is captured.

    When an event is dispatched that matches ``event_iface``, that
    event will be appended to the list.  You can then compare the
    values in the list to expected event notifications.  This method
    is useful when testing code that wants to call

    The default value of ``event_iface`` (``None``) implies a
    subscriber registered for *any* kind of event.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=registry)
    result = config.testing_add_subscriber(event_iface)
    return result

           'The testing.registerEventListener API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_subscriber '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerTemplateRenderer(path, renderer=None):
    """ Register a template renderer at ``path`` (usually a relative
    filename ala ``templates/``) and return the renderer object.
    If the ``renderer`` argument is None, a 'dummy' renderer will be
    used.  This function is useful when testing code that calls the
    :func:`pyramid.renderers.render` function or
    :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` function or any
    other ``render_*`` or ``get_*`` API of the
    :mod:`pyramid.renderers` module.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.

    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=registry)
    result = config.testing_add_template(path, renderer)
    return result

           'The testing.registerTemplateRenderer API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

# registerDummyRenderer is a deprecated alias that should never be removed
# (too much usage in the wild)
registerDummyRenderer = registerTemplateRenderer

           'The testing.registerDummyRenderer API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerView(name, result='', view=None, for_=(Interface, Interface),
    """ Registers a :app:`Pyramid` :term:`view callable` under the
    name implied by the ``name`` argument.  The view will return a
    :term:`WebOb` :term:`Response` object with the value implied by
    the ``result`` argument as its ``body`` attribute.  To gain more
    control, if you pass in a non-``None`` ``view`` argument, this
    value will be used as a view callable instead of an automatically
    generated view callable (and ``result`` is not used).

    To protect the view using a :term:`permission`, pass in a
    non-``None`` value as ``permission``.  This permission will be
    checked by any active :term:`authorization policy` when view
    execution is attempted.

    This function is useful when testing code which calls

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    for_ = (IViewClassifier, ) + for_
    if view is None:
        def view(context, request):
            return Response(result)
    if permission is None:
        return registerAdapter(view, for_, IView, name)
        def _secure(context, request):
            if not has_permission(permission, context, request):
                raise HTTPForbidden('no permission')
                return view(context, request)
        _secure.__call_permissive__ = view
        def permitted(context, request):
            return has_permission(permission, context, request)
        _secure.__permitted__ = permitted
        return registerAdapter(_secure, for_, ISecuredView, name)

           'The registerView API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerUtility(impl, iface=Interface, name=''):
    """ Register a ZCA utility component.

    The ``impl`` argument specifies the implementation of the utility.
    The ``iface`` argument specifies the :term:`interface` which will
    be later required to look up the utility
    (:class:`zope.interface.Interface`, by default).  The ``name``
    argument implies the utility name; it is the empty string by

    See `The ZCA book <>`_ for
    more information about ZCA utilities.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the :meth:`pyramid.Registry.registerUtility`
       method.  The ``registry`` attribute of a :term:`Configurator`
       in your unit and integration tests is an instance of the
       :class:`pyramid.Registry` class.
    reg = get_current_registry()
    reg.registerUtility(impl, iface, name=name)
    return impl

           'The registerUtility API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.registry.registerUtility method (via '
           'e.g. "config.registry.registerUtility(..)" '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerAdapter(impl, for_=Interface, provides=Interface, name=''):
    """ Register a ZCA adapter component.

    The ``impl`` argument specifies the implementation of the
    component (often a class).  The ``for_`` argument implies the
    ``for`` interface type used for this registration; it is
    :class:`zope.interface.Interface` by default.  If ``for`` is not a
    tuple or list, it will be converted to a one-tuple before being
    passed to underlying :meth:`pyramid.registry.registerAdapter`

    The ``provides`` argument specifies the ZCA 'provides' interface,
    :class:`zope.interface.Interface` by default.

    The ``name`` argument is the empty string by default; it implies
    the name under which the adapter is registered.

