.. _compat_module: :mod:`pyramid.compat` ---------------------- .. deprecated:: 1.10 ``pyramid.compat`` will be removed in Pyramid 2.0. The functionality is no longer necessary, as Pyramid 2.0 drops support for Python 2. The ``pyramid.compat`` module provides platform and version compatibility for Pyramid and its add-ons across Python platform and version differences. APIs will be removed from this module over time as Pyramid ceases to support systems which require compatibility imports. .. automodule:: pyramid.compat .. autofunction:: ascii_native_ .. attribute:: binary_type Binary type for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``bytes``. For Python 2, it's ``str``. .. autofunction:: bytes_ .. attribute:: class_types Sequence of class types for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``(type,)``. For Python 2, it's ``(type, types.ClassType)``. .. attribute:: configparser On Python 2, the ``ConfigParser`` module, on Python 3, the ``configparser`` module. .. function:: escape(v) On Python 2, the ``cgi.escape`` function, on Python 3, the ``html.escape`` function. .. function:: exec_(code, globs=None, locs=None) Exec code in a compatible way on both Python 2 and 3. .. attribute:: im_func On Python 2, the string value ``im_func``, on Python 3, the string value ``__func__``. .. function:: input_(v) On Python 2, the ``raw_input`` function, on Python 3, the ``input`` function. .. attribute:: integer_types Sequence of integer types for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``(int,)``. For Python 2, it's ``(int, long)``. .. function:: is_nonstr_iter(v) Return ``True`` if ``v`` is a non-``str`` iterable on both Python 2 and Python 3. .. function:: iteritems_(d) Return ``d.items()`` on Python 3, ``d.iteritems()`` on Python 2. .. function:: itervalues_(d) Return ``d.values()`` on Python 3, ``d.itervalues()`` on Python 2. .. function:: iterkeys_(d) Return ``d.keys()`` on Python 3, ``d.iterkeys()`` on Python 2. .. attribute:: long Long type for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``int``. For Python 2, it's ``long``. .. function:: map_(v) Return ``list(map(v))`` on Python 3, ``map(v)`` on Python 2. .. attribute:: pickle ``cPickle`` module if it exists, ``pickle`` module otherwise. .. attribute:: PY3 ``True`` if running on Python 3, ``False`` otherwise. .. attribute:: PYPY ``True`` if running on PyPy, ``False`` otherwise. .. function:: reraise(tp, value, tb=None) Reraise an exception in a compatible way on both Python 2 and Python 3, e.g. ``reraise(*sys.exc_info())``. .. attribute:: string_types Sequence of string types for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``(str,)``. For Python 2, it's ``(basestring,)``. .. attribute:: SimpleCookie On Python 2, the ``Cookie.SimpleCookie`` class, on Python 3, the ``http.cookies.SimpleCookie`` module. .. autofunction:: text_ .. attribute:: text_type Text type for this platform. For Python 3, it's ``str``. For Python 2, it's ``unicode``. .. autofunction:: native_ .. attribute:: urlparse ``urlparse`` module on Python 2, ``urllib.parse`` module on Python 3. .. attribute:: url_quote ``urllib.quote`` function on Python 2, ``urllib.parse.quote`` function on Python 3. .. attribute:: url_quote_plus ``urllib.quote_plus`` function on Python 2, ``urllib.parse.quote_plus`` function on Python 3. .. attribute:: url_unquote ``urllib.unquote`` function on Python 2, ``urllib.parse.unquote`` function on Python 3. .. attribute:: url_encode ``urllib.urlencode`` function on Python 2, ``urllib.parse.urlencode`` function on Python 3. .. attribute:: url_open ``urllib2.urlopen`` function on Python 2, ``urllib.request.urlopen`` function on Python 3. .. function:: url_unquote_text(v, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') On Python 2, return ``url_unquote(v).decode(encoding(encoding, errors))``; on Python 3, return the result of ``urllib.parse.unquote``. .. function:: url_unquote_native(v, encoding='utf-8', errors='replace') On Python 2, return ``native_(url_unquote_text_v, encoding, errors))``; on Python 3, return the result of ``urllib.parse.unquote``.