Source code for pyramid.renderers

import json
import os
import re
import pkg_resources
import threading

from zope.interface import (
from zope.interface.registry import Components

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid.asset import asset_spec_from_abspath

from pyramid.compat import (

from pyramid.decorator import reify

from import BeforeRender

from pyramid.path import (

from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPBadRequest

from pyramid.path import caller_package

from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.threadlocal import get_current_registry


[docs]def render(renderer_name, value, request=None, package=None): """ Using the renderer specified as ``renderer_name`` (a template or a static renderer) render the value (or set of values) present in ``value``. Return the result of the renderer's ``__call__`` method (usually a string or Unicode). If the renderer name refers to a file on disk (such as when the renderer is a template), it's usually best to supply the name as a :term:`asset specification` (e.g. ``packagename:path/to/``). You may supply a relative asset spec as ``renderer_name``. If the ``package`` argument is supplied, a relative renderer path will be converted to an absolute asset specification by combining the package supplied as ``package`` with the relative asset specification supplied as ``renderer_name``. If you do not supply a ``package`` (or ``package`` is ``None``) the package name of the *caller* of this function will be used as the package. The ``value`` provided will be supplied as the input to the renderer. Usually, for template renderings, this should be a dictionary. For other renderers, this will need to be whatever sort of value the renderer expects. The 'system' values supplied to the renderer will include a basic set of top-level system names, such as ``request``, ``context``, ``renderer_name``, and ``view``. See :ref:`renderer_system_values` for the full list. If :term:`renderer globals` have been specified, these will also be used to agument the value. Supply a ``request`` parameter in order to provide the renderer with the most correct 'system' values (``request`` and ``context`` in particular). """ try: registry = request.registry except AttributeError: registry = None if package is None: package = caller_package() helper = RendererHelper(name=renderer_name, package=package, registry=registry) return helper.render(value, None, request=request)
[docs]def render_to_response(renderer_name, value, request=None, package=None): """ Using the renderer specified as ``renderer_name`` (a template or a static renderer) render the value (or set of values) using the result of the renderer's ``__call__`` method (usually a string or Unicode) as the response body. If the renderer name refers to a file on disk (such as when the renderer is a template), it's usually best to supply the name as a :term:`asset specification`. You may supply a relative asset spec as ``renderer_name``. If the ``package`` argument is supplied, a relative renderer name will be converted to an absolute asset specification by combining the package supplied as ``package`` with the relative asset specification supplied as ``renderer_name``. If you do not supply a ``package`` (or ``package`` is ``None``) the package name of the *caller* of this function will be used as the package. The ``value`` provided will be supplied as the input to the renderer. Usually, for template renderings, this should be a dictionary. For other renderers, this will need to be whatever sort of value the renderer expects. The 'system' values supplied to the renderer will include a basic set of top-level system names, such as ``request``, ``context``, ``renderer_name``, and ``view``. See :ref:`renderer_system_values` for the full list. If :term:`renderer globals` have been specified, these will also be used to agument the value. Supply a ``request`` parameter in order to provide the renderer with the most correct 'system' values (``request`` and ``context`` in particular). Keep in mind that if the ``request`` parameter is not passed in, any changes to ``request.response`` attributes made before calling this function will be ignored. """ try: registry = request.registry except AttributeError: registry = None if package is None: package = caller_package() helper = RendererHelper(name=renderer_name, package=package, registry=registry) return helper.render_to_response(value, None, request=request)
[docs]def get_renderer(renderer_name, package=None): """ Return the renderer object for the renderer named as ``renderer_name``. You may supply a relative asset spec as ``renderer_name``. If the ``package`` argument is supplied, a relative renderer name will be converted to an absolute asset specification by combining the package supplied as ``package`` with the relative asset specification supplied as ``renderer_name``. If you do not supply a ``package`` (or ``package`` is ``None``) the package name of the *caller* of this function will be used as the package. """ if package is None: package = caller_package() helper = RendererHelper(name=renderer_name, package=package) return helper.renderer
