.. _wiki2_defining_the_domain_model: ========================= Defining the Domain Model ========================= The first change we'll make to our stock cookiecutter-generated application will be to define a wiki page :term:`domain model`. .. note:: There is nothing special about the filename ``user.py`` or ``page.py`` except that they are Python modules. A project may have many models throughout its codebase in arbitrarily named modules. Modules implementing models often have ``model`` in their names or they may live in a Python subpackage of your application package named ``models`` (as we've done in this tutorial), but this is only a convention and not a requirement. Declaring dependencies in our ``pyproject.toml`` file ===================================================== The models code in our application will depend on a package which is not a dependency of the original "tutorial" application. The original "tutorial" application was generated by the cookiecutter; it doesn't know about our custom application requirements. We need to add a dependency, the `bcrypt `_ package, to our ``tutorial`` package's ``pyproject.toml`` file. Dependencies are defined via the ``dependencies`` key in the ``[project]`` section. Open ``pyproject.toml`` and edit it to look like the following by adding ``bcrypt`` and sorting the packages: .. literalinclude:: src/models/pyproject.toml :lines: 20-33 :linenos: :lineno-match: :emphasize-lines: 3 :language: python It is a good practice to sort packages alphabetically to make them easier to find. Our cookiecutter does not have its packages sorted because it merely tacks on additional packages depending on our selections. .. note:: We are using the ``bcrypt`` package from PyPI to hash our passwords securely. There are other one-way hash algorithms for passwords if ``bcrypt`` is an issue on your system. Just make sure that it's an algorithm approved for storing passwords versus a generic one-way hash. Running ``pip install -e .`` ============================ Since a new software dependency was added, you will need to run ``pip install -e .`` again inside the root of the ``tutorial`` package to obtain and register the newly added dependency distribution. Make sure your current working directory is the root of the project (the directory in which ``pyproject.toml`` lives) and execute the following command. On Unix: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/pip install -e . On Windows: .. code-block:: doscon %VENV%\Scripts\pip install -e . Success executing this command will end with a line to the console something like the following. .. code-block:: text Successfully installed bcrypt-4.1.2 tutorial-0.0 Remove ``mymodel.py`` ===================== Let's delete the file ``tutorial/models/mymodel.py``. The ``MyModel`` class is only a sample and we're not going to use it. Add ``user.py`` =============== Create a new file ``tutorial/models/user.py`` with the following contents: .. literalinclude:: src/models/tutorial/models/user.py :linenos: :language: py This is a very basic model for a user who can authenticate with our wiki. We discussed briefly in the previous chapter that our models will inherit from an SQLAlchemy :func:`sqlalchemy.orm.DeclarativeBase`. This will attach the model to our schema. As you can see, our ``User`` class has a class-level attribute ``__tablename__`` which equals the string ``users``. Our ``User`` class will also have class-level attributes named ``id``, ``name``, ``password_hash``, and ``role``. These attributes will map to columns in the ``users`` table. The ``id`` attribute will be the primary key in the table. The ``name`` attribute will be a text column, each value of which needs to be unique within the column. The ``password_hash`` is a nullable text attribute that will contain a securely hashed password. Finally, the ``role`` text attribute will hold the role of the user. .. note:: Read more about how SQLAlchemy defines columns in the ORM at :ref:`sqla:orm_declarative_table_config_toplevel`. Every column has a base schema inferred from the ``Mapped[...]`` type annotation. This can define the Python type, for which SQLAlchemy maintains default database type mappings. It also defines whether the attribute is nullable. Any further schema attributes like primary keys, unique keys, or overrides to the database types, can be done by also defining the ``mapped_column``. There are two helper methods that will help us later when using the user objects. The first is ``set_password`` which will take a raw password and transform it using ``bcrypt`` into an irreversible representation, a process known as "hashing". The second method, ``check_password``, will allow us to compare the hashed value of the submitted password against the hashed value of the password stored in the user's record in the database. If the two hashed values match, then the submitted password is valid, and we can authenticate the user. We hash passwords so that it is impossible to decipher them and use them to authenticate in the application. If we stored passwords foolishly in clear text and we lost control of the database, all of our users could be compromised. Notice that we configured a ``created_pages`` relationship, which will make more sense after you create the ``Page`` object in the next section. This relationship is the reverse side of the ``creator`` one-to-many relationship on the ``Page`` and allows a user object to access a list of all pages in which the user is the creator. Add ``page.py`` =============== Create a new file ``tutorial/models/page.py`` with the following contents: .. literalinclude:: src/models/tutorial/models/page.py :linenos: :language: py As you can see, our ``Page`` class is very similar to the ``User`` defined above, except with attributes focused on storing information about a wiki page, including ``id``, ``name``, and ``data``. The only new construct introduced here is the ``creator_id`` column, which is a foreign key referencing the ``users`` table. Foreign keys are very useful at the schema-level, but since