
$ pserve --help
Usage: pserve config_uri [start|stop|restart|status] [var=value]

This command serves a web application that uses a PasteDeploy configuration
file for the server and application.  If start/stop/restart is given, then
--daemon is implied, and it will start (normal operation), stop (--stop-
daemon), or do both. Note: Daemonization features are deprecated.  You can
also include variable assignments like 'http_port=8080' and then use
%(http_port)s in your config files.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -n NAME, --app-name=NAME
                        Load the named application (default main)
                        Use the named server.
                        Use the named server as defined in the configuration
                        file (default: main)
  --daemon              Run in daemon (background) mode [DEPRECATED]
  --pid-file=FILENAME   Save PID to file (default to if running in
                        daemon mode) [DEPRECATED]
  --log-file=LOG_FILE   Save output to the given log file (redirects stdout)
  --reload              Use auto-restart file monitor
                        Seconds between checking files (low number can cause
                        significant CPU usage)
  --monitor-restart     Auto-restart server if it dies [DEPRECATED]
  -b, --browser         Open a web browser to server url
  --status              Show the status of the (presumably daemonized) server
  -v, --verbose         Set verbose level (default 1)
  -q, --quiet           Suppress verbose output
  --user=USERNAME       Set the user (usually only possible when run as root)
  --group=GROUP         Set the group (usually only possible when run as root)
  --stop-daemon         Stop a daemonized server (given a PID file, or default
               file) [DEPRECATED]