# concrete renderer factory implementations (also API) def string_renderer_factory(info): def _render(value, system): if not isinstance(value, string_types): value = str(value) request = system.get('request') if request is not None: response = request.response ct = response.content_type if ct == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = 'text/plain' return value return _render _marker = object()
[docs]class JSON(object): """ Renderer that returns a JSON-encoded string. Configure a custom JSON renderer using the :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_renderer` API at application startup time: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.config import Configurator config = Configurator() config.add_renderer('myjson', JSON(indent=4)) Once this renderer is registered as above, you can use ``myjson`` as the ``renderer=`` parameter to ``@view_config`` or :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view``: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.view import view_config @view_config(renderer='myjson') def myview(request): return {'greeting':'Hello world'} Custom objects can be serialized using the renderer by either implementing the ``__json__`` magic method, or by registering adapters with the renderer. See :ref:`json_serializing_custom_objects` for more information. The default serializer uses ``json.JSONEncoder``. A different serializer can be specified via the ``serializer`` argument. Custom serializers should accept the object, a callback ``default``, and any extra ``kw`` keyword argments passed during renderer construction. .. note:: This feature is new in Pyramid 1.4. Prior to 1.4 there was no public API for supplying options to the underlying serializer without defining a custom renderer. """ def __init__(self, serializer=json.dumps, adapters=(), **kw): """ Any keyword arguments will be passed to the ``serializer`` function.""" self.serializer = serializer = kw self.components = Components() for type, adapter in adapters: self.add_adapter(type, adapter)
[docs] def add_adapter(self, type_or_iface, adapter): """ When an object of the type (or interface) ``type_or_iface`` fails to automatically encode using the serializer, the renderer will use the adapter ``adapter`` to convert it into a JSON-serializable object. The adapter must accept two arguments: the object and the currently active request. .. code-block:: python class Foo(object): x = 5 def foo_adapter(obj, request): return obj.x renderer = JSON(indent=4) renderer.add_adapter(Foo, foo_adapter) When you've done this, the JSON renderer will be able to serialize instances of the ``Foo`` class when they're encountered in your view results.""" self.components.registerAdapter(adapter, (type_or_iface,), IJSONAdapter)
def __call__(self, info): """ Returns a plain JSON-encoded string with content-type ``application/json``. The content-type may be overridden by setting ``request.response.content_type``.""" def _render(value, system): request = system.get('request') if request is not None: response = request.response ct = response.content_type if ct == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = 'application/json' default = self._make_default(request) return self.serializer(value, default=default, ** return _render def _make_default(self, request): def default(obj): if hasattr(obj, '__json__'): return obj.__json__(request) obj_iface = providedBy(obj) adapters = self.components.adapters result = adapters.lookup((obj_iface,), IJSONAdapter, default=_marker) if result is _marker: raise TypeError('%r is not JSON serializable' % (obj,)) return result(obj, request) return default
json_renderer_factory = JSON() # bw compat JSONP_VALID_CALLBACK = re.compile(r"^[$a-z_][$0-9a-z_\.\[\]]+[^.]$", re.I)
[docs]class JSONP(JSON): """ `JSONP <>`_ renderer factory helper which implements a hybrid json/jsonp renderer. JSONP is useful for making cross-domain AJAX requests. Configure a JSONP renderer using the :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_renderer` API at application startup time: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.config import Configurator config = Configurator() config.add_renderer('jsonp', JSONP(param_name='callback')) The class' constructor also accepts arbitrary keyword arguments. All keyword arguments except ``param_name`` are passed to the ``json.dumps`` function as its keyword arguments. .. code-block:: python from pyramid.config import Configurator config = Configurator() config.add_renderer('jsonp', JSONP(param_name='callback', indent=4)) .. note:: The ability of this class