Source code for pyramid.chameleon_text

import sys

from zope.deprecation import deprecated
from zope.interface import implementer

from pyramid.compat import reraise

    from chameleon.zpt.template import PageTextTemplateFile
    # prevent pyflakes complaining about a redefinition below
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
    exc_class, exc, tb = sys.exc_info()
    # Chameleon doesn't work on non-CPython platforms
    class PageTextTemplateFile(object):
        def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
            reraise(ImportError, exc, tb)

from pyramid.interfaces import ITemplateRenderer

from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid import renderers
from pyramid.path import caller_package

def renderer_factory(info):
    return renderers.template_renderer_factory(info, TextTemplateRenderer)

class TextTemplateRenderer(object):
    def __init__(self, path, lookup):
        self.path = path
        self.lookup = lookup

    @reify # avoid looking up reload_templates before manager pushed
    def template(self):
        if sys.platform.startswith('java'): # pragma: no cover
            raise RuntimeError(
                'Chameleon templates are not compatible with Jython')
        return PageTextTemplateFile(self.path,

    def implementation(self):
        return self.template
    def __call__(self, value, system):
        except (TypeError, ValueError):
            raise ValueError('renderer was passed non-dictionary as value')
        result = self.template(**system)
        return result

def get_renderer(path):
    """ Return a callable object which can be used to render a
    :term:`Chameleon` text template using the template implied by the
    ``path`` argument.  The ``path`` argument may be a
    package-relative path, an absolute path, or a :term:`asset
    .. warning::

       This API is deprecated in :app:`Pyramid` 1.0.  Use
       :func:`pyramid.renderers.get_renderer` instead.
    package = caller_package()
    factory = renderers.RendererHelper(path, package=package)
    return factory.get_renderer()

    '(pyramid.chameleon_text.get_renderer is deprecated '
    'as of Pyramid 1.0; instead use pyramid.renderers.get_renderer)')

[docs]def get_template(path): """ Return the underyling object representing a :term:`Chameleon` text template using the template implied by the ``path`` argument. The ``path`` argument may be a package-relative path, an absolute path, or a :term:`asset specification`. .. warning:: This API is deprecated in :app:`Pyramid` 1.0. Use the ``implementation()`` method of a template renderer retrieved via :func:`pyramid.renderers.get_renderer` instead. """ package = caller_package() factory = renderers.RendererHelper(path, package=package) return factory.get_renderer().implementation()
deprecated( 'get_template', '(pyramid.chameleon_text.get_template is deprecated ' 'as of Pyramid 1.0; instead use ' 'pyramid.renderers.get_renderer().implementation())')
[docs]def render_template(path, **kw): """ Render a :term:`Chameleon` text template using the template implied by the ``path`` argument. The ``path`` argument may be a package-relative path, an absolute path, or a :term:`asset specification`. The arguments in ``*kw`` are passed as top-level names to the template, and so may be used within the template itself. Returns a string. .. warning:: This API is deprecated in :app:`Pyramid` 1.0. Use :func:`pyramid.renderers.render` instead. """ package = caller_package() request = kw.pop('request', None) renderer = renderers.RendererHelper(path, package=package) return renderer.render(kw, None, request=request)
deprecated( 'render_template', '(pyramid.chameleon_text.render_template is deprecated ' 'as of Pyramid 1.0; instead use pyramid.renderers.render)')
[docs]def render_template_to_response(path, **kw): """ Render a :term:`Chameleon` text template using the template implied by the ``path`` argument. The ``path`` argument may be a package-relative path, an absolute path, or a :term:`asset specification`. The arguments in ``*kw`` are passed as top-level names to the template, and so may be used within the template itself. Returns a :term:`Response` object with the body as the template result. .. warning:: This API is deprecated in :app:`Pyramid` 1.0. Use :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response` instead. """ package = caller_package() request = kw.pop('request', None) renderer = renderers.RendererHelper(path, package=package) return renderer.render_to_response(kw, None, request=request)
deprecated( 'render_template_to_response', '(pyramid.chameleon_text.render_template_to_response is deprecated ' 'as of Pyramid 1.0; instead use pyramid.renderers.render_to_response)')