Source code for hupper.polling

import os
import threading
import time

from .interfaces import IFileMonitor

[docs] class PollingFileMonitor(threading.Thread, IFileMonitor): """ An :class:`hupper.interfaces.IFileMonitor` that stats the files at periodic intervals. ``callback`` is a callable that accepts a path to a changed file. ``interval`` is a value in seconds between scans of the files on disk. Do not set this too low or it will eat your CPU and kill your drive. """ def __init__(self, callback, interval=1, **kw): super(PollingFileMonitor, self).__init__() self.callback = callback self.poll_interval = interval self.paths = set() self.mtimes = {} self.lock = threading.Lock() self.enabled = True def add_path(self, path): with self.lock: self.paths.add(path) def run(self): while self.enabled: with self.lock: paths = list(self.paths) self.check_reload(paths) time.sleep(self.poll_interval) def stop(self): self.enabled = False def check_reload(self, paths): changes = set() for path in paths: mtime = get_mtime(path) if path not in self.mtimes: self.mtimes[path] = mtime elif self.mtimes[path] < mtime: self.mtimes[path] = mtime changes.add(path) for path in sorted(changes): self.callback(path)
def get_mtime(path): try: stat = os.stat(path) if stat: return stat.st_mtime except OSError: # pragma: no cover pass return 0