.. _blogr_basic_models: ========================= 2. Create database models ========================= At this point we should create our models. In a nutshell, models represent data and its underlying storage mechanisms in an application. We will use a relational database and SQLAlchemy's ORM layer to access our data. Create and edit ``models/user.py`` ---------------------------------- Our application will consist of two tables: * **users** - stores all users for our application * **entries** - stores our blog entries We should assume that our users might use some Unicode characters, so we need to import the Unicode datatype from SQLAlchemy. We will also need a DateTime field to timestamp our blog entries. Let's first create ``models/user.py``. .. code-block:: bash $ touch pyramid_blogr/models/user.py Add the following code to ``models/user.py``. .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/user.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 1-9 :lineno-start: 1 Make a copy of ``models/user.py`` as ``models/blog_record.py``. We will need these imports in both modules. .. code-block:: bash $ cp pyramid_blogr/models/user.py pyramid_blogr/models/blog_record.py The ``alchemy`` scaffold in Pyramid provides an example model class ``MyModel`` that we don't need, as well as code that creates an index, so let's remove the file ``models/mymodel.py``. .. code-block:: bash $ rm pyramid_blogr/models/mymodel.py Now our project structure should look like this. .. code-block:: text pyramid_blogr/ ...... ├── models <- model definitions aka data sources (often RDBMS or noSQL) │ ├── __init__.py <- database engine initialization │ ├── blog_record.py │ ├── meta.py <- database sqlalchemy metadata object │ └── user.py ...... Database session management =========================== .. note:: To learn how to use SQLAlchemy, please consult its `Object Relational Tutorial `_. If you are new to SQLAlchemy or ORM's, you are probably wondering what the code from ``models/__init__.py`` does. To explain we need to start reading it from the ``includeme()`` part. .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/__init__.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 52-73 :lineno-start: 52 :emphasize-lines: 2 The first line defines a special function called ``includeme`` it will be picked up by pyramid on runtime and will ensure that on every request, the request object will have a ``dbsession`` propery attached that will point to SQLAlchemy's **session object**. The function also imports ``pyramid_tm`` - it is Pyramid's transaction manager that will be attached to our request object as `tm` property, it will be managing our ``dbsession`` objects behavior. We will use it to interact with the database and persist our changes to the database. It is thread-safe, meaning that it will handle multiple requests at the same time in a safe way, and our code from different views will not impact other requests. It will also open and close database connections for us transparently when needed. What does transaction manager do? --------------------------------- **WHOA THIS SOUNDS LIKE SCARY MAGIC!!** .. note:: It's not. OK, so while it might sound complicated, in practice it's very simple and saves a developer a lot of headaches with managing transactions inside an application. Here's how the transaction manager process works: * A transaction is started when a browser request invokes our view code. * Some operations take place; for example, database rows are inserted or updated in our datastore. * If everything went fine, we don't need to commit our transaction explictly; the transaction manager will do this for us. * If some unhandled exception occurred, we usually want to roll back all the changes and queries that were sent to our datastore; the transaction manager will handle this for us. What are the implications of this? ---------------------------------- Imagine you have an application that sends a confirmation email every time a user registers. A user, Nephthys, inputs the data to register, and we send Nephthys a nice welcome email and maybe an activation link, but during registration flow, something unexpected happens and the code errors out. It is very common in this situation that the user would get a welcome email, but in reality their profile was never persisted in the database. With packages like **pyramid_mailer** it is perfectly possible to delay email sending until **after** the user's information is successfully saved in the database. Nice, huh? Although this is a more advanced topic not covered in depth in this tutorial, the most simple explanation is that the transaction manager will make sure our data gets correctly saved if everything went smoothly, and if an error occurs then our datastore modifications are rolled back. Adding model definitions ======================== .. note:: This will make the application error out and prevent it from starting until we reach the last point of the current step and fix imports in other files. It's perfectly normal, so don't worry about immediate errors. We will need two declarations of models that will replace the ``MyModel`` class that was created when we scaffolded our project. After the import part in ``models/user.py`` add the following. .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/user.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 12-17 :lineno-start: 12 After the import part in ``models/blog_record.py`` add the following. .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/blog_record.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 12-17 Now it's time to update our ``models/__init__.py`` to include our models. This is especially handy because it ensures that SQLAlchemy mappers will pick up all of our model classes and functions, like ``create_all``, and that the models will do what you expect. Add these imports to the file (remember to also remove the ``MyModel`` import). .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/__init__.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 6-10 :lineno-start: 6 Update database initialization script ===================================== It's time to update our database initialization script to mirror the changes in our ``models`` package. Open ``scripts/initializedb.py``. This is the file that actually gets executed when we run ``initialize_pyramid_blogr_db``. We will remove the ``MyModel`` and import the ``User`` model. .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/scripts/initializedb.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 18 :lineno-start: 18 Since the ``MyModel`` model is now gone, we want to replace the following bits: .. code-block:: python with transaction.manager: dbsession = get_tm_session(session_factory, transaction.manager) model = MyModel(name='one', value=1) dbsession.add(model) with this: .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/scripts/initializedb.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 41-45 :lineno-start: 41 :emphasize-lines: 4-5 When you initialize a fresh database, this will populate it with a single user, with both login and unencrypted password equal to ``admin``. .. warning:: This is just a tutorial example and **production code should utilize passwords hashed with a strong one-way encryption function**. You can use a package like `passlib `_ or `cryptacular `_ for this purpose. The last step to get the application running is to change ``views/default.py`` ``MyModel`` class into out User model. .. code-block:: python from ..models import MyModel into changes to .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/views/default.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 6 :lineno-start: 6 and the query in ``my_view`` changes to: .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/views/default.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 10-16 :lineno-start: 12 :emphasize-lines: 3-4 Our application should start again if we try running the server. .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/pserve --reload development.ini If you visit the URL then you should see a "Pyramid is having a problem ..." error message. In case you have problems starting the application, you can see complete source code of the files we modifed below. ``models/__init__.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/__init__.py :linenos: ``models/user.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/user.py :linenos: ``models/blog_record.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/models/blog_record.py :linenos: ``scripts/initializedb.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/scripts/initializedb.py :linenos: ``__init__.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/__init__.py :linenos: ``views/default.py`` .. literalinclude:: src/basic_models/views/default.py :linenos: If our application starts correctly, you should run the ``initialize_pyramid_blogr_db`` command to update the database. .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/initialize_pyramid_blogr_db development.ini Next :doc:`routes`.