Source code for pyramid.config.testing

from zope.interface import Interface

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid.renderers import RendererHelper

from pyramid.traversal import (

from pyramid.util import action_method

class TestingConfiguratorMixin(object):
    # testing API
    def testing_securitypolicy(self, userid=None, groupids=(),
                               permissive=True, remember_result=None,
        """Unit/integration testing helper: Registers a pair of faux
        :app:`Pyramid` security policies: a :term:`authentication
        policy` and a :term:`authorization policy`.

        The behavior of the registered :term:`authorization policy`
        depends on the ``permissive`` argument.  If ``permissive`` is
        true, a permissive :term:`authorization policy` is registered;
        this policy allows all access.  If ``permissive`` is false, a
        nonpermissive :term:`authorization policy` is registered; this
        policy denies all access.

        ``remember_result``, if provided, should be the result returned by
        the ``remember`` method of the faux authentication policy.  If it is
        not provided (or it is provided, and is ``None``), the default value
        ``[]`` (the empty list) will be returned by ``remember``.

        ``forget_result``, if provided, should be the result returned by
        the ``forget`` method of the faux authentication policy.  If it is
        not provided (or it is provided, and is ``None``), the default value
        ``[]`` (the empty list) will be returned by ``forget``.

        The behavior of the registered :term:`authentication policy`
        depends on the values provided for the ``userid`` and
        ``groupids`` argument.  The authentication policy will return
        the userid identifier implied by the ``userid`` argument and
        the group ids implied by the ``groupids`` argument when the
        :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.authenticated_userid` or
        :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.effective_principals` APIs are

        This function is most useful when testing code that uses
        the APIs named :meth:`pyramid.request.Request.has_permission`,
        :attr:`pyramid.request.Request.effective_principals`, and

        .. versionadded:: 1.4
           The ``remember_result`` argument.

        .. versionadded:: 1.4
           The ``forget_result`` argument.
        from pyramid.testing import DummySecurityPolicy
        policy = DummySecurityPolicy(
            userid, groupids, permissive, remember_result, forget_result
        self.registry.registerUtility(policy, IAuthorizationPolicy)
        self.registry.registerUtility(policy, IAuthenticationPolicy)
        return policy

    def testing_resources(self, resources):
        """Unit/integration testing helper: registers a dictionary of
        :term:`resource` objects that can be resolved via the
        :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API.

        The :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` API is called with
        a path as one of its arguments.  If the dictionary you
        register when calling this method contains that path as a
        string key (e.g. ``/foo/bar`` or ``foo/bar``), the
        corresponding value will be returned to ``find_resource`` (and
        thus to your code) when
        :func:`pyramid.traversal.find_resource` is called with an
        equivalent path string or tuple.
        class DummyTraverserFactory:
            def __init__(self, context):
                self.context = context

            def __call__(self, request):
                path = decode_path_info(request.environ['PATH_INFO'])
                ob = resources[path]
                traversed = split_path_info(path)
                return {'context':ob, 'view_name':'','subpath':(),
                        'traversed':traversed, 'virtual_root':ob,
                        'virtual_root_path':(), 'root':ob}
        self.registry.registerAdapter(DummyTraverserFactory, (Interface,),
        return resources

    testing_models = testing_resources # b/w compat

    def testing_add_subscriber(self, event_iface=None):
        """Unit/integration testing helper: Registers a
        :term:`subscriber` which listens for events of the type
        ``event_iface``.  This method returns a list object which is
        appended to by the subscriber whenever an event is captured.

        When an event is dispatched that matches the value implied by
        the ``event_iface`` argument, that event will be appended to
        the list.  You can then compare the values in the list to
        expected event notifications.  This method is useful when
        testing code that wants to call
        or :func:`zope.component.event.dispatch`.

        The default value of ``event_iface`` (``None``) implies a
        subscriber registered for *any* kind of event.
        event_iface = self.maybe_dotted(event_iface)
        L = []
        def subscriber(*event):
        self.add_subscriber(subscriber, event_iface)
        return L

    def testing_add_renderer(self, path, renderer=None):
        """Unit/integration testing helper: register a renderer at
        ``path`` (usually a relative filename ala ``templates/``
        or an asset specification) and return the renderer object.
        If the ``renderer`` argument is None, a 'dummy' renderer will
        be used.  This function is useful when testing code that calls
        the :func:`pyramid.renderers.render` function or
        :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` function or
        any other ``render_*`` or ``get_*`` API of the
        :mod:`pyramid.renderers` module.

        Note that calling this method for with a ``path`` argument
        representing a renderer factory type (e.g. for ````
        usually implies the ``chameleon_zpt`` renderer factory)
        clobbers any existing renderer factory registered for that

        .. note:: This method is also available under the alias
           ``testing_add_template`` (an older name for it).

        from pyramid.testing import DummyRendererFactory
        helper = RendererHelper(name=path, registry=self.registry)
        factory = self.registry.queryUtility(IRendererFactory, name=helper.type)
        if not isinstance(factory, DummyRendererFactory):
            factory = DummyRendererFactory(helper.type, factory)
            self.registry.registerUtility(factory, IRendererFactory,

        from pyramid.testing import DummyTemplateRenderer
        if renderer is None:
            renderer = DummyTemplateRenderer()
        factory.add(path, renderer)
        return renderer

    testing_add_template = testing_add_renderer