webhelpers.markdown – Markdown


webhelpers.markdown.markdown(text, extensions=[], safe_mode=False)
webhelpers.markdown.markdownFromFile(input=None, output=None, extensions=[], encoding=None, message_threshold=50, safe=False)
class webhelpers.markdown.Markdown(source=None, extensions=[], extension_configs=None, safe_mode=False)

Markdown formatter class for creating an html document from Markdown text


Return the document in XHTML format.

@returns: A serialized XHTML body.


This gets called by the extension


Resets all state variables so that we can start with a new text.

class webhelpers.markdown.Document
class webhelpers.markdown.Element(tag)
find(test, depth=0)

Returns a list of descendants that pass the test function

class webhelpers.markdown.TextNode(text)
class webhelpers.markdown.EntityReference(entity)
class webhelpers.markdown.HeaderPreprocessor

Replaces underlined headers with hashed headers to avoid the need for lookahead later.

class webhelpers.markdown.LinePreprocessor

Deals with HR lines (needs to be done before processing lists)

class webhelpers.markdown.HtmlBlockPreprocessor

Removes html blocks from the source text and stores it.

class webhelpers.markdown.ReferencePreprocessor

Removes reference definitions from the text and stores them for later use.

class webhelpers.markdown.Pattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.SimpleTextPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.SimpleTagPattern(pattern, tag)
class webhelpers.markdown.BacktickPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.DoubleTagPattern(pattern, tag)
class webhelpers.markdown.HtmlPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.LinkPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.ImagePattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.ReferencePattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.ImageReferencePattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.AutolinkPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.AutomailPattern(pattern)
class webhelpers.markdown.Postprocessor

Postprocessors are run before the dom it converted back into text.

Each Postprocessor implements a “run” method that takes a pointer to a NanoDom document, modifies it as necessary and returns a NanoDom document.

Postprocessors must extend markdown.Postprocessor.

There are currently no standard post-processors, but the footnote extension uses one.

class webhelpers.markdown.HtmlStash

This class is used for stashing HTML objects that we extract in the beginning and replace with place-holders.

store(html, safe=False)

Saves an HTML segment for later reinsertion. Returns a placeholder string that needs to be inserted into the document.

@param html: an html segment @param safe: label an html segment as safe for safemode @param inline: label a segmant as inline html @returns : a placeholder string

class webhelpers.markdown.BlockGuru

An auxiliary method to be passed to _findHead


Print an error string to stderr


Removes quotes from around a string

class webhelpers.markdown.CorePatterns

This class is scheduled for removal as part of a refactoring effort.

class webhelpers.markdown.Extension(configs={})

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