.. _cookiecutters: Pyramid cookiecutters ===================== .. versionadded:: 1.8 A :term:`cookiecutter` is a command-line utility that creates projects from :ref:`cookiecutters ` (project templates), e.g., creating a Python package project from a Python package project template. Pyramid cookiecutters have replaced the now deprecated Pyramid scaffolds, and should be used going forward. Pyramid cookiecutters released under the Pylons Project include: * `pyramid-cookiecutter-alchemy `_ * `pyramid-cookiecutter-starter `_ * `pyramid-cookiecutter-zodb `_ .. seealso:: See also `Cookiecutter Installation `_ and `Cookiecutter Features `_. Development of cookiecutters is documented under `Learn the Basics of Cookiecutter by Creating a Cookiecutter `_. .. seealso:: See also :term:`scaffold`.