    See `The ZCA book <>`_ for
    more information about ZCA adapters.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the :meth:`pyramid.Registry.registerAdapter`
       method.  The ``registry`` attribute of a :term:`Configurator`
       in your unit and integration tests is an instance of the
       :class:`pyramid.Registry` class.
    reg = get_current_registry()
    if not isinstance(for_, (tuple, list)):
        for_ = (for_,)
    reg.registerAdapter(impl, for_, provides, name=name)
    return impl

           'The registerAdapter API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.registry.registerAdapter method (via '
           'e.g. "config.registry.registerAdapter(..)" '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerSubscriber(subscriber, iface=Interface):
    """ Register a ZCA subscriber component.

    The ``subscriber`` argument specifies the implementation of the
    subscriber component (often a function).

    The ``iface`` argument is the interface type for which the
    subscriber will be registered (:class:`zope.interface.Interface`
    by default). If ``iface`` is not a tuple or list, it will be
    converted to a one-tuple before being passed to the underlying ZCA
    :meth:`pyramid.registry.registerHandler` method.

    See `The ZCA book <>`_ for
    more information about ZCA subscribers.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry)
    result = config.add_subscriber(subscriber, iface=iface)
    return result

           'The testing.registerSubscriber API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.add_subscriber '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerRoute(pattern, name, factory=None):
    """ Register a new :term:`route` using a pattern
    (e.g. ``:pagename``), a name (e.g. ``home``), and an optional root

    The ``pattern`` argument implies the route pattern.  The ``name``
    argument implies the route name.  The ``factory`` argument implies
    a :term:`root factory` associated with the route.

    This API is useful for testing code that calls
    e.g. :func:`pyramid.url.route_url`.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    reg = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=reg)
    result = config.add_route(name, pattern, factory=factory)
    return result

           'The testing.registerRoute API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.add_route '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

def registerSettings(dictarg=None, **kw):
    """Register one or more 'setting' key/value pairs.  A setting is
    a single key/value pair in the dictionary-ish object returned from
    the API :attr:`pyramid.registry.Registry.settings`.

    You may pass a dictionary::


    Or a set of key/value pairs::


    Use of this function is required when you need to test code that calls
    the :attr:`pyramid.registry.Registry.settings` API and which uses return
    values from that API.

    .. warning:: This API is deprecated as of :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.
       Instead use the
       method in your unit and integration tests.
    registry = get_current_registry()
    config = Configurator(registry=registry)
    config.add_settings(dictarg, **kw)

           'The testing.registerSettings API is deprecated as of '
           'Pyramid 1.0. Instead use the '
           'pyramid.config.Configurator.add_settings '
           'method in your unit and integration tests.')

class DummyRootFactory(object):
    __parent__ = None
    __name__ = None
    def __init__(self, request):
        if 'bfg.routes.matchdict' in request:

class DummySecurityPolicy(object):
    """ A standin for both an IAuthentication and IAuthorization policy """
    def __init__(self, userid=None, groupids=(), permissive=True):
        self.userid = userid
        self.groupids = groupids
        self.permissive = permissive

    def authenticated_userid(self, request):
        return self.userid

    def unauthenticated_userid(self, request):
        return self.userid

    def effective_principals(self, request):
        effective_principals = [Everyone]
        if self.userid:
        return effective_principals

    def remember(self, request, principal, **kw):
        return []

    def forget(self, request):
        return []

    def permits(self, context, principals, permission):
        return self.permissive

    def principals_allowed_by_permission(self, context, permission):
        return self.effective_principals(None)

