.. _qtut_views: ================================= 07: Basic Web Handling With Views ================================= Organize a views module with decorators and multiple views. Background ========== For the examples so far, the ``hello_world`` function is a "view". In Pyramid, views are the primary way to accept web requests and return responses. So far our examples place everything in one file: - The view function - Its registration with the configurator - The route to map it to a URL - The WSGI application launcher Let's move the views out to their own ``views.py`` module and change our startup code to scan that module, looking for decorators that set up the views. Let's also add a second view and update our tests. Objectives ========== - Move views into a module that is scanned by the configurator. - Create decorators that do declarative configuration. Steps ===== #. Let's begin by using the previous package as a starting point for a new distribution, then making it active: .. code-block:: bash $ cd ..; cp -r functional_testing views; cd views $ $VENV/bin/pip install -e . #. Our ``views/tutorial/__init__.py`` gets a lot shorter: .. literalinclude:: views/tutorial/__init__.py :linenos: #. Let's add a module ``views/tutorial/views.py`` that is focused on handling requests and responses: .. literalinclude:: views/tutorial/views.py :linenos: #. Update the tests to cover the two new views: .. literalinclude:: views/tutorial/tests.py :linenos: #. Now run the tests: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/py.test tutorial/tests.py -q .... 4 passed in 0.28 seconds #. Run your Pyramid application with: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload #. Open http://localhost:6543/ and http://localhost:6543/howdy in your browser. Analysis ======== We added some more URLs, but we also removed the view code from the application startup code in ``tutorial/__init__.py``. Our views, and their view registrations (via decorators) are now in a module ``views.py``, which is scanned via ``config.scan('.views')``. We have two views, each leading to the other. If you start at http://localhost:6543/, you get a response with a link to the next view. The ``hello`` view (available at the URL ``/howdy``) has a link back to the first view. This step also shows that the name appearing in the URL, the name of the "route" that maps a URL to a view, and the name of the view, can all be different. More on routes later. Earlier we saw ``config.add_view`` as one way to configure a view. This section introduces ``@view_config``. Pyramid's configuration supports :term:`imperative configuration`, such as the ``config.add_view`` in the previous example. You can also use :term:`declarative configuration`, in which a Python :term:`python:decorator` is placed on the line above the view. Both approaches result in the same final configuration, thus usually, it is simply a matter of taste. Extra credit ============ #. What does the dot in ``.views`` signify? #. Why might ``assertIn`` be a better choice in testing the text in responses than ``assertEqual``? .. seealso:: :ref:`views_chapter`, :ref:`view_config_chapter`, and :ref:`debugging_view_configuration`