to accept a ``**kw`` in its constructor is new as of Pyramid 1.4. The arguments passed to this class' constructor mean the same thing as the arguments passed to :class:`pyramid.renderers.JSON` (including ``serializer`` and ``adapters``). Once this renderer is registered via :meth:`~pyramid.config.Configurator.add_renderer` as above, you can use ``jsonp`` as the ``renderer=`` parameter to ``@view_config`` or :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_view``: .. code-block:: python from pyramid.view import view_config @view_config(renderer='jsonp') def myview(request): return {'greeting':'Hello world'} When a view is called that uses the JSONP renderer: - If there is a parameter in the request's HTTP query string that matches the ``param_name`` of the registered JSONP renderer (by default, ``callback``), the renderer will return a JSONP response. - If there is no callback parameter in the request's query string, the renderer will return a 'plain' JSON response. .. note:: This feature is new in Pyramid 1.1. See also: :ref:`jsonp_renderer`. """ def __init__(self, param_name='callback', **kw): self.param_name = param_name JSON.__init__(self, **kw) def __call__(self, info): """ Returns JSONP-encoded string with content-type ``application/javascript`` if query parameter matching ``self.param_name`` is present in request.GET; otherwise returns plain-JSON encoded string with content-type ``application/json``""" def _render(value, system): request = system.get('request', None) default = self._make_default(request) val = self.serializer(value, default=default, ** ct = 'application/json' body = val if request is not None: callback = request.GET.get(self.param_name) if callback is not None: if not JSONP_VALID_CALLBACK.match(callback): raise HTTPBadRequest( 'Invalid JSONP callback function name.') ct = 'application/javascript' body = '/**/{0}({1});'.format(callback, val) response = request.response if response.content_type == response.default_content_type: response.content_type = ct return body return _render
# utility functions, not API @implementer(IChameleonLookup) class ChameleonRendererLookup(object): spec_re = re.compile( r'(?P<asset>[\w_.:/-]+)' r'(?:\#(?P<defname>[\w_]+))?' r'(\.(?P<ext>.*))' ) def __init__(self, impl, registry): self.impl = impl self.registry = registry self.lock = threading.Lock() def get_spec(self, name, package): if not package: # if there's no package, we can't do any conversion return name spec = name isabspath = os.path.isabs(name) colon_in_name = ':' in name isabsspec = colon_in_name and (not isabspath) isrelspec = (not isabsspec) and (not isabspath) # if it's already an absolute spec, we don't need to do anything, # but if it's a relative spec or an absolute path, we need to try # to convert it to an absolute spec if isrelspec: # convert relative asset spec to absolute asset spec pp = package_path(package) spec = os.path.join(pp, spec) spec = asset_spec_from_abspath(spec, package) elif isabspath: # convert absolute path to absolute asset spec spec = asset_spec_from_abspath(spec, package) return spec @property # wait until completely necessary to look up translator def translate(self): return self.registry.queryUtility(IChameleonTranslate) @property # wait until completely necessary to look up debug_templates def debug(self): settings = self.registry.settings if settings is None: return False return settings.get('debug_templates', False) @property # wait until completely necessary to look up reload_templates def auto_reload(self): settings = self.registry.settings if settings is None: return False return settings.get('reload_templates', False) def _crack_spec(self, spec): asset, macro, ext = self.spec_re.match(spec).group( 'asset', 'defname', 'ext' ) return asset, macro, ext def __call__(self, info): spec = self.get_spec(, info.package) registry = info.registry if os.path.isabs(spec): # 'spec' is an absolute filename if not os.path.exists(spec): raise ValueError('Missing template file: %s' % spec) renderer = registry.queryUtility(ITemplateRenderer, name=spec) if renderer is None: renderer = self.impl(spec, self, macro=None) # cache the template with self.lock: registry.registerUtility(renderer, ITemplateRenderer, name=spec) else: # spec is a package:relpath asset spec renderer = registry.queryUtility(ITemplateRenderer, name=spec) if renderer is None: asset, macro, ext = self._crack_spec(spec) spec_without_macro = '%s.%s' % (asset, ext) try: package_name, filename = spec_without_macro.split(':', 1) except ValueError: # pragma: no cover # somehow we were passed a relative pathname; this # should die package_name = caller_package(4).