[docs]class DummyTemplateRenderer(object): """ An instance of this class is returned from :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer`. It has a helper function (``assert_``) that makes it possible to make an assertion which compares data passed to the renderer by the view function against expected key/value pairs. """ def __init__(self, string_response=''): self._received = {} self._string_response = string_response self._implementation = MockTemplate(string_response) # For in-the-wild test code that doesn't create its own renderer, # but mutates our internals instead. When all you read is the # source code, *everything* is an API! def _get_string_response(self): return self._string_response def _set_string_response(self, response): self._string_response = response self._implementation.response = response string_response = property(_get_string_response, _set_string_response) def implementation(self): return self._implementation def __call__(self, kw, system=None): if system: self._received.update(system) self._received.update(kw) return self.string_response def __getattr__(self, k): """ Backwards compatibility """ val = self._received.get(k, _marker) if val is _marker: val = self._implementation._received.get(k, _marker) if val is _marker: raise AttributeError(k) return val
[docs] def assert_(self, **kw): """ Accept an arbitrary set of assertion key/value pairs. For each assertion key/value pair assert that the renderer (eg. :func:`pyramid.renderer.render_to_response`) received the key with a value that equals the asserted value. If the renderer did not receive the key at all, or the value received by the renderer doesn't match the assertion value, raise an :exc:`AssertionError`.""" for k, v in kw.items(): myval = self._received.get(k, _marker) if myval is _marker: myval = self._implementation._received.get(k, _marker) if myval is _marker: raise AssertionError( 'A value for key "%s" was not passed to the renderer' % k) if myval != v: raise AssertionError( '\nasserted value for %s: %r\nactual value: %r' % ( k, v, myval)) return True
[docs]class DummyResource: """ A dummy :app:`Pyramid` :term:`resource` object.""" def __init__(self, __name__=None, __parent__=None, __provides__=None, **kw): """ The resource's ``__name__`` attribute will be set to the value of the ``__name__`` argument, and the resource's ``__parent__`` attribute will be set to the value of the ``__parent__`` argument. If ``__provides__`` is specified, it should be an interface object or tuple of interface objects that will be attached to the resulting resource via :func:`zope.interface.alsoProvides`. Any extra keywords passed in the ``kw`` argumnent will be set as direct attributes of the resource object. .. note:: For backwards compatibility purposes, this class can also be imported as :class:`pyramid.testing.DummyModel`. """ self.__name__ = __name__ self.__parent__ = __parent__ if __provides__ is not None: alsoProvides(self, __provides__) = kw self.__dict__.update(**kw) self.subs = {} def __setitem__(self, name, val): """ When the ``__setitem__`` method is called, the object passed in as ``val`` will be decorated with a ``__parent__`` attribute pointing at the dummy resource and a ``__name__`` attribute that is the value of ``name``. The value will then be returned when dummy resource's ``__getitem__`` is called with the name ``name```.""" val.__name__ = name val.__parent__ = self self.subs[name] = val def __getitem__(self, name): """ Return a named subobject (see ``__setitem__``)""" ob = self.subs[name] return ob def __delitem__(self, name): del self.subs[name] def get(self, name, default=None): return self.subs.get(name, default)
[docs] def values(self): """ Return the values set by __setitem__ """ return self.subs.values()
[docs] def items(self): """ Return the items set by __setitem__ """ return self.subs.items()
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return the keys set by __setitem__ """ return self.subs.keys()
__iter__ = keys def __nonzero__(self): return True def __len__(self): return len(self.subs) def __contains__(self, name): return name in self.subs
[docs] def clone(self, __name__=_marker, __parent__=_marker, **kw): """ Create a clone of the resource object. If ``__name__`` or ``__parent__`` arguments are passed, use these values to override the existing ``__name__`` or ``__parent__`` of the resource. If any extra keyword args are passed in via the ``kw`` argument, use these keywords to add to or override existing resource keywords (attributes).""" oldkw = oldkw.update(kw) inst = self.__class__(self.__name__, self.__parent__, **oldkw) inst.subs = copy.deepcopy(self.subs) if __name__ is not _marker: inst.__name__ = __name__ if __parent__ is not _marker: inst.__parent__ = __parent__ return inst
DummyModel = DummyResource # b/w compat (forever) @implementer(ISession) class DummySession(dict): created = None new = True def changed(self): pass def invalidate(self): self.clear() def flash(self, msg, queue='', allow_duplicate=True): storage = self.setdefault('_f_' + queue, []) if allow_duplicate or (msg not in storage): storage.append(msg) def pop_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.pop('_f_' + queue, []) return storage def peek_flash(self, queue=''): storage = self.get('_f_' + queue, []) return storage def new_csrf_token(self): token = '0123456789012345678901234567890123456789' self['_csrft_'] = token return token def get_csrf_token(self): token = self.get('_csrft_', None) if token is None: token = self.new_csrf_token() return token @implementer(IRequest)
