import copy
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from zope.interface import (
from pyramid.interfaces import (
from pyramid.compat import (
from pyramid.config import Configurator
from pyramid.decorator import reify
from pyramid.path import caller_package
from pyramid.response import _get_response_factory
from pyramid.registry import Registry
from import (
from pyramid.threadlocal import (
from pyramid.i18n import LocalizerRequestMixin
from pyramid.request import CallbackMethodsMixin
from pyramid.url import URLMethodsMixin
from pyramid.util import InstancePropertyMixin
_marker = object()
class DummyRootFactory(object):
__parent__ = None
__name__ = None
def __init__(self, request):
if 'bfg.routes.matchdict' in request:
class DummySecurityPolicy(object):
""" A standin for both an IAuthentication and IAuthorization policy """
def __init__(self, userid=None, groupids=(), permissive=True,
remember_result=None, forget_result=None):
self.userid = userid
self.groupids = groupids
self.permissive = permissive
if remember_result is None:
remember_result = []
if forget_result is None:
forget_result = []
self.remember_result = remember_result
self.forget_result = forget_result
def authenticated_userid(self, request):
return self.userid
def unauthenticated_userid(self, request):
return self.userid
def effective_principals(self, request):
effective_principals = [Everyone]
if self.userid:
return effective_principals
def remember(self, request, userid, **kw):
self.remembered = userid
return self.remember_result
def forget(self, request):
self.forgotten = True
return self.forget_result
def permits(self, context, principals, permission):
return self.permissive
def principals_allowed_by_permission(self, context, permission):
return self.effective_principals(None)
[docs]class DummyTemplateRenderer(object):
An instance of this class is returned from
:meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer`. It has a
helper function (``assert_``) that makes it possible to make an
assertion which compares data passed to the renderer by the view
function against expected key/value pairs.
def __init__(self, string_response=''):
self._received = {}
self._string_response = string_response
self._implementation = MockTemplate(string_response)
# For in-the-wild test code that doesn't create its own renderer,
# but mutates our internals instead. When all you read is the
# source code, *everything* is an API!
def _get_string_response(self):
return self._string_response
def _set_string_response(self, response):
self._string_response = response
self._implementation.response = response
string_response = property(_get_string_response, _set_string_response)
def implementation(self):
return self._implementation
def __call__(self, kw, system=None):
if system:
return self.string_response
def __getattr__(self, k):
""" Backwards compatibility """
val = self._received.get(k, _marker)
if val is _marker:
val = self._implementation._received.get(k, _marker)
if val is _marker:
raise AttributeError(k)
return val
[docs] def assert_(self, **kw):
""" Accept an arbitrary set of assertion key/value pairs. For
each assertion key/value pair assert that the renderer
(eg. :func:`pyramid.renderers.render_to_response`)
received the key with a value that equals the asserted
value. If the renderer did not receive the key at all, or the
value received by the renderer doesn't match the assertion
value, raise an :exc:`AssertionError`."""
for k, v in kw.items():
myval = self._received.get(k, _marker)
if myval is _marker:
myval = self._implementation._received.get(k, _marker)
if myval is _marker:
raise AssertionError(
'A value for key "%s" was not passed to the renderer'
% k)
if myval != v:
raise AssertionError(
'\nasserted value for %s: %r\nactual value: %r' % (
k, v, myval))
return True
[docs]class DummyResource:
""" A dummy :app:`Pyramid` :term:`resource` object."""
def __init__(self, __name__=None, __parent__=None, __provides__=None,
""" The resource's ``__name__`` attribute will be set to the
value of the ``__name__`` argument, and the resource's
``__parent__`` attribute will be set to the value of the
``__parent__`` argument. If ``__provides__`` is specified, it
should be an interface object or tuple of interface objects
that will be attached to the resulting resource via
:func:`zope.interface.alsoProvides`. Any extra keywords passed
in the ``kw`` argumnent will be set as direct attributes of
the resource object.
.. note:: For backwards compatibility purposes, this class can also
be imported as :class:`pyramid.testing.DummyModel`.
self.__name__ = __name__
self.__parent__ = __parent__
if __provides__ is not None:
alsoProvides(self, __provides__) = kw
self.subs = {}
def __setitem__(self, name, val):
""" When the ``__setitem__`` method is called, the object
passed in as ``val`` will be decorated with a ``__parent__``
attribute pointing at the dummy resource and a ``__name__``
attribute that is the value of ``name``. The value will then
be returned when dummy resource's ``__getitem__`` is called with
the name ``name```."""
val.__name__ = name
val.__parent__ = self
self.subs[name] = val
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" Return a named subobject (see ``__setitem__``)"""
ob = self.subs[name]
return ob
def __delitem__(self, name):
del self.subs[name]
def get(self, name, default=None):
return self.subs.get(name, default)
[docs] def values(self):
""" Return the values set by __setitem__ """
return self.subs.values()
[docs] def items(self):
""" Return the items set by __setitem__ """
return self.subs.items()
[docs] def keys(self):
""" Return the keys set by __setitem__ """
return self.subs.keys()
__iter__ = keys
def __nonzero__(self):
return True
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def __len__(self):
return len(self.subs)
def __contains__(self, name):
return name in self.subs
[docs] def clone(self, __name__=_marker, __parent__=_marker, **kw):
""" Create a clone of the resource object. If ``__name__`` or
``__parent__`` arguments are passed, use these values to
override the existing ``__name__`` or ``__parent__`` of the
resource. If any extra keyword args are passed in via the ``kw``
argument, use these keywords to add to or override existing
resource keywords (attributes)."""
