# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import json
import os
from os.path import (
from pkg_resources import (
from repoze.lru import lru_cache
from pyramid.asset import (
from pyramid.compat import text_
from pyramid.httpexceptions import (
from pyramid.path import caller_package
from pyramid.response import FileResponse
from pyramid.traversal import traversal_path_info
slash = text_('/')
[docs]class static_view(object):
""" An instance of this class is a callable which can act as a
:app:`Pyramid` :term:`view callable`; this view will serve
static files from a directory on disk based on the ``root_dir``
you provide to its constructor.
The directory may contain subdirectories (recursively); the static
view implementation will descend into these directories as
necessary based on the components of the URL in order to resolve a
path into a response.
You may pass an absolute or relative filesystem path or a
:term:`asset specification` representing the directory
containing static files as the ``root_dir`` argument to this
class' constructor.
If the ``root_dir`` path is relative, and the ``package_name``
argument is ``None``, ``root_dir`` will be considered relative to
the directory in which the Python file which *calls* ``static``
resides. If the ``package_name`` name argument is provided, and a
relative ``root_dir`` is provided, the ``root_dir`` will be
considered relative to the Python :term:`package` specified by
``package_name`` (a dotted path to a Python package).
``cache_max_age`` influences the ``Expires`` and ``Max-Age``
response headers returned by the view (default is 3600 seconds or
one hour).
``use_subpath`` influences whether ``request.subpath`` will be used as
``PATH_INFO`` when calling the underlying WSGI application which actually
serves the static files. If it is ``True``, the static application will
consider ``request.subpath`` as ``PATH_INFO`` input. If it is ``False``,
the static application will consider request.environ[``PATH_INFO``] as
``PATH_INFO`` input. By default, this is ``False``.
.. note::
If the ``root_dir`` is relative to a :term:`package`, or is a
:term:`asset specification` the :app:`Pyramid`
:class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` method can be used to override
assets within the named ``root_dir`` package-relative directory.
However, if the ``root_dir`` is absolute, configuration will not be able
to override the assets it contains.
def __init__(self, root_dir, cache_max_age=3600, package_name=None,
use_subpath=False, index='index.html', cachebust_match=None):
# package_name is for bw compat; it is preferred to pass in a
# package-relative path as root_dir
# (e.g. ``anotherpackage:foo/static``).
self.cache_max_age = cache_max_age
if package_name is None:
package_name = caller_package().__name__
package_name, docroot = resolve_asset_spec(root_dir, package_name)
self.use_subpath = use_subpath
self.package_name = package_name
self.docroot = docroot
self.norm_docroot = normcase(normpath(docroot))
self.index = index
self.cachebust_match = cachebust_match
def __call__(self, context, request):
if self.use_subpath:
path_tuple = request.subpath
path_tuple = traversal_path_info(request.environ['PATH_INFO'])
if self.cachebust_match:
path_tuple = self.cachebust_match(path_tuple)
path = _secure_path(path_tuple)
if path is None:
raise HTTPNotFound('Out of bounds: %s' % request.url)
if self.package_name: # package resource
resource_path ='%s/%s' % (self.docroot.rstrip('/'), path)
if resource_isdir(self.package_name, resource_path):
if not request.path_url.endswith('/'):
resource_path = '%s/%s' % (resource_path.rstrip('/'),self.index)
if not resource_exists(self.package_name, resource_path):
raise HTTPNotFound(request.url)
filepath = resource_filename(self.package_name, resource_path)
else: # filesystem file
# os.path.normpath converts / to \ on windows
filepath = normcase(normpath(join(self.norm_docroot, path)))
if isdir(filepath):
if not request.path_url.endswith('/'):
filepath = join(filepath, self.index)
if not exists(filepath):
raise HTTPNotFound(request.url)
return FileResponse(filepath, request, self.cache_max_age)
def add_slash_redirect(self, request):
url = request.path_url + '/'
qs = request.query_string
if qs:
url = url + '?' + qs
raise HTTPMovedPermanently(url)
_seps = set(['/', os.sep])
def _contains_slash(item):
for sep in _seps:
if sep in item:
return True
_has_insecure_pathelement = set(['..', '.', '']).intersection
def _secure_path(path_tuple):
if _has_insecure_pathelement(path_tuple):
# belt-and-suspenders security; this should never be true
# unless someone screws up the traversal_path code
# (request.subpath is computed via traversal_path too)
return None
if any([_contains_slash(item) for item in path_tuple]):
return None
encoded = slash.join(path_tuple) # will be unicode
return encoded
[docs]class QueryStringCacheBuster(object):
An implementation of :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.ICacheBuster` which adds
a token for cache busting in the query string of an asset URL.
