zodburi ======= Overview -------- A library which parses URIs and converts them to ZODB storage objects and database arguments. It will run under CPython 3.7+ and pypy3. It will not run under Jython. It requires ZODB >= 5.0.0. Installation ------------ Install using pip, e.g. (within a virtualenv):: $ pip install zodburi Using ----- ``zodburi`` has exactly one api: :func:`zodburi.resolve_uri`. This API obtains a ZODB storage factory and a set of keyword arguments suitable for passing to the ``ZODB.DB.DB`` constructor. For example: .. code-block:: python :linenos: from zodburi import resolve_uri storage_factory, dbkw = resolve_uri( 'zeo://localhost:9001?connection_cache_size=20000') # factory will be an instance of ClientStorageURIResolver # dbkw will be {'connection_cache_size':20000, 'pool_size':7, # 'database_name':'unnamed'} from ZODB.DB import DB storage = storage_factory() db = DB(storage, **dbkw) URI Schemes ----------- The URI schemes currently recognized in the ``zodbconn.uri`` setting are ``file://``, ``zeo://``, ``zconfig://``, ``memory://`` and ``demo:``. Documentation for these URI scheme syntaxes are below. In addition to those schemes, the relstorage_ package adds support for ``postgres://``. .. _relstorage : https://pypi.org/project/RelStorage/ ``file://`` URI scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``file://`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create a ZODB FileStorage database factory. The path info section of this scheme should point at a filesystem file path that should contain the filestorage data. For example:: file:///my/absolute/path/to/Data.fs The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows. FileStorage constructor related +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These arguments generally inform the FileStorage constructor about values of the same names. create boolean read_only boolean quota bytesize Database-related ++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to the database (as opposed to storage) settings. database_name string Connection-related ++++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to connections created from the database. connection_cache_size integer (default 10000) target size, in number of objects, of each connection's object cache connection_cache_size_bytes integer (default 0) target estimated size, in bytes, of each connection's object cache 0 means no limit. A suffix of KB, MB, or GB may be used to provide units. connection_historical_cache_size integer (default 1000) target size, in number of objects, of each historical connection's object cache connection_historical_cache_size_bytes integer (default 0) target estimated size, in bytes, of each historical connection's object cache 0 means no limit. A suffix of KB, MB, or GB may be used to provide units. connection_historical_pool_size integer (default 3) expected maximum total number of historical connections simultaneously open connection_historical_timeout integer (default 300) maximum age of inactive historical connections When a historical connection has remained unused in a historical connection pool for more than connection_historical_timeout seconds, it will be discarded and its resources released. connection_large_record_size integer (default 16MB) record size limit before suggesting using blobs When object records are saved that are larger than this, a warning is issued, suggesting that blobs should be used instead. A suffix of KB, MB, or GB may be used to provide units. connection_pool_size integer (default 7) expected maximum number of simultaneously open connections There is no hard limit (as many connections as are requested will be opened, until system resources are exhausted). Exceeding pool-size connections causes a warning message to be logged, and exceeding twice pool-size connections causes a critical message to be logged. connection_pool_timeout integer (default unlimited) maximum age of inactive (non-historical) connections When a connection has remained unused in a connection pool for more than connection_pool_timeout seconds, it will be discarded and its resources released. Blob-related ++++++++++++ If these arguments exist, they control the blob settings for this storage. blobstorage_dir string blobstorage_layout string Misc ++++ demostorage boolean (if true, wrap FileStorage in a DemoStorage) Example +++++++ An example that combines a path with a query string:: file:///my/Data.fs?connection_cache_size=100&blobstorage_dir=/foo/bar ``zeo://`` URI scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``zeo://`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create a ZODB ClientStorage database factory. Either the host and port parts of this scheme should point at a hostname/portnumber combination e.g.:: zeo://localhost:7899 Or the path part should point at a UNIX socket name:: zeo:///path/to/zeo.sock The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows. ClientStorage-constructor related +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ These arguments generally inform the ClientStorage constructor about values of the same names. storage string cache_size bytesize name string client string debug boolean var string min_disconnect_poll integer max_disconnect_poll integer wait_for_server_on_startup (deprecated alias for wait) boolean wait boolean wait_timeout integer read_only boolean read_only_fallback boolean drop_cache_rather_verify boolean username string password string realm string blob_dir string shared_blob_dir boolean blob_cache_size bytesize blob_cache_size_check integer client_label string Misc ++++ demostorage boolean (if true, wrap ClientStorage in a DemoStorage) Connection-related ++++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to connections created from the database. connection_cache_size integer (default 10000) connection_pool_size integer (default 7) Database-related ++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to the database (as opposed to storage) settings. database_name string Example +++++++ An example that combines a path with a query string:: zeo://localhost:9001?connection_cache_size=20000 ``zconfig://`` URI scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``zconfig://`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create any kind of storage that ZODB can load via ZConfig. The path info section of this scheme should point at a ZConfig file on the filesystem. Use an optional fragment identifier to specify which database to open. This URI scheme does not use query string parameters. Examples ++++++++ An example ZConfig file:: If that configuration file is located at /etc/myapp/zodb.conf, use the following URI to open the database:: zconfig:///etc/myapp/zodb.conf A ZConfig file can specify more than one database. For example:: In that case, use a URI with a fragment identifier:: zconfig:///etc/myapp/zodb.conf#temp1 ``memory://`` URI scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``memory://`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create a ZODB MappingStorage (memory-based) database factory. The path info section of this scheme should be a storage name. For example:: memory://storagename However, the storage name is usually omitted, and the most common form is:: memory:// The URI scheme also accepts query string arguments. The query string arguments honored by this scheme are as follows. Database-related ++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to the database (as opposed to storage) settings. database_name string Connection-related ++++++++++++++++++ These arguments relate to connections created from the database. connection_cache_size integer (default 10000) connection_pool_size integer (default 7) Example +++++++ An example that combines a dbname with a query string:: memory://storagename?connection_cache_size=100&database_name=fleeb ``demo:`` URI scheme ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The ``demo:`` URI scheme can be passed as ``zodbconn.uri`` to create a DemoStorage database factory. DemoStorage provides an overlay combining base and δ ("delta", or in other words, "changes") storages. The URI scheme contains two parts, base and δ:: demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri) an optional fragment specifies arguments for ``ZODB.DB.DB`` constructor:: demo:(base_uri)/(δ_uri)#dbkw Example +++++++ An example that combines ZEO with local FileStorage for changes:: demo:(zeo://localhost:9001?storage=abc)/(file:///path/to/Changes.fs) More Information ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api.rst Reporting Bugs / Development Versions ------------------------------------- Visit https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi to download development or tagged versions. Visit https://github.com/Pylons/zodburi/issues to report bugs. .. include:: ../CHANGES.rst Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`