Source code for

from zope.interface import implementer

from pyramid.interfaces import (

from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from pyramid.util import action_method
from pyramid.util import as_sorted_tuple

class SecurityConfiguratorMixin(object):
    def set_authentication_policy(self, policy):
        """ Override the :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authentication policy` in the
        current configuration.  The ``policy`` argument must be an instance
        of an authentication policy or a :term:`dotted Python name`
        that points at an instance of an authentication policy.

        .. note::

           Using the ``authentication_policy`` argument to the
           :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor can be used to
           achieve the same purpose.

        def register():
            if self.registry.queryUtility(IAuthorizationPolicy) is None:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    'Cannot configure an authentication policy without '
                    'also configuring an authorization policy '
                    '(use the set_authorization_policy method)')
        intr = self.introspectable('authentication policy', None,
                                   'authentication policy')
        intr['policy'] = policy
        # authentication policy used by view config (phase 3)
        self.action(IAuthenticationPolicy, register, order=PHASE2_CONFIG,

    def _set_authentication_policy(self, policy):
        policy = self.maybe_dotted(policy)
        self.registry.registerUtility(policy, IAuthenticationPolicy)

    def set_authorization_policy(self, policy):
        """ Override the :app:`Pyramid` :term:`authorization policy` in the
        current configuration.  The ``policy`` argument must be an instance
        of an authorization policy or a :term:`dotted Python name` that points
        at an instance of an authorization policy.

        .. note::

           Using the ``authorization_policy`` argument to the
           :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor can be used to
           achieve the same purpose.
        def register():
        def ensure():
            if self.autocommit:
            if self.registry.queryUtility(IAuthenticationPolicy) is None:
                raise ConfigurationError(
                    'Cannot configure an authorization policy without '
                    'also configuring an authentication policy '
                    '(use the set_authorization_policy method)')

        intr = self.introspectable('authorization policy', None,
                                   'authorization policy')
        intr['policy'] = policy
        # authorization policy used by view config (phase 3) and
        # authentication policy (phase 2)
        self.action(IAuthorizationPolicy, register, order=PHASE1_CONFIG,
        self.action(None, ensure)

    def _set_authorization_policy(self, policy):
        policy = self.maybe_dotted(policy)
        self.registry.registerUtility(policy, IAuthorizationPolicy)

    def set_default_permission(self, permission):
        Set the default permission to be used by all subsequent
        :term:`view configuration` registrations.  ``permission``
        should be a :term:`permission` string to be used as the
        default permission.  An example of a permission
        string:``'view'``.  Adding a default permission makes it
        unnecessary to protect each view configuration with an
        explicit permission, unless your application policy requires
        some exception for a particular view.

        If a default permission is *not* set, views represented by
        view configuration registrations which do not explicitly
        declare a permission will be executable by entirely anonymous
        users (any authorization policy is ignored).

        Later calls to this method override will conflict with earlier calls;
        there can be only one default permission active at a time within an

        .. warning::

          If a default permission is in effect, view configurations meant to
          create a truly anonymously accessible view (even :term:`exception
          view` views) *must* use the value of the permission importable as
          :data:``.  When this string
          is used as the ``permission`` for a view configuration, the default
          permission is ignored, and the view is registered, making it
          available to all callers regardless of their credentials.

        .. seealso::

            See also :ref:`setting_a_default_permission`.

        .. note::

           Using the ``default_permission`` argument to the
           :class:`pyramid.config.Configurator` constructor can be used to
           achieve the same purpose.
        def register():
            self.registry.registerUtility(permission, IDefaultPermission)
        intr = self.introspectable('default permission',
                                   'default permission')
        intr['value'] = permission
        perm_intr = self.introspectable('permissions',
        perm_intr['value'] = permission
        # default permission used during view registration (phase 3)
        self.action(IDefaultPermission, register, order=PHASE1_CONFIG,
                    introspectables=(intr, perm_intr,))

    def add_permission(self, permission_name):
        A configurator directive which registers a free-standing
        permission without associating it with a view callable.  This can be
        used so that the permission shows up in the introspectable data under
        the ``permissions`` category (permissions mentioned via ``add_view``
        already end up in there).  For example::

          config = Configurator()
        intr = self.introspectable(
        intr['value'] = permission_name
        self.action(None, introspectables=(intr,))

    def set_default_csrf_options(
        safe_methods=('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', 'TRACE'),
        Set the default CSRF options used by subsequent view registrations.

        ``require_csrf`` controls whether CSRF checks will be automatically
        enabled on each view in the application. This value is used as the
        fallback when ``require_csrf`` is left at the default of ``None`` on

        ``token`` is the name of the CSRF token used in the body of the
        request, accessed via ``request.POST[token]``. Default: ``csrf_token``.

        ``header`` is the name of the header containing the CSRF token,
        accessed via ``request.headers[header]``. Default: ``X-CSRF-Token``.

        If ``token`` or ``header`` are set to ``None`` they will not be used
        for checking CSRF tokens.

        ``safe_methods`` is an iterable of HTTP methods which are expected to
        not contain side-effects as defined by RFC2616. Safe methods will
        never be automatically checked for CSRF tokens.
        Default: ``('GET', 'HEAD', 'OPTIONS', TRACE')``.

        If ``callback`` is set, it must be a callable accepting ``(request)``
        and returning ``True`` if the request should be checked for a valid
        CSRF token. This callback allows an application to support
        alternate authentication methods that do not rely on cookies which
        are not subject to CSRF attacks. For example, if a request is
        authenticated using the ``Authorization`` header instead of a cookie,
        this may return ``False`` for that request so that clients do not
        need to send the ``X-CSRF-Token`` header. The callback is only tested
        for non-safe methods as defined by ``safe_methods``.

        .. versionadded:: 1.7

        .. versionchanged:: 1.8
           Added the ``callback`` option.

        options = DefaultCSRFOptions(
            require_csrf, token, header, safe_methods, callback,
        def register():
            self.registry.registerUtility(options, IDefaultCSRFOptions)
        intr = self.introspectable('default csrf view options',
                                   'default csrf view options')
        intr['require_csrf'] = require_csrf
        intr['token'] = token
        intr['header'] = header
        intr['safe_methods'] = as_sorted_tuple(safe_methods)
        intr['callback'] = callback
        self.action(IDefaultCSRFOptions, register, order=PHASE1_CONFIG,

class DefaultCSRFOptions(object):
    def __init__(self, require_csrf, token, header, safe_methods, callback):
        self.require_csrf = require_csrf
        self.token = token
        self.header = header
        self.safe_methods = frozenset(safe_methods)
        self.callback = callback