Before you begin¶
This tutorial assumes that you have already followed the steps in Installing Pyramid, except do not create a virtual environment or install Pyramid. Thereby you will satisfy the following requirements.
A Python interpreter is installed on your operating system.
You've satisfied the Requirements for Installing Packages.
Install SQLite3 and its development packages¶
If you used a package manager to install your Python or if you compiled your Python from source, then you must install SQLite3 and its development packages. If you downloaded your Python as an installer from, then you already have it installed and can skip this step.
If you need to install the SQLite3 packages, then, for example, using the Debian system and apt-get
, the command would be the following:
sudo apt-get install libsqlite3-dev
Change directory into your newly created project¶
On Unix¶
cd tutorial
On Windows¶
cd tutorial
Set and use a VENV
environment variable¶
We will set the VENV
environment variable to the absolute path of the virtual environment, and use it going forward.
On Unix¶
export VENV=~/tutorial
On Windows¶
set VENV=c:\tutorial
Create a virtual environment¶
On Unix¶
python3 -m venv $VENV
On Windows¶
python -m venv %VENV%
Upgrade packaging tools in the virtual environment¶
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\pip install --upgrade pip setuptools
Installing the project in development mode¶
In order to do development on the project easily, you must "register" the project as a development egg in your workspace. We will install testing requirements at the same time. We do so with the following command.
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/pip install -e ".[testing]"
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\pip install -e ".[testing]"
On all operating systems¶
The console will show pip
checking for packages and installing missing packages. Success executing this command will show a line like the following:
Successfully installed Mako-1.3.2 PasteDeploy-3.1.0 Pygments-2.17.2 SQLAlchemy-2.0.25 WebTest-3.0.0 alembic-1.13.1 beautifulsoup4-4.12.3 coverage-7.4.1 greenlet-3.0.3 hupper-1.12.1 iniconfig-2.0.0 jinja2-3.1.3 markupsafe-2.1.5 packaging-23.2 plaster-1.1.2 plaster-pastedeploy-1.0.1 pluggy-1.4.0 pyramid-2.0.2 pyramid-debugtoolbar-4.12 pyramid-jinja2-2.10 pyramid-mako-1.1.0 pyramid-retry-2.1.1 pyramid-tm-2.5 pytest-8.0.0 pytest-cov-4.1.0 soupsieve-2.5 transaction-4.0 translationstring-1.4 tutorial-0.0 typing-extensions-4.9.0 venusian-3.1.0 waitress-2.1.2 webob-1.8.7 zope.deprecation-5.0 zope.interface-6.1 zope.sqlalchemy-3.1
Testing requirements are defined in our project's pyproject.toml
file in a testing
optional dependency.
35testing = [
36 "WebTest",
37 "pytest",
38 "pytest-cov",
Initialize and upgrade the database using Alembic¶
We use Alembic to manage our database initialization and migrations.
Generate your first revision.
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\alembic -c development.ini revision --autogenerate -m "init"
The output to your console should be something like this:
2024-02-04 12:02:28,828 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:216][MainThread] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
2024-02-04 12:02:28,828 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:219][MainThread] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2024-02-04 12:02:28,832 INFO [][MainThread] Detected added table 'models'
2024-02-04 12:02:28,832 INFO [][MainThread] Detected added index ''my_index'' on '('name',)'
Generating <somepath>/tutorial/tutorial/alembic/versions/ ... done
Upgrade to that revision.
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/alembic -c development.ini upgrade head
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\alembic -c development.ini upgrade head
The output to your console should be something like this:
2024-02-04 12:03:04,738 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:216][MainThread] Context impl SQLiteImpl.
2024-02-04 12:03:04,738 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:219][MainThread] Will assume non-transactional DDL.
2024-02-04 12:03:04,739 INFO [alembic.runtime.migration:622][MainThread] Running upgrade -> 4b6614165904, init
Load default data¶
Load default data into the database using a console script. Type the following command, making sure you are still in the tutorial
directory (the directory with a development.ini
in it):
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/initialize_tutorial_db development.ini
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\initialize_tutorial_db development.ini
There should be no output to your console.
You should now have a tutorial.sqlite
file in your current working directory.
This is an SQLite database with two tables defined in it, alembic_version
and models
, where each table has a single record.
Run the tests¶
After you've installed the project in development mode as well as the testing
requirements, you may run the tests for the project. The following commands
provide options to pytest
that specify the module for which its tests shall be
run, and to run pytest
in quiet mode.
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/pytest -q
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\pytest -q
For a successful test run, you should see output that ends like this:
5 passed in 0.44 seconds
Expose test coverage information¶
You can run the pytest
command to see test coverage information. This
runs the tests in the same way that pytest
does, but provides additional
coverage information, exposing which lines of your project are covered by the
We've already installed the pytest-cov
package into our virtual
environment, so we can run the tests with coverage.
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\pytest --cov --cov-report=term-missing
If successful, you will see output something like this:
====================================== test session starts ======================================
platform darwin -- Python 3.11.7, pytest-8.0.0, pluggy-1.4.0
rootdir: <somepath>/tutorial
configfile: pyproject.toml
testpaths: tutorial, tests
plugins: cov-4.1.0
collected 5 items
tests/ .. [ 40%]
tests/ ... [100%]
---------- coverage: platform darwin, python 3.11.7-final-0 ----------
Name Stmts Miss Cover Missing
tutorial/ 8 0 100%
tutorial/alembic/ 23 4 83% 28-30, 56
tutorial/alembic/versions/ 12 2 83% 31-32
tutorial/models/ 32 2 94% 111, 122
tutorial/models/ 4 0 100%
tutorial/models/ 10 0 100%
tutorial/ 7 5 29% 5-13
tutorial/ 3 0 100%
tutorial/scripts/ 0 0 100%
tutorial/scripts/ 22 14 36% 15-16, 20-25, 29-38
tutorial/views/ 0 0 100%
tutorial/views/ 13 0 100%
tutorial/views/ 5 0 100%
TOTAL 139 27 81%
================================= 5 passed, 6 warnings in 0.54s =================================
Our package doesn't quite have 100% test coverage.
Start the application¶
Start the application. See What Is This pserve Thing for more
information on pserve
On Unix¶
$VENV/bin/pserve development.ini --reload
On Windows¶
%VENV%\Scripts\pserve development.ini --reload
Your OS firewall, if any, may pop up a dialog asking for authorization to allow python to accept incoming network connections.
If successful, you will see something like this on your console:
Starting monitor for PID 68932.
Starting server in PID 68932.
Serving on http://localhost:6543
Serving on http://localhost:6543
This means the server is ready to accept requests.
Visit the application in a browser¶
In a browser, visit http://localhost:6543/. You will see the generated application's default page.
One thing you'll notice is the "debug toolbar" icon on right hand side of the page. You can read more about the purpose of the icon at The Debug Toolbar. It allows you to get information about your application while you develop.