.. _qtut_static_assets: ========================================== 13: CSS/JS/Images Files With Static Assets ========================================== Of course the Web is more than just markup. You need static assets: CSS, JS, and images. Let's point our web app at a directory where Pyramid will serve some static assets. Objectives ========== - Publish a directory of static assets at a URL. - Use Pyramid to help generate URLs to files in that directory. Steps ===== #. First we copy the results of the ``view_classes`` step: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ..; cp -r view_classes static_assets; cd static_assets $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e . #. We add a call ``config.add_static_view`` in ``static_assets/tutorial/__init__.py``: .. literalinclude:: static_assets/tutorial/__init__.py :linenos: #. We can add a CSS link in the ```` of our template at ``static_assets/tutorial/home.pt``: .. literalinclude:: static_assets/tutorial/home.pt :language: html #. Add a CSS file at ``static_assets/tutorial/static/app.css``: .. literalinclude:: static_assets/tutorial/static/app.css :language: css #. We add a functional test that asserts that the newly added static file is delivered: .. literalinclude:: static_assets/tutorial/tests.py :language: python :pyobject: TutorialFunctionalTests.test_css :lineno-match: #. Now run the tests: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/py.test tutorial/tests.py -q .... 5 passed in 0.50 seconds #. Run your Pyramid application with: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload #. Open http://localhost:6543/ in your browser and note the new font. Analysis ======== We changed our WSGI application to map requests under http://localhost:6543/static/ to files and directories inside a ``static`` directory inside our ``tutorial`` package. This directory contained ``app.css``. We linked to the CSS in our template. We could have hard-coded this link to ``/static/app.css``. But what if the site is later moved under ``/somesite/static/``? Or perhaps the web developer changes the arrangement on disk? Pyramid gives a helper that provides flexibility on URL generation: .. code-block:: html ${request.static_url('tutorial:static/app.css')} This matches the ``path='tutorial:static'`` in our ``config.add_static_view`` registration. By using ``request.static_url`` to generate the full URL to the static assets, you both ensure you stay in sync with the configuration and gain refactoring flexibility later. Extra credit ============ #. There is also a ``request.static_path`` API. How does this differ from ``request.static_url``? .. seealso:: :ref:`assets_chapter`, :ref:`preventing_http_caching`, and :ref:`influencing_http_caching`