.. _introduction: ================================================= What you will know after you finish this tutorial ================================================= This tutorial is really simple, but it should give you enough of a head start to writing applications using the Pyramid Web Framework. By the end of it, you should have a basic understanding of templating, working with databases, using URL routes to launch business logic (views), authentication, authorization, using a form library, and usage and pagination of our blog entries. Pyramid_blogr makes some initial assumptions: * We will use Pyramid's **alchemy** scaffold with SQLAlchemy as its ORM layer. * **Jinja2** templates will be our choice for templating engine. * **URL dispatch** will be the default way for our view resolution. * A single user in the database will be created during the setup phase. * We will perform simple authentication of the user. * The authenticated user will be authorized to make blog entries. * The blog entries will be listed from newest to oldest. * We will use the **paginate** package for pagination. * The **WTForms** form library will provide form validation. This tutorial was originally created by **Marcin Lulek**, developer, freelancer and founder of `app enlight `_. :doc:`Start the tutorial `. Documentation links =================== * :ref:`Pyramid ` * `Jinja2 templates `_ * `pyramid_jinja2 `_ * `SQLAlchemy `_ * `Webhelpers `_ * :ref:`WTForms ` The complete source code for this application is available on GitHub at: https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_blogr Improve this tutorial ===================== There may be mistakes in this tutorial, and we always appreciate pull requests to improve this tutorial. Please use the `issue tracker on GitHub `_ or submit pull requests to the project through GitHub. Please see `contributing.md `_ for details.