
render_view_to_response(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and return a response object. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request).

If secure` is True, and the view callable found is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before calling the view function. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authorization policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised. The exception's args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.

render_view_to_iterable(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and return an iterable object which represents the body of a response. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request). Additionally, this function will raise a ValueError if a view function is found and called but the view function's result does not have an app_iter attribute.

You can usually get the bytestring representation of the return value of this function by calling b''.join(iterable), or just use pyramid.view.render_view() instead.

If secure is True, and the view is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before the view function is invoked. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authentication policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised; its args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.

render_view(context, request, name='', secure=True)[source]

Call the view callable configured with a view configuration that matches the view name name registered against the specified context and request and unwind the view response's app_iter (see View Callable Responses) into a single bytestring. This function will return None if a corresponding view callable cannot be found (when no view configuration matches the combination of name / context / and request). Additionally, this function will raise a ValueError if a view function is found and called but the view function's result does not have an app_iter attribute. This function will return None if a corresponding view cannot be found.

If secure is True, and the view is protected by a permission, the permission will be checked before the view is invoked. If the permission check disallows view execution (based on the current authorization policy), a pyramid.httpexceptions.HTTPForbidden exception will be raised; its args attribute explains why the view access was disallowed.

If secure is False, no permission checking is done.

class view_config(**settings)[source]

A function, class or method decorator which allows a developer to create view registrations nearer to a view callable definition than use imperative configuration to do the same.

For example, this code in a module

from resources import MyResource

@view_config(name='my_view', context=MyResource, permission='read',
def my_view(context, request):
    return 'OK'

Might replace the following call to the pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view() method:

import views
from resources import MyResource
config.add_view(views.my_view, context=MyResource, name='my_view',
                permission='read', route_name='site1')

pyramid.view.view_config supports the following keyword arguments: context, permission, name, request_type, route_name, request_method, request_param, containment, xhr, accept, header, path_info, custom_predicates, decorator, mapper, http_cache, require_csrf, match_param, check_csrf, physical_path, and view_options.

The meanings of these arguments are the same as the arguments passed to pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view(). If any argument is left out, its default will be the equivalent add_view default.

An additional keyword argument named _depth is provided for people who wish to reuse this class from another decorator. The default value is 0 and should be specified relative to the view_config invocation. It will be passed in to the venusian attach function as the depth of the callstack when Venusian checks if the decorator is being used in a class or module context. It's not often used, but it can be useful in this circumstance. See the attach function in Venusian for more information.


view_config will work ONLY on module top level members because of the limitation of venusian.Scanner.scan.

class view_defaults(**settings)[source]

A class decorator which, when applied to a class, will provide defaults for all view configurations that use the class. This decorator accepts all the arguments accepted by pyramid.view.view_config(), and each has the same meaning.

See @view_defaults Class Decorator for more information.

class notfound_view_config(**settings)[source]

New in version 1.3.

An analogue of pyramid.view.view_config which registers a Not Found View.

The notfound_view_config constructor accepts most of the same arguments as the constructor of pyramid.view.view_config. It can be used in the same places, and behaves in largely the same way, except it always registers a not found exception view instead of a 'normal' view.


from pyramid.view import notfound_view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def notfound(request):
    return Response('Not found!', status='404 Not Found')

All arguments except append_slash have the same meaning as pyramid.view.view_config() and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this notfound view will be invoked.

If append_slash is True, when the Not Found View is invoked, and the current path info does not end in a slash, the notfound logic will attempt to find a route that matches the request's path info suffixed with a slash. If such a route exists, Pyramid will issue a redirect to the URL implied by the route; if it does not, Pyramid will return the result of the view callable provided as view, as normal.

If the argument provided as append_slash is not a boolean but instead implements IResponse, the append_slash logic will behave as if append_slash=True was passed, but the provided class will be used as the response class instead of the default HTTPFound response class when a redirect is performed. For example:

from pyramid.httpexceptions import (

def aview(request):
    return HTTPNotFound('not found')

The above means that a redirect to a slash-appended route will be attempted, but instead of HTTPFound being used, HTTPMovedPermanently will be used for the redirect response if a slash-appended route is found.

Changed in version 1.6.

See Changing the Not Found View for detailed usage information.

class forbidden_view_config(**settings)[source]

New in version 1.3.

An analogue of pyramid.view.view_config which registers a forbidden view.

The forbidden_view_config constructor accepts most of the same arguments as the constructor of pyramid.view.view_config. It can be used in the same places, and behaves in largely the same way, except it always registers a forbidden exception view instead of a 'normal' view.


from pyramid.view import forbidden_view_config
from pyramid.response import Response

def forbidden(request):
    return Response('You are not allowed', status='403 Forbidden')

All arguments passed to this function have the same meaning as pyramid.view.view_config() and each predicate argument restricts the set of circumstances under which this notfound view will be invoked.

See Changing the Forbidden View for detailed usage information.