.. _wiki_adding_tests: ============ Adding Tests ============ We will now add tests for the models and the views and a few functional tests in ``tests.py``. Tests ensure that an application works, and that it continues to work when changes are made in the future. Test the models =============== We write tests for the ``model`` classes and the ``appmaker``. Changing ``tests.py``, we'll write a separate test class for each ``model`` class, and we'll write a test class for the ``appmaker``. To do so, we'll retain the ``tutorial.tests.ViewTests`` class that was generated as part of the ``zodb`` cookiecutter. We'll add three test classes: one for the ``Page`` model named ``PageModelTests``, one for the ``Wiki`` model named ``WikiModelTests``, and one for the appmaker named ``AppmakerTests``. Test the views ============== We'll modify our ``tests.py`` file, adding tests for each view function we added previously. As a result, we'll delete the ``ViewTests`` class that the ``zodb`` cookiecutter provided, and add four other test classes: ``ViewWikiTests``, ``ViewPageTests``, ``AddPageTests``, and ``EditPageTests``. These test the ``view_wiki``, ``view_page``, ``add_page``, and ``edit_page`` views. Functional tests ================ We'll test the whole application, covering security aspects that are not tested in the unit tests, like logging in, logging out, checking that the ``viewer`` user cannot add or edit pages, but the ``editor`` user can, and so on. View the results of all our edits to ``tests.py`` ================================================= Open the ``tutorial/tests.py`` module, and edit it such that it appears as follows: .. literalinclude:: src/tests/tutorial/tests.py :linenos: :language: python Running the tests ================= We can run these tests by using ``py.test`` similarly to how we did in :ref:`running_tests`. Courtesy of the cookiecutter, our testing dependencies have already been satisfied and ``py.test`` and coverage have already been configured, so we can jump right to running tests. On UNIX: .. code-block:: bash $ $VENV/bin/py.test -q On Windows: .. code-block:: doscon c:\tutorial> %VENV%\Scripts\py.test -q The expected result should look like the following: .. code-block:: text ......................... 25 passed in 6.87 seconds