12: Templating With jinja2
We just said Pyramid doesn't prefer one templating language over another. Time
to prove it. Jinja2 is a popular templating system, used in Flask and modeled
after Django's templates. Let's add pyramid_jinja2
, a Pyramid
add-on which enables Jinja2 as a renderer in our Pyramid
- Show Pyramid's support for different templating systems.
- Learn about installing Pyramid add-ons.
In this step let's start by copying the
step's directory, and then installing thepyramid_jinja2
add-on.$ cd ..; cp -r view_classes jinja2; cd jinja2 $ $VENV/bin/python setup.py develop $ $VENV/bin/easy_install pyramid_jinja2
We need to include
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from pyramid.config import Configurator def main(global_config, **settings): config = Configurator(settings=settings) config.include('pyramid_jinja2') config.add_route('home', '/') config.add_route('hello', '/howdy') config.scan('.views') return config.make_wsgi_app()
simply changes itsrenderer
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from pyramid.view import ( view_config, view_defaults ) @view_defaults(renderer='home.jinja2') class TutorialViews: def __init__(self, request): self.request = request @view_config(route_name='home') def home(self): return {'name': 'Home View'} @view_config(route_name='hello') def hello(self): return {'name': 'Hello View'}
as a template:<!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Quick Tutorial: {{ name }}</title> </head> <body> <h1>Hi {{ name }}</h1> </body> </html>
Now run the tests:
$ $VENV/bin/nosetests tutorial
Run your Pyramid application with:
$ $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload
Open http://localhost:6543/ in your browser.
Getting a Pyramid add-on into Pyramid is simple. First you use normal Python
package installation tools to install the add-on package into your Python
virtual environment. You then tell Pyramid's configurator to run the setup code
in the add-on. In this case the setup code told Pyramid to make a new
"renderer" available that looked for .jinja2
file extensions.
Our view code stayed largely the same. We simply changed the file extension on the renderer. For the template, the syntax for Chameleon and Jinja2's basic variable insertion is very similar.
Extra credit¶
- Our project now depends on
. We installed that dependency manually. What is another way we could have made the association? - We used
which is an imperative configuration to get the Configurator to loadpyramid_jinja2
's configuration. What is another way could include it into the config?
See also