oldkw =
inst = self.__class__(self.__name__, self.__parent__, **oldkw)
inst.subs = copy.deepcopy(self.subs)
if __name__ is not _marker:
inst.__name__ = __name__
if __parent__ is not _marker:
inst.__parent__ = __parent__
return inst
DummyModel = DummyResource # b/w compat (forever)
class DummySession(dict):
created = None
new = True
def changed(self):
def invalidate(self):
def flash(self, msg, queue='', allow_duplicate=True):
storage = self.setdefault('_f_' + queue, [])
if allow_duplicate or (msg not in storage):
def pop_flash(self, queue=''):
storage = self.pop('_f_' + queue, [])
return storage
def peek_flash(self, queue=''):
storage = self.get('_f_' + queue, [])
return storage
def new_csrf_token(self):
token = text_('0123456789012345678901234567890123456789')
self['_csrft_'] = token
return token
def get_csrf_token(self):
token = self.get('_csrft_', None)
if token is None:
token = self.new_csrf_token()
return token
[docs]class DummyRequest(
""" A DummyRequest object (incompletely) imitates a :term:`request` object.
The ``params``, ``environ``, ``headers``, ``path``, and
``cookies`` arguments correspond to their :term:`WebOb`
The ``post`` argument, if passed, populates the request's
``POST`` attribute, but *not* ``params``, in order to allow testing
that the app accepts data for a given view only from POST requests.
This argument also sets ``self.method`` to "POST".
Extra keyword arguments are assigned as attributes of the request
Note that DummyRequest does not have complete fidelity with a "real"
request. For example, by default, the DummyRequest ``GET`` and ``POST``
attributes are of type ``dict``, unlike a normal Request's GET and POST,
which are of type ``MultiDict``. If your code uses the features of
MultiDict, you should either use a real :class:`pyramid.request.Request`
or adapt your DummyRequest by replacing the attributes with ``MultiDict``
Other similar incompatibilities exist. If you need all the features of
a Request, use the :class:`pyramid.request.Request` class itself rather
than this class while writing tests.
method = 'GET'
application_url = ''
host = ''
domain = ''
content_length = 0
query_string = ''
charset = 'UTF-8'
script_name = ''
_registry = None
request_iface = IRequest
def __init__(self, params=None, environ=None, headers=None, path='/',
cookies=None, post=None, **kw):
if environ is None:
environ = {}
if params is None:
params = {}
if headers is None:
headers = {}
if cookies is None:
cookies = {}
self.environ = environ
self.headers = headers
self.params = params
self.cookies = cookies
self.matchdict = {}
self.GET = params
if post is not None:
self.method = 'POST'
self.POST = post
self.POST = params
self.host_url = self.application_url
self.path_url = self.application_url
self.url = self.application_url
self.path = path
self.path_info = path
self.script_name = ''
self.path_qs = ''
self.body = ''
self.view_name = ''
self.subpath = ()
self.traversed = ()
self.virtual_root_path = ()
self.context = None
self.root = None
self.virtual_root = None
self.marshalled = params # repoze.monty
self.session = DummySession()
def _get_registry(self):
if self._registry is None:
return get_current_registry()
return self._registry
def _set_registry(self, registry):
self._registry = registry
def _del_registry(self):
self._registry = None
registry = property(_get_registry, _set_registry, _del_registry)
def response(self):
f = _get_response_factory(self.registry)
return f(self)
have_zca = True
[docs]def setUp(registry=None, request=None, hook_zca=True, autocommit=True,
settings=None, package=None):
Set :app:`Pyramid` registry and request thread locals for the
duration of a single unit test.
Use this function in the ``setUp`` method of a unittest test case
which directly or indirectly uses:
- any method of the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator`
object returned by this function.
- the :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` or
:func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_request` functions.
If you use the ``get_current_*`` functions (or call :app:`Pyramid` code
that uses these functions) without calling ``setUp``,
:func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` will return a *global*
:term:`application registry`, which may cause unit tests to not be
isolated with respect to registrations they perform.
If the ``registry`` argument is ``None``, a new empty
:term:`application registry` will be created (an instance of the
:class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` class). If the ``registry``
argument is not ``None``, the value passed in should be an
instance of the :class:`pyramid.registry.Registry` class or a
suitable testing analogue.
After ``setUp`` is finished, the registry returned by the
:func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` function will
be the passed (or constructed) registry until
:func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` is called (or
:func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` is called again) .