The optional ``param`` argument determines the name of the parameter added
to the query string and defaults to ``'x'``.
To use this class, subclass it and provide a ``tokenize`` method which
accepts ``request, pathspec, kw`` and returns a token.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
def __init__(self, param='x'):
self.param = param
def __call__(self, request, subpath, kw):
token = self.tokenize(request, subpath, kw)
query = kw.setdefault('_query', {})
if isinstance(query, dict):
query[self.param] = token
kw['_query'] = tuple(query) + ((self.param, token),)
return subpath, kw
[docs]class QueryStringConstantCacheBuster(QueryStringCacheBuster):
An implementation of :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.ICacheBuster` which adds
an arbitrary token for cache busting in the query string of an asset URL.
The ``token`` parameter is the token string to use for cache busting and
will be the same for every request.
The optional ``param`` argument determines the name of the parameter added
to the query string and defaults to ``'x'``.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
def __init__(self, token, param='x'):
super(QueryStringConstantCacheBuster, self).__init__(param=param)
self._token = token
def tokenize(self, request, subpath, kw):
return self._token
[docs]class ManifestCacheBuster(object):
An implementation of :class:`~pyramid.interfaces.ICacheBuster` which
uses a supplied manifest file to map an asset path to a cache-busted
version of the path.
The ``manifest_spec`` can be an absolute path or a :term:`asset
specification` pointing to a package-relative file.
The manifest file is expected to conform to the following simple JSON
.. code-block:: json
"css/main.css": "css/main-678b7c80.css",
"images/background.png": "images/background-a8169106.png",
By default, it is a JSON-serialized dictionary where the keys are the
source asset paths used in calls to
:meth:`~pyramid.request.Request.static_url`. For example:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> request.static_url('myapp:static/css/main.css')
The file format and location can be changed by subclassing and overriding
If a path is not found in the manifest it will pass through unchanged.
If ``reload`` is ``True`` then the manifest file will be reloaded when
changed. It is not recommended to leave this enabled in production.
If the manifest file cannot be found on disk it will be treated as
an empty mapping unless ``reload`` is ``False``.
.. versionadded:: 1.6
exists = staticmethod(exists) # testing
getmtime = staticmethod(getmtime) # testing
def __init__(self, manifest_spec, reload=False):
package_name = caller_package().__name__
self.manifest_path = abspath_from_asset_spec(
manifest_spec, package_name)
self.reload = reload
self._mtime = None
if not reload:
self._manifest = self.get_manifest()
def get_manifest(self):
with open(self.manifest_path, 'rb') as fp:
return self.parse_manifest(fp.read())
[docs] def parse_manifest(self, content):
Parse the ``content`` read from the ``manifest_path`` into a
dictionary mapping.
Subclasses may override this method to use something other than
``json.loads`` to load any type of file format and return a conforming
return json.loads(content.decode('utf-8'))
def manifest(self):
""" The current manifest dictionary."""
if self.reload:
if not self.exists(self.manifest_path):
return {}
mtime = self.getmtime(self.manifest_path)
if self._mtime is None or mtime > self._mtime:
self._manifest = self.get_manifest()
self._mtime = mtime
return self._manifest
def __call__(self, request, subpath, kw):
subpath = self.manifest.get(subpath, subpath)
return (subpath, kw)