Source code for pyramid_retry

import inspect
from pyramid.config import PHASE1_CONFIG
from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from zope.interface import (

[docs]class IRetryableError(Interface): """ A marker interface for retryable errors. An interface can be applied to any ``Exception`` class or object to indicate that it should be treated as a :term:`retryable error`. """
[docs]class IBeforeRetry(Interface): """ An event emitted immediately prior to throwing away the request and creating a new one. This event may be useful when state is stored on the ``request.environ`` that needs to be updated before a new request is created. """ environ = Attribute('The environ object that is reused between requests.') request = Attribute('The request object that is being discarded.') exception = Attribute('The exception that request processing raised.') response = Attribute('The response object that is being discarded. ' 'This may be ``None`` if no response was generated, ' 'which happens when request processing raises an ' "exception that isn't caught by any exception view.")
@implementer(IBeforeRetry) class BeforeRetry(object): """ An event emitted immediately prior to throwing away the request and creating a new one. This event may be useful when state is stored on the ``request.environ`` that needs to be updated before a new request is created. :ivar request: The :class:`pyramid.request.Request` object that is being discarded. """ def __init__(self, request, exception, response=None): self.request = request self.environ = request.environ self.exception = exception self.response = response
[docs]@implementer(IRetryableError) class RetryableException(Exception): """ A retryable exception should be raised when an error occurs."""
[docs]def RetryableExecutionPolicy(attempts=3, activate_hook=None): """ Create a :term:`execution policy` that catches any :term:`retryable error` and sends it through the pipeline again up to a maximum of ``attempts`` attempts. If ``activate_hook`` is set it will be consulted prior to each request to determine if retries should be enabled. It should return a number > 0 of attempts to be used or ``None`` which will indicate to use the default number of attempts. """ assert attempts > 0 def retry_policy(environ, router): # make the original request request_ctx = router.request_context(environ) request = request_ctx.begin() try: if activate_hook: retry_attempts = activate_hook(request) if retry_attempts is None: retry_attempts = attempts else: assert retry_attempts > 0 else: retry_attempts = attempts # if we are supporting multiple attempts then we must make # make the body seekable in order to re-use it across multiple # attempts. make_body_seekable will copy wsgi.input if # necessary, otherwise it will rewind the copy to position zero if retry_attempts != 1: request.make_body_seekable() # Catch make_body_seekable (e.g. 408 RequestTimeout) # and activate_hook exceptions and clean up. except BaseException: request_ctx.end() raise for number in range(retry_attempts): # track the attempt info in the environ # try to set it as soon as possible so that it's available # in the request factory and elsewhere if people want it # note: set all of these values here as they are cleared after # each attempt environ['retry.attempt'] = number environ['retry.attempts'] = retry_attempts # if we are not on the first attempt then we should start # with a new request object and throw away any changes to # the old object, however we do this carefully to try and # avoid extra copies of the body if number > 0: # try to make sure this code stays in sync with pyramid's # router which normally creates requests request_ctx = router.request_context(environ) request = request_ctx.begin() try: response = router.invoke_request(request) # check for a squashed exception and handle it # this would happen if an exception view was invoked and # rendered an error response exc = getattr(request, 'exception', None) if exc is not None: # if this is a retryable exception then continue to the # next attempt, discarding the current response if is_error_retryable(request, exc): request.registry.notify( BeforeRetry(request, exc, response=response)) continue return response except Exception as exc: # if this was the last attempt or the exception is not # retryable then there's nothing left for us to do if not is_error_retryable(request, exc): raise else: request.registry.notify(BeforeRetry(request, exc)) # cleanup any changes we made to the request finally: request_ctx.end() del environ['retry.attempt'] del environ['retry.attempts'] return retry_policy
[docs]def mark_error_retryable(error): """ Mark an exception instance or type as retryable. If this exception is caught by ``pyramid_retry`` then it may retry the request. """ if isinstance(error, Exception): alsoProvides(error, IRetryableError) elif inspect.isclass(error) and issubclass(error, Exception): classImplements(error, IRetryableError) else: raise ValueError( 'only exception objects or types may be marked retryable')
[docs]def is_error_retryable(request, exc): """ Return ``True`` if the exception is recognized as :term:`retryable error`. This will return ``False`` if the request is on its last attempt. This will return ``False`` if ``pyramid_retry`` is inactive for the request. """ if is_last_attempt(request): return False return ( isinstance(exc, RetryableException) or IRetryableError.providedBy(exc) )
[docs]def is_last_attempt(request): """ Return ``True`` if the request is on its last attempt, meaning that ``pyramid_retry`` will not be issuing any new attempts, regardless of what happens when executing this request. This will return ``True`` if ``pyramid_retry`` is inactive for the request. """ environ = request.environ attempt = environ.get('retry.attempt') attempts = environ.get('retry.attempts') if attempt is None or attempts is None: return True return attempt + 1 == attempts
[docs]class RetryableErrorPredicate(object): """ A :term:`view predicate` registered as ``retryable_error``. Can be used to determine if an exception view should execute based on whether the exception is a :term:`retryable error`. .. seealso:: See :func:`pyramid_retry.is_error_retryable`. """ def __init__(self, val, config): if not isinstance(val, bool): raise ConfigurationError( 'The "retryable_error" view predicate value must be ' 'True or False.', ) self.val = val def text(self): return 'retryable_error = %s' % (self.val,) phash = text def __call__(self, context, request): exc = getattr(request, 'exception', None) is_retryable = is_error_retryable(request, exc) return ( (self.val and is_retryable) or (not self.val and not is_retryable) )
[docs]class LastAttemptPredicate(object): """ A :term:`view predicate` registered as ``last_retry_attempt``. Can be used to determine if an exception view should execute based on whether it's the last retry attempt before aborting the request. .. seealso:: See :func:`pyramid_retry.is_last_attempt`. """ def __init__(self, val, config): if not isinstance(val, bool): raise ConfigurationError( 'The "last_retry_attempt" view predicate value must be ' 'True or False.', ) self.val = val def text(self): return 'last_retry_attempt = %s' % (self.val,) phash = text def __call__(self, context, request): is_last = is_last_attempt(request) return ((self.val and is_last) or (not self.val and not is_last))
[docs]def includeme(config): """ Activate the ``pyramid_retry`` execution policy in your application. This will add the :func:`pyramid_retry.RetryableErrorPolicy` with ``attempts`` pulled from the ``retry.attempts`` setting. The ``last_retry_attempt`` and ``retryable_error`` view predicates are registered. This should be included in your Pyramid application via ``config.include('pyramid_retry')``. """ settings = config.get_settings() config.add_view_predicate('last_retry_attempt', LastAttemptPredicate) config.add_view_predicate('retryable_error', RetryableErrorPredicate) def register(): attempts = int(settings.get('retry.attempts') or 3) settings['retry.attempts'] = attempts activate_hook = settings.get('retry.activate_hook') activate_hook = config.maybe_dotted(activate_hook) policy = RetryableExecutionPolicy( attempts, activate_hook=activate_hook, ) config.set_execution_policy(policy) # defer registration to allow time to modify settings config.action(None, register, order=PHASE1_CONFIG)