Source code for pyramid.paster

import os

from paste.deploy import (

from pyramid.compat import configparser
from logging.config import fileConfig
from pyramid.scripting import prepare

[docs]def get_app(config_uri, name=None, options=None, loadapp=loadapp): """ Return the WSGI application named ``name`` in the PasteDeploy config file specified by ``config_uri``. ``options``, if passed, should be a dictionary used as variable assignments like ``{'http_port': 8080}``. This is useful if e.g. ``%(http_port)s`` is used in the config file. If the ``name`` is None, this will attempt to parse the name from the ``config_uri`` string expecting the format ``inifile#name``. If no name is found, the name will default to "main".""" path, section = _getpathsec(config_uri, name) config_name = 'config:%s' % path here_dir = os.getcwd() app = loadapp( config_name, name=section, relative_to=here_dir, global_conf=options) return app
[docs]def get_appsettings(config_uri, name=None, options=None, appconfig=appconfig): """ Return a dictionary representing the key/value pairs in an ``app`` section within the file represented by ``config_uri``. ``options``, if passed, should be a dictionary used as variable assignments like ``{'http_port': 8080}``. This is useful if e.g. ``%(http_port)s`` is used in the config file. If the ``name`` is None, this will attempt to parse the name from the ``config_uri`` string expecting the format ``inifile#name``. If no name is found, the name will default to "main".""" path, section = _getpathsec(config_uri, name) config_name = 'config:%s' % path here_dir = os.getcwd() return appconfig( config_name, name=section, relative_to=here_dir, global_conf=options)
[docs]def setup_logging(config_uri, fileConfig=fileConfig, configparser=configparser): """ Set up logging via the logging module's fileConfig function with the filename specified via ``config_uri`` (a string in the form ``filename#sectionname``). ConfigParser defaults are specified for the special ``__file__`` and ``here`` variables, similar to PasteDeploy config loading. """ path, _ = _getpathsec(config_uri, None) parser = configparser.ConfigParser()[path]) if parser.has_section('loggers'): config_file = os.path.abspath(path) return fileConfig( config_file, dict(__file__=config_file, here=os.path.dirname(config_file)) )
def _getpathsec(config_uri, name): if '#' in config_uri: path, section = config_uri.split('#', 1) else: path, section = config_uri, 'main' if name: section = name return path, section
[docs]def bootstrap(config_uri, request=None, options=None): """ Load a WSGI application from the PasteDeploy config file specified by ``config_uri``. The environment will be configured as if it is currently serving ``request``, leaving a natural environment in place to write scripts that can generate URLs and utilize renderers. This function returns a dictionary with ``app``, ``root``, ``closer``, ``request``, and ``registry`` keys. ``app`` is the WSGI app loaded (based on the ``config_uri``), ``root`` is the traversal root resource of the Pyramid application, and ``closer`` is a parameterless callback that may be called when your script is complete (it pops a threadlocal stack). .. note:: Most operations within :app:`Pyramid` expect to be invoked within the context of a WSGI request, thus it's important when loading your application to anchor it when executing scripts and other code that is not normally invoked during active WSGI requests. .. note:: For a complex config file containing multiple :app:`Pyramid` applications, this function will setup the environment under the context of the last-loaded :app:`Pyramid` application. You may load a specific application yourself by using the lower-level functions :meth:`pyramid.paster.get_app` and :meth:`pyramid.scripting.prepare` in conjunction with :attr:`pyramid.config.global_registries`. ``config_uri`` -- specifies the PasteDeploy config file to use for the interactive shell. The format is ``inifile#name``. If the name is left off, ``main`` will be assumed. ``request`` -- specified to anchor the script to a given set of WSGI parameters. For example, most people would want to specify the host, scheme and port such that their script will generate URLs in relation to those parameters. A request with default parameters is constructed for you if none is provided. You can mutate the request's ``environ`` later to setup a specific host/port/scheme/etc. ``options`` Is passed to get_app for use as variable assignments like {'http_port': 8080} and then use %(http_port)s in the config file. See :ref:`writing_a_script` for more information about how to use this function. """ app = get_app(config_uri, options=options) env = prepare(request) env['app'] = app return env