
A raw application data structure (complex Python objects).
chameleon is an attribute language template compiler which supports the ZPT (Zope Page Templates) templating specification. It is written and maintained by Malthe Borch.
A schema package used by Deform to provide serialization and validation facilities.
Data serialized by Colander to a representation suitable for consumption by the serialize method of a deform widget, usually while a form is being rendered.
default renderer
The template renderer used when no other renderer is specified. It uses the Chameleon templating engine.
An object in the graph generated by deform that has access to a schema node object and a widget object. The scope of a field object is generally limited to the scope of a single HTTP request, so field objects are often used to maintain state information during the request.
form controls
A sequence of browser renderings of user interface elements. These are also known as “fields” as per the the RFC 2388 definition of “field”, however Deform uses the term field for another concept, so we call them controls within the Deform documentation.
The GNU gettext library, used by the deform translation machinery.
jQuery is a JavaScript library for making client side changes to HTML.
JQuery UI
A library used by Deform for various widget theming, effects and functionality: See
A jQuery plugin library that allows for autocompleting a value in a text input, making it easier to find and select a value from a possibly large list. The data may be local or remote. See also for more details.
A JQuery plugin library that allows for input masks in text inputs. For example, a mask for a US telephone number might be (999)-999-9999. See also Deform supports input masks in its default deform.widget.TextInputWidget widget.
A JQuery UI sublibrary for autocompletion of text fields. See
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. See also
A package used by Deform for strutured form submission value deserialization.
Data deserialized by Peppercorn from one or more form controls to a representation suitable for consumption by the deserialize method of a deform widget, usually while a form is being submitted.
A callable with the signature (template_name, **kw) which is capable of rendering a template for use in a deform widget.
A function which accepts a logical template name and a set of keywords, and which returns the rendering of a widget template.
Resource registry
An attribute of a Deform form which maps widget requirement declarations made by widgets to relative file paths. Useful to obtain all the CSS and/or Javascript resources required by all the widgets in a concrete form rendering. See also The (High-Level) deform.Field.get_widget_resources() Method.
A nested collection of schema node objects representing an arrangement of data.
schema node
A schema node can serialize an appstruct to a cstruct and deserialize a cstruct to an appstruct (object derived from colander.SchemaNode or one of the colander Schema classes). Schemas are a concept used by Deform, but actually implemented and offered by the Colander package.
A widget which allows you to add multiple subwidgets, each of the same type.
TinyMCE Editor
TinyMCE is a platform independent web based Javascript HTML WYSIWYG editor control released as Open Source under LGPL by Moxiecode Systems AB. It has the ability to convert HTML TEXTAREA fields or other HTML elements to editor instances. TinyMCE is very easy to integrate into other Content Management Systems.
A Colander validator callable. Accepts a node object and a value and either raises an colander.Invalid exception or returns None. Used in deform as the validator= argument to a schema node, ensuring that the input meets the requirements of the schema.
WebOb is a WSGI request/response library created by Ian Bicking.
Serializes a cstruct into a form rendering and deserializes a pstruct into a cstruct.
Widget requirement
A sequence of tuples attached to a widget object representing the logical Javascript and/or CSS requirements of the widget. See also Specifying Widget Requirements.
xhr an XMLHTTPRequest. See also