============= pyramid_retry ============= ``pyramid_retry`` is an execution policy for Pyramid that wraps requests and can retry them a configurable number of times under certain "retryable" error conditions before indicating a failure to the client. .. warning:: This package will only work with Pyramid 1.9 and newer. Installation ============ Stable release -------------- To install pyramid_retry, run this command in your terminal: .. code-block:: console $ pip install pyramid_retry If you don't have `pip`_ installed, this `Python installation guide`_ can guide you through the process. .. _pip: https://pip.pypa.io/en/stable/ .. _Python installation guide: http://docs.python-guide.org/en/latest/starting/installation/ From sources ------------ The sources for pyramid_retry can be downloaded from the `Github repo`_. .. code-block:: console $ git clone https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_retry.git Once you have a copy of the source, you can install it with: .. code-block:: console $ pip install -e . .. _Github repo: https://github.com/Pylons/pyramid_retry Usage ===== Activate ``pyramid_retry`` by including it in your application: .. code-block:: python def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pyramid_retry') # ... config.add_route('home', '/') By default ``pyramid_retry`` will register an instance of :func:`pyramid_retry.RetryableExecutionPolicy` as an :term:`execution policy` in your application using the ``retry.attempts`` setting as the maximum number of attempts per request. The default number of attempts is ``3``. This number is configurable in your application's ``.ini`` file as follows: .. code-block:: ini [app:main] # ... retry.attempts = 3 The policy will handle any requests that fail because the application raised an instance of :class:`pyramid_retry.RetryableException` or another exception implementing the :class:`pyramid_retry.IRetryableError` interface. The below, very contrived example, shows conceptually what's going on when a request is retried. The ``failing_view`` is executed initially and for the final attempt the ``recovery_view`` is executed. .. code-block:: python @view_config(route_name='home') def failing_view(request): raise RetryableException @view_config(route_name='home', is_last_attempt=True, renderer='string') def recovery_view(request): return 'success' Of course you probably wouldn't write actual code that expects to fail like this. More realistically you may use a library like pyramid_tm_ to translate certain transactional errors marked as "transient" into retryable errors. .. _pyramid_tm: https://docs.pylonsproject.org/projects/pyramid-tm/en/latest/ Custom Retryable Errors ----------------------- The simple approach to marking errors as retryable is to simply catch the error and raise a :class:`pyramid_retry.RetryableException` instead: .. code-block:: python from pyramid_retry import RetryableException import requests def view(request): try: response = requests.get('https://www.google.com') except requests.Timeout: raise RetryableException This will work but if this is the last attempt then the failed request will not actually be retried and on top of that the original exception is lost. A better approach is to preserve the original exception and simply mark it as retryable using the :class:`pyramid_retry.IRetryableError` marker interface: .. code-block:: python from pyramid_retry import mark_error_retryable import requests import zope.interface # mark requests.Timeout errors as retryable mark_error_retryable(requests.Timeout) def view(request): response = requests.get('https://www.google.com') Per-Request Attempts -------------------- It may be desirable to override the attempts per-request. For example, if one endpoint on the system cannot afford to make a copy of the request via ``request.make_body_seekable()`` then the activate hook can be used to set ``attempts=`` on that endpoint. .. code-block:: python def activate_hook(request): if request.path == '/upload': return 1 # disable retries on this endpoint config.add_settings({'retry.activate_hook': activate_hook}) The ``activate_hook`` should return a number ``>= 1`` or ``None``. If ``None`` then the policy will fallback to the ``retry.attempts`` setting. View Predicates --------------- When the library is included in your application it registers two new view predicates which are especially useful on exception views to determine when to handle certain errors. ``retryable_error=[True/False]`` will match the exception view only if the exception is both an :term:`retryable error` **and** there are remaining attempts in which the request would be retried. See :class:`pyramid_retry.RetryableErrorPredicate` for more information. ``last_retry_attempt=[True/False]`` will match only if, when the view is executed, there will not be another attempt for this request. See :class:`pyramid_retry.LastAttemptPredicate` for more information. Receiving Retry Notifications ----------------------------- The :class:`pyramid_retry.IBeforeRetry` event can be subscribed to receive a callback with the ``request`` and ``environ`` prior to the pipeline being completely torn down. This can be very helpful if any state is stored on the ``environ`` itself that needs to be reset prior to the retry attempt. .. code-block:: python from pyramid.events import subscriber from pyramid_retry import IBeforeRetry @subscriber(IBeforeRetry) def retry_event(event): print(f'A retry is about to occur due to {event.exception}.') The ``exception`` attribute indicates the exception that triggered the retry. The exception may come from either ``request.exception`` if it was caught and a response was rendered, or it may come from an uncaught exception. Caveats ======= - In order to guarantee that a request can be retried it must make the body seekable. This is done via ``request.make_body_seekable()``. Generally the body is loaded directly from ``environ['wsgi.input']`` which is controlled by the WSGI server. However to make the body seekable it is copied into a seekable wrapper. In some cases this can lead to a very large copy operation before the request is executed. - ``pyramid_retry`` does not copy the ``environ`` or make any attempt to restore it to its original state before retrying a request. This means anything stored on the ``environ`` will persist across requests created for that ``environ``. More Information ================ .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 api glossary contributing changes Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`