jslibs ========== Summary ------- ``jslibs`` is a small package with few dependencies, aimed at providing a high quality, curated set of Javascript packages for Pyramid projects. In essence, a group of people have taken the work they are already doing, then pushing it out to share with others. This work includes use of `Juicer `_ to increase responsiveness of apps. Installation ------------ Install using setuptools, e.g. (within a virtualenv):: $ easy_install jslibs Setup ----- Once ``jslibs`` is installed, you only need include it: .. code-block:: python ... def main(global_config, **settings): ... config = Configurator(...) config.scan('myapp') config.include('jslibs') ... The macros will be available in templates like so: .. code-block:: xml More Information ---------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api.rst glossary.rst overview.rst Reporting Bugs / Development Versions ------------------------------------- Visit http://github.com/Pylons/jslibs to download development or tagged versions. Visit http://github.com/Pylons/jslibs/issues to report bugs. Indices and tables ------------------ * :ref:`glossary` * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`