we want to relate ``User`` objects with ``Page`` objects, we also define a ``creator`` attribute as an ORM-level mapping between the two tables. SQLAlchemy will automatically populate this value using the foreign key referencing the user. Since ``creator`` attribute / foreign key is not marked as optional, we are guaranteed that an instance of ``page`` will have a corresponding ``page.creator``, which will be a ``User`` instance. Edit ``models/__init__.py`` =========================== Since we are using a package for our models, we also need to update our ``__init__.py`` file to ensure that the models are attached to the metadata. Open the ``tutorial/models/__init__.py`` file and edit it to look like the following: .. literalinclude:: src/models/tutorial/models/__init__.py :linenos: :language: py :emphasize-lines: 8,9 Here we align our imports with the names of the models, ``Page`` and ``User``. .. _wiki2_migrate_database_alembic: Migrate the database with Alembic ================================= Now that we have written our models, we need to modify the database schema to reflect the changes to our code. Let's generate a new revision, then upgrade the database to the latest revision (head). On Unix: .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate \ -m "use new models Page and User" $VENV/bin/alembic -c development.ini upgrade head On Windows: .. code-block:: doscon %VENV%\Scripts\alembic -c development.ini revision \ --autogenerate -m "use new models Page and User" %VENV%\Scripts\alembic -c development.ini upgrade head Success executing these commands will generate output similar to the following. .. code-block:: text 2024-02-04 13:29:23,664 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:216][MainThread] Context impl SQLiteImpl. 2024-02-04 13:29:23,665 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:219][MainThread] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2024-02-04 13:29:23,667 INFO [alembic.autogenerate.compare:189][MainThread] Detected added table 'users' 2024-02-04 13:29:23,667 INFO [alembic.autogenerate.compare:189][MainThread] Detected added table 'pages' 2024-02-04 13:29:23,672 INFO [alembic.autogenerate.compare:672][MainThread] Detected removed index 'my_index' on 'models' 2024-02-04 13:29:23,672 INFO [alembic.autogenerate.compare:230][MainThread] Detected removed table 'models' Generating /tutorial/alembic/versions/20240204_07f9d6b626b2.py ... done .. code-block:: text 2024-02-04 13:32:48,735 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:216][MainThread] Context impl SQLiteImpl. 2024-02-04 13:32:48,735 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:219][MainThread] Will assume non-transactional DDL. 2024-02-04 13:32:48,737 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:622][MainThread] Running upgrade 4b6614165904 -> 07f9d6b626b2, use new models Page and User .. _wiki2_alembic_overview: Alembic overview ---------------- Let's briefly discuss our configuration for Alembic. In the alchemy cookiecutter's ``development.ini`` file, the setting for ``script_location`` configures Alembic to look for the migration script in the directory ``tutorial/alembic``. By default Alembic stores the migration files one level deeper in ``tutorial/alembic/versions``. These files are generated by Alembic, then executed when we run upgrade or downgrade migrations. The setting ``file_template`` provides the format for each migration's file name. We've configured the ``file_template`` setting to make it somewhat easy to find migrations by file name. At this point in this tutorial, we have two migration files. Examine them to see what Alembic will do when you upgrade or downgrade the database to a specific revision. Notice the revision identifiers and how they relate to one another in a chained sequence. .. seealso:: For further information, see the `Alembic documentation `_. Edit ``scripts/initialize_db.py`` ================================= We haven't looked at the details of this file yet, but within the ``scripts`` directory of your ``tutorial`` package is a file named ``initialize_db.py``. Code in this file is executed whenever we run the ``initialize_tutorial_db`` command, as we did in the installation step of this tutorial. .. note:: The command is named ``initialize_tutorial_db`` because of the mapping defined in the ``[project.scripts]`` section of our project's ``pyproject.toml`` file. Since we've changed our model, we need to make changes to our ``initialize_db.py`` script. In particular, we'll replace our import of ``MyModel`` with those of ``User`` and ``Page``. We'll also change the script to create two ``User`` objects (``basic`` and ``editor``) as well as a ``Page``, rather than a ``MyModel``, and add them to our ``dbsession``. Open ``tutorial/scripts/initialize_db.py`` and edit it to look like the following: .. literalinclude:: src/models/tutorial/scripts/initialize_db.py :linenos: :language: python :emphasize-lines: 15-28 Only the highlighted lines need to be changed. Populating the database ======================= Because our model has changed, and to repopulate the database, we need to rerun the ``initialize_tutorial_db`` command to pick up the changes we've made to the ``initialize_db.py`` file. On Unix ------- .. code-block:: bash $VENV/bin/initialize_tutorial_db development.ini On Windows ---------- .. code-block:: doscon %VENV%\Scripts\initialize_tutorial_db development.ini There should be no output to your console to indicate success. View the application in a browser ================================= We can't. At this point, our system is in a "non-runnable" state; we'll need to change view-related files in the next chapter to be able to start the application successfully. If you try to start the application (see :ref:`wiki2-start-the-application`) and visit http://localhost:6543, you'll wind up with a Python traceback on your console that ends with this exception: .. code-block:: text AttributeError: module 'tutorial.models' has no attribute 'MyModel' This will also happen if you attempt to run the tests.