======================== 5. Blog models and views ======================== Models ------ Since our stubs are in place, we can start developing blog related code. Let's start with models. Now that we have them, we can create some service classes, and implement some methods that we will use in our views and templates. Create a new directory ``services/``. Inside of that, create two new empty files, ``__init__.py`` and ``blog_record.py``. These files comprise a new subpackage. We will leave ``__init__.py`` empty. Open ``services/blog_record.py``. Import some helper modules to generate our slugs, add pagination, and print nice dates. They all come from the excellent ``webhelpers2`` package. Add the following imports at the top of ``blog_record.py``. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/services/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 1-3 Next we need to create our ``BlogRecordService`` class with methods as follows. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/services/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 6-11 :lineno-start: 6 The method ``all`` will return a query object that can return an entire dataset when needed. The query object will sort the rows by date in descending order. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/services/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 13-16 :lineno-start: 13 The above method will return either a single blog entry by id or the ``None`` object if nothing is found. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/services/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 18- :lineno-start: 18 The ``get_paginator`` method will return a paginator object that returns the entries from a specific "page" of records from a database resultset. It will add ``LIMIT`` and ``OFFSET`` clauses to our query based on the value of ``items_per_page`` and the current page number. Paginator uses the wrapper ``SqlalchemyOrmPage`` which will attempt to generate a paginator with links. Link URLs will be constructed using the function ``url_maker`` which uses the request object to generate a new URL from the current one, replacing the page query parameter with the new value. Your project structure should look like this at this point. :: pyramid_blogr/ ...... ├── services <- they query the models for data │ ├── __init__.py │ └── blog_record.py ...... Now it is time to move up to the parent directory, to add imports and properties to ``models/blog_record.py``. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/models/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 10-11 :lineno-start: 10 Then add the following method to the class ``BlogRecord``. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/models/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 21-23 :lineno-start: 21 This property of entry instance will return nice slugs for us to use in URLs. For example, pages with the title of "Foo Bar Baz" will have URLs of "Foo-Bar-Baz". Also non-Latin characters will be approximated to their closest counterparts. Next add another method. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/models/blog_record.py :linenos: :lines: 25- :lineno-start: 25 This property will return information about when a specific entry was created in a human-friendly form, like "2 days ago". Index view ---------- First lets add our ``BlogRecord`` service to imports in ``views/default.py``. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/default.py :linenos: :lines: 2 :lineno-start: 2 Now it's time to implement our actual index view by modifying our view ``index_page``. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/default.py :linenos: :lines: 5-10 :lineno-start: 5 We first retrieve from the URL's request object the page number that we want to present to the user. If the page number is not present, it defaults to 1. The paginator object returned by ``BlogRecord.get_paginator`` will then be used in the template to build a nice list of entries. .. note:: Everything we return from our views in dictionaries will be available in templates as variables. So if we return ``{'foo':1, 'bar':2}``, then we will be able to access the variables inside the template directly as ``foo`` and ``bar``. Index view template ------------------- First rename ``mytemplate.jinja2`` to ``index.jinja2``. Lets now go over the contents of the file ``layout.jinja2``, a template file that will store a "master" template that from which other view templates will inherit. This template will contain the page header and footer shared by all pages. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/templates/layout.jinja2 :language: jinja :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 17,36 .. note:: The ``request`` object is always available inside your templates namespace. Inside your template, you will notice that we use the method ``request.static_url`` which will generate correct links to your static assets. This is handy when building apps using URL prefixes. In the middle of the template, you will also notice the tag ``{% block content %}``. After we render a template that inherits from our layout file, this is the place where our index template (or others for other views) will appear. Now let's open ``index.jinja2`` and put this content in it: .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/templates/index.jinja2 :language: jinja :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 1,19,27 This template ``extends`` or inherits from ``layout.jinja2``, which means that its contents will be wrapped by the layout provided by the parent template. ``{{paginator.pager()}}`` will print nice paginator links. It will only show up if you have more than 5 blog entries in the database. The ``|safe`` filter marks the output as safe HTML so jinja2 knows it doesn't need to escape any HTML code outputted by the ``pager`` class. ``request.route_url`` is used to generate links based on routes defined in our project. For example:: {{request.route_url('blog_action',action='create')}} -> /blog/create Blog view --------- Time to update our blog view. Near the top of ``views/blog.py``, let's add the following imports .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/blog.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 2-4 :lineno-start: 2 Those HTTP exceptions will be used to perform redirects inside our apps. * ``HTTPFound`` will return a 302 HTTP code response. It can accept an argument ``location`` that will add a ``Location:`` header for the browser. We will perform redirects to other pages using this exception. * ``HTTPNotFound`` on the other hand will just make the server serve a standard 404 Not Found response. Continue editing ``views/blog.py``, by modifying the ``blog_view`` view. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/blog.py :language: python :linenos: :lines: 7-14 :lineno-start: 7 This view is very simple. First we get the ``id`` variable from our route. It will be present in the ``matchdict`` property of the request object. All of our defined route arguments will end up there. After we get the entry id, it will be passed to the ``BlogRecord`` class method ``by_id()`` to fetch a specific blog entry. If it's found, we return the database row for the template to use, otherwise we present the user with a standard 404 response. Blog view template ------------------ Create a new file to use as the template for blog article presentation, named ``view_blog.jinja2``, with the following content. .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/templates/view_blog.jinja2 :language: jinja :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 13 The ``_query`` argument introduced here for the URL generator is a list of key/value tuples that will be used to append as GET (query) parameters, separated by a question mark "?". In this case, the URL will be appended by the GET query string of ``?id=X``, where the value of ``X`` is the id of the specific blog post to retrieve. If you start the application now, you will get an empty welcome page stating that "No blog entries are found". File contents ------------- Here are the entire file contents up to this point, except for those already provided in their entirety. services/blog_record.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/services/blog_record.py :linenos: models/blog_record.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/models/blog_record.py :linenos: views/default.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/default.py :linenos: views/blog.py ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ .. literalinclude:: src/blog_models_and_views/views/blog.py :language: python :linenos: Next: :doc:`blog_create_and_update_view`.