If the ``hook_zca`` argument is ``True``, ``setUp`` will attempt
to perform the operation ``zope.component.getSiteManager.sethook(
pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry)``, which will cause
the :term:`Zope Component Architecture` global API
(e.g. :func:`zope.component.getSiteManager`,
:func:`zope.component.getAdapter`, and so on) to use the registry
constructed by ``setUp`` as the value it returns from
:func:`zope.component.getSiteManager`. If the
:mod:`zope.component` package cannot be imported, or if
``hook_zca`` is ``False``, the hook will not be set.
If ``settings`` is not ``None``, it must be a dictionary representing the
values passed to a Configurator as its ``settings=`` argument.
If ``package`` is ``None`` it will be set to the caller's package. The
``package`` setting in the :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` will
affect any relative imports made via
:meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.include` or
This function returns an instance of the
:class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` class, which can be
used for further configuration to set up an environment suitable
for a unit or integration test. The ``registry`` attribute
attached to the Configurator instance represents the 'current'
:term:`application registry`; the same registry will be returned
by :func:`pyramid.threadlocal.get_current_registry` during the
execution of the test.
if registry is None:
registry = Registry('testing')
if package is None:
package = caller_package()
config = Configurator(registry=registry, autocommit=autocommit,
if settings is None:
settings = {}
if getattr(registry, 'settings', None) is None:
if hasattr(registry, 'registerUtility'):
# Sometimes nose calls us with a non-registry object because
# it thinks this function is module test setup. Likewise,
# someone may be passing us an esoteric "dummy" registry, and
# the below won't succeed if it doesn't have a registerUtility
# method.
global have_zca
have_zca and hook_zca and config.hook_zca()
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
# (dont choke on not being able to import z.component)
have_zca = False
return config
[docs]def tearDown(unhook_zca=True):
"""Undo the effects of :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp`. Use this
function in the ``tearDown`` method of a unit test that uses
:func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` in its ``setUp`` method.
If the ``unhook_zca`` argument is ``True`` (the default), call
:func:`zope.component.getSiteManager.reset`. This undoes the
action of :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` when called with the
argument ``hook_zca=True``. If :mod:`zope.component` cannot be
imported, ``unhook_zca`` is set to ``False``.
global have_zca
if unhook_zca and have_zca:
from zope.component import getSiteManager
except ImportError: # pragma: no cover
have_zca = False
info = manager.pop()
if info is not None:
registry = info['registry']
if hasattr(registry, '__init__') and hasattr(registry, '__name__'):
except TypeError:
# calling __init__ is largely for the benefit of
# people who want to use the global ZCA registry;
# however maybe somebody's using a registry we don't
# understand, let's not blow up
[docs]def cleanUp(*arg, **kw):
""" An alias for :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp`. """
package = kw.get('package', None)
if package is None:
package = caller_package()
kw['package'] = package
return setUp(*arg, **kw)
class DummyRendererFactory(object):
""" Registered by
:meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.testing_add_renderer` as
a dummy renderer factory. The indecision about what to use as a
key (a spec vs. a relative name) is caused by test suites in the
wild believing they can register either. The ``factory`` argument
passed to this constructor is usually the *real* template renderer
factory, found when ``testing_add_renderer`` is called."""
def __init__(self, name, factory): = name
self.factory = factory # the "real" renderer factory reg'd previously
self.renderers = {}
def add(self, spec, renderer):
self.renderers[spec] = renderer
if ':' in spec:
package, relative = spec.split(':', 1)
self.renderers[relative] = renderer
def __call__(self, info):
spec =
renderer = self.renderers.get(spec)
if renderer is None:
if ':' in spec:
package, relative = spec.split(':', 1)
renderer = self.renderers.get(relative)
if renderer is None:
if self.factory:
renderer = self.factory(info)
raise KeyError('No testing renderer registered for %r' %
return renderer
class MockTemplate(object):
def __init__(self, response):
self._received = {}
self.response = response
def __getattr__(self, attrname):
return self
def __getitem__(self, attrname):
return self
def __call__(self, *arg, **kw):
return self.response
def skip_on(*platforms): # pragma: no cover
skip = False
for platform in platforms:
if skip_on.os_name.startswith(platform):
skip = True
if platform == 'pypy' and PYPY:
skip = True
if platform == 'py3' and PY3:
skip = True
def decorator(func):
if isinstance(func, class_types):
if skip: return None
else: return func
def wrapper(*args, **kw):
if skip:
return func(*args, **kw)
wrapper.__name__ = func.__name__
wrapper.__doc__ = func.__doc__
return wrapper
return decorator
skip_on.os_name = # for testing
[docs]def testConfig(registry=None,
"""Returns a context manager for test set up.
This context manager calls :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp` when
entering and :func:`pyramid.testing.tearDown` when exiting.
All arguments are passed directly to :func:`pyramid.testing.setUp`.
If the ZCA is hooked, it will always be un-hooked in tearDown.
This context manager allows you to write test code like this:
.. code-block:: python
with testConfig() as config:
config.add_route('bar', '/bar/{id}')
req = DummyRequest()
resp = myview(req),
config = setUp(registry=registry,
yield config