[docs]class DummyRequest(DeprecatedRequestMethodsMixin, URLMethodsMixin, CallbackMethodsMixin): """ A DummyRequest object (incompletely) imitates a :term:`request` object. The ``params``, ``environ``, ``headers``, ``path``, and ``cookies`` arguments correspond to their :term:`WebOb` equivalents. The ``post`` argument, if passed, populates the request's ``POST`` attribute, but *not* ``params``, in order to allow testing that the app accepts data for a given view only from POST requests. This argument also sets ``self.method`` to "POST". Extra keyword arguments are assigned as attributes of the request itself. Note that DummyRequest does not have complete fidelity with a "real" request. For example, by default, the DummyRequest ``GET`` and ``POST`` attributes are of type ``dict``, unlike a normal Request's GET and POST, which are of type ``MultiDict``. If your code uses the features of MultiDict, you should either use a"real" :class:`pyramid.request.Request` or adapt your DummyRequest by replacing the attributes with ``MultiDict`` instances. Other similar incompatibilities exist. If you need all the features of a Request, use the :class:`pyramid.request.Request` class itself rather than this class while writing tests. """ method = 'GET' application_url = '' host = '' content_length = 0 query_string = '' charset = 'UTF-8' script_name = '' _registry = None def __init__(self, params=None, environ=None, headers=None, path='/', cookies=None, post=None, **kw): if environ is None: environ = {} if params is None: params = {} if headers is None: headers = {} if cookies is None: cookies = {} self.environ = environ self.headers = headers self.params = params self.cookies = cookies self.matchdict = {} self.GET = params if post is not None: self.method = 'POST' self.POST = post else: self.POST = params self.host_url = self.application_url self.path_url = self.application_url self.url = self.application_url self.path = path self.path_info = path self.script_name = '' self.path_qs = '' self.body = '' self.view_name = '' self.subpath = () self.traversed = () self.virtual_root_path = () self.context = None self.root = None self.virtual_root = None self.marshalled = params # repoze.monty self.session = DummySession() self.__dict__.update(kw) def _get_registry(self): if self._registry is None: return get_current_registry() return self._registry def _set_registry(self, registry): self._registry = registry def _del_registry(self): self._registry = None registry = property(_get_registry, _set_registry, _del_registry) @reify def response(self): f = self.registry.queryUtility(IResponseFactory, default=Response) return f()
have_zca = True
[docs]def setUp(registry=None, request=None, hook_zca=True, autocommit=True, settings=None): """ Set :app:`Pyramid` registry and request thread locals for the duration of a single unit test. Use this function in the ``setUp`` method of a unittest test case which directly or indirectly uses: - any method of the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` object returned by this function. - the :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` or :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` functions. If you use the ``get_current_*`` functions (or call :app:`Pyramid` code that uses these functions) without calling ``setUp``, :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` will return a *global* :term:`application registry`, which may cause unit tests to not be isolated with respect to registrations they perform. If the ``registry`` argument is ``None``, a new empty :term:`application registry` will be created (an instance of the :class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` class). If the ``registry`` argument is not ``None``, the value passed in should be an instance of the :class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` class or a suitable testing analogue. After ``setUp`` is finished, the registry returned by the :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` function will be the passed (or constructed) registry until :func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` is called (or :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` is called again) . If the ``hook_zca`` argument is ``True``, ``setUp`` will attempt to perform the operation ``zope.component.getSiteManager.sethook( pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry)``, which will cause the :term:`Zope Component Architecture` global API (e.g. :func:`zope.component.getSiteManager`, :func:`zope.component.getAdapter`, and so on) to use the registry constructed by ``setUp`` as the value it returns from :func:`zope.component.getSiteManager`. If the :mod:`zope.component` package cannot be imported, or if ``hook_zca`` is ``False``, the hook will not be set. If ``settings`` is not None, it must be a dictionary representing the values passed to a Configurator as its ``settings=`` argument. This function returns an instance of the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` class, which can be used for further configuration to set up an environment suitable for a unit or integration test. The ``registry`` attribute attached to the Configurator instance represents the 'current' :term:`application registry`; the same registry will be returned by :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` during the execution of the test. """ manager.clear() if registry is None: registry = Registry('testing') config = Configurator(registry=registry, autocommit=autocommit) if settings is None: settings = {} if getattr(registry, 'settings', None) is None: config._set_settings(settings) if hasattr(registry, 'registerUtility'): # Sometimes nose calls us with a non-registry object because # it thinks this function is module test setup. Likewise, # someone may be passing us an esoteric "dummy" registry, and # the below won't succeed if it doesn't have a registerUtility # method. from pyramid.config import DEFAULT_RENDERERS for name, renderer in DEFAULT_RENDERERS: # Cause the default renderers to be registered because # in-the-wild test code relies on being able to call # e.g. ``pyramid.chameleon_zpt.render_template`` # without registering a .pt renderer, expecting the "real" # template to be rendered. This is a holdover from when # individual template system renderers weren't indirected # by the ``pyramid.renderers`` machinery, and # ``render_template`` and friends went behind the back of # any existing renderer factory lookup system. config.add_renderer(name, renderer) config.commit() global have_zca try: have_zca and hook_zca and config.hook_zca() except ImportError: # pragma: no cover # (dont choke on not being able to import z.component) have_zca = False config.begin(request=request) return config
[docs]def tearDown(unhook_zca=True): """Undo the effects :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp`. Use this function in the ``tearDown`` method of a unit test that uses :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` in its ``setUp`` method. If the ``unhook_zca`` argument is ``True`` (the default), call :func:`zope.component.getSiteManager.reset`. This undoes the action of :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` called with the argument ``hook_zca=True``. If :mod:`zope.component` cannot be imported, ignore the argument. """ global have_zca if unhook_zca and have_zca: try: from zope.component import getSiteManager getSiteManager.reset() except ImportError: # pragma: no cover have_zca = False info = manager.pop() manager.clear() if info is not None: registry = info['registry'] if hasattr(registry, '__init__') and hasattr(registry, '__name__'): try: registry.__init__(registry.__name__) except TypeError: # calling __init__ is largely for the benefit of # people who want to use the global ZCA registry; # however maybe somebody's using a registry we don't # understand, let's not blow up pass
[docs]def cleanUp(*arg, **kw): """ :func:`pyramid.testing.cleanUp` is an alias for :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp`. """ return setUp(*arg, **kw)
class DummyRendererFactory(object): """ Registered by :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer` as a dummy renderer factory. The indecision about what to use as a key (a spec vs. a relative name) is caused by test suites in the wild believing they can register either. The ``factory`` argument passed to this constructor is usually the *real* template renderer factory, found when ``testing_add_renderer`` is called.""" def __init__(self, name, factory): = name self.factory = factory # the "real" renderer factory reg'd previously self.renderers = {} def add(self, spec, renderer): self.renderers[spec] = renderer if ':' in spec: package, relative = spec.split(':', 1) self.renderers[relative] = renderer def __call__(self, info): spec = renderer = self.renderers.get(spec) if renderer is None: if ':' in spec: package, relative = spec.split(':', 1) renderer = self.renderers.get(relative) if renderer is None: if self.factory: renderer = self.factory(info) else: raise KeyError('No testing renderer registered for %r' % spec) return renderer class MockTemplate(object): def __init__(self, response): self._received = {} self.response = response def __getattr__(self, attrname): return self def __getitem__(self, attrname): return self def __call__(self, *arg, **kw): self._received.update(kw) return self.response def skip_on(*platforms): # pragma: no cover skip = False for platform in platforms: if skip_on.os_name.startswith(platform): skip = True if platform == 'pypy' and PYPY: skip = True if platform == 'py3' and PY3: skip = True def decorator(func): if isinstance(func, class_types): if skip: return None else: return func else: def wrapper(*args, **kw): if skip: return return func(*args, **kw) wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__ wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__ return wrapper return decorator skip_on.os_name = # for testing