Using ``pyramid_nacl_session`` ============================== Setup ----- Once :mod:`pyramid_nacl_session` is installed, you typically use the ``config.include`` mechanism to include it into your Pyramid project's configuration. In your Pyramid project's ````: .. code-block:: python with Configurator(settings=settings) as config: config.include('pyramid_nacl_session') # ... more config.includes config.scan() Alternately, instead of using the Configurator's ``include`` method, you can activate :mod:`pyramid_nacl_session` by changing your application's ``.ini`` file, using the following line: .. code-block:: ini pyramid.includes = pyramid_nacl_session Usage ----- Generate a secret key ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ To facilitate sharing the secret across instances, ``pyramid_nacl_session`` provides a ``print_secret`` script, which generates and hexlifies a random secret, printing it to standard output: .. code-block:: bash $ bin/print_secret 840aaafdc36f067fbad9baf006efc0f672b86ab0dcb6a3e43ecc1f9d760915e5 Cut-and-paste into your config file: .. code-block:: ini session.secret = 840aaafdc36f067fbad9baf006efc0f672b86ab0dcb6a3e43ecc1f9d760915e5 Session management ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ If you have included :mod:`pyramid_nacl_session` in your Pyramid project's configuration as shown above then :func:`pyramid_nacl_session.session_factory_from_settings` is called automatically and you need do nothing else. Otherwise you will need to create a Pyramid :term:`session factory` by adding a call to either the :func:`pyramid_nacl_session.EncryptedCookieSessionFactory` function or the :func:`pyramid_nacl_session.session_factory_from_settings` function in the configuration code of your Pyramid project's ```` file and subsequently register that session factory with Pyramid. At that point, accessing ``request.session`` will provide a Pyramid session using PyNaCl as a backend. :func:`pyramid_nacl_session.session_factory_from_settings` obtains session settings from the ``**settings`` dictionary passed to the Configurator. It assumes that you've placed session configuration parameters prefixed with ``session.`` in your Pyramid application's ``.ini`` file. For example: .. code-block:: ini [app:myapp] # other settings session.secret = 840aaafdc36f067fbad9baf006efc0f672b86ab0dcb6a3e43ecc1f9d760915e5 session.serializer = json If your ``.ini`` file has such settings, you can use :func:`pyramid_nacl_session.session_factory_from_settings` in your application's configuration. For example, let's assume this code is in the ```` of your Pyramid application that uses an ``.ini`` file with the ``session.`` settings above to obtain its ``**settings`` dictionary. .. code-block:: python from pyramid_nacl_session import session_factory_from_settings from pyramid.config import Configurator def app(global_config, **settings): """ This function returns a WSGI application. It is usually called by the PasteDeploy framework during ``paster serve``. """ session_factory = session_factory_from_settings(settings) with Configurator(settings=settings) as config: config.set_session_factory(session_factory) # other configuration stuff return config.make_wsgi_app()