__name__ filename = spec_without_macro abspath = pkg_resources.resource_filename(package_name, filename) if not pkg_resources.resource_exists(package_name, filename): raise ValueError( 'Missing template asset: %s (%s)' % ( spec_without_macro, abspath) ) renderer = self.impl(abspath, self, macro=macro) settings = info.settings if not settings.get('reload_assets'): # cache the template with self.lock: registry.registerUtility(renderer, ITemplateRenderer, name=spec) return renderer registry_lock = threading.Lock() def template_renderer_factory(info, impl, lock=registry_lock): registry = info.registry lookup = registry.queryUtility(IChameleonLookup, name=info.type) if lookup is None: lookup = ChameleonRendererLookup(impl, registry) with lock: registry.registerUtility(lookup, IChameleonLookup, name=info.type) return lookup(info) @implementer(IRendererInfo) class RendererHelper(object): def __init__(self, name=None, package=None, registry=None): if name and '.' in name: rtype = os.path.splitext(name)[1] else: # important.. must be a string; cannot be None; see issue 249 rtype = name or '' if registry is None: registry = get_current_registry() = name self.package = package self.type = rtype self.registry = registry @reify def settings(self): settings = self.registry.settings if settings is None: settings = {} return settings @reify def renderer(self): factory = self.registry.queryUtility(IRendererFactory, name=self.type) if factory is None: raise ValueError( 'No such renderer factory %s' % str(self.type)) return factory(self) def get_renderer(self): return self.renderer def render_view(self, request, response, view, context): system = {'view':view, 'renderer_name', # b/c 'renderer_info':self, 'context':context, 'request':request, 'req':request, } return self.render_to_response(response, system, request=request) def render(self, value, system_values, request=None): renderer = self.renderer if system_values is None: system_values = { 'view':None, 'renderer_name', # b/c 'renderer_info':self, 'context':getattr(request, 'context', None), 'request':request, 'req':request, } system_values = BeforeRender(system_values, value) registry = self.registry globals_factory = registry.queryUtility(IRendererGlobalsFactory) if globals_factory is not None: renderer_globals = globals_factory(system_values) if renderer_globals: system_values.update(renderer_globals) registry.notify(system_values) result = renderer(value, system_values) return result def render_to_response(self, value, system_values, request=None): result = self.render(value, system_values, request=request) return self._make_response(result, request) def _make_response(self, result, request): # broken out of render_to_response as a separate method for testing # purposes response = getattr(request, 'response', None) if response is None: # request is None or request is not a pyramid.response.Response registry = self.registry response_factory = registry.queryUtility(IResponseFactory, default=Response) response = response_factory() if result is not None: if isinstance(result, text_type): response.text = result else: response.body = result if request is not None: # deprecated mechanism to set up request.response_* attrs, see # pyramid.request.Request attrs = request.__dict__ content_type = attrs.get('_response_content_type', None) if content_type is not None: response.content_type = content_type headerlist = attrs.get('_response_headerlist', None) if headerlist is not None: for k, v in headerlist: response.headers.add(k, v) status = attrs.get('_response_status', None) if status is not None: response.status = status charset = attrs.get('_response_charset', None) if charset is not None: response.charset = charset cache_for = attrs.get('_response_cache_for', None) if cache_for is not None: response.cache_expires = cache_for return response def clone(self, name=None, package=None, registry=None): if name is None: name = if package is None: package = self.package if registry is None: registry = self.registry return self.__class__(name=name, package=package, registry=registry) class NullRendererHelper(RendererHelper): """ Special renderer helper that has render_* methods which simply return the value they are fed rather than converting them to response objects; useful for testing purposes and special case view configuration registrations that want to use the view configuration machinery but do not want actual rendering to happen .""" def __init__(self, name=None, package=None, registry=None): # we override the initializer to avoid calling get_current_registry # (it will return a reference to the global registry when this # thing is called at module scope; we don't want that). = None self.package = None self.type = '' self.registry = None @property def settings(self): return get_current_registry().settings or {} def render_view(self, request, value, view, context): return value def render(self, value, system_values, request=None): return value def render_to_response(self, value, system_values, request=None): return value def clone(self, name=None, package=None, registry=None): return self null_renderer = NullRendererHelper()