Introduction and Creating an Application ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Following along with the examples ================================= The examples in this guide are based on (A) Pyramid 1.3's default SQLAlchemy application and (B) the Akhet_ demo. (Akhet_ is an add-on package containing some Pylons-like support features for Pyramid.) Here are the basic steps to install and run these applications on Linux Ubuntu 11.10, but you should read `Creating a Pyramid Project`_ in the `Pyramid manual`_ before doing so: .. code-block:: sh :linenos: # Prepare virtual Python environment. $ cd ~/workspace $ virtualenv myvenv $ source myvenv/bin/activate (myvenv)$ pip install 'Pyramid>=1.3' # Create a Pyramid "alchemy" application and run it. (myvenv)$ pcreate -s alchemy PyramidApp (myvenv)$ cd PyramidApp (myvenv)$ pip install -e . (myvenv)$ initialize_PyramidApp_db development.ini (myvenv)$ pserve development.ini Starting server in PID 3871. serving on # Press ctrl-C to quit server # Check out the Akhet demo and run it. (myvenv)$ git clone git:// (myvenv)$ cd akhet_demo (myvenv)$ pip install -e . (myvenv)$ pserve development.ini Starting server in PID 3871. serving on # Check out the Pyramid source and Akhet source to study. (myvenv)$ git clone git:// (myvenv)$ git clone git:// (myvenv)$ ls -F akhet/ akhet_demo/ PyramidApp/ pyramid/ myvenv/ *Things to look for:* the "DT" icon at the top-right of the page is the debug toolbar, which Pylons doesn't have. The "populate_PyramidApp" script (line 13) creates the database. If you skip this step you'll get an exception on the home page; you can "accidentally" do this to see Pyramid's interactive traceback. The p\* Commands ================ Pylons uses a third-party utility *paster* to create and run applications. Pyramid replaces these subcommands with a series of top-level commands beginning with "p": ================ ============ ========================= ======================== Pylons Pyramid Description Caveats ================ ============ ========================= ======================== paster create pcreate Create an app Option -s instead of -t paster serve pserve Run app based on INI file \- paster shell pshell Load app in Python shell Fewer vars initialized paster setup-app populate_App Initialize database "App" is application name paster routes proutes List routes \- \- ptweens List tweens \- \- pviews List views \- ================ ============ ========================= ======================== In many cases the code is the same, just copied into Pyramid and made Python 3 compatible. Paste has not been ported to Python 3, and the Pyramid developers decided it contained too much legacy code to make porting worth it. So they just ported the parts they needed. Note, however, that PasteDeploy *is* ported to Python 3 and Pyramid uses it, as we'll see in the next chapter. Likewise, several other packages that were earlier spun out of Paste -- like WebOb -- have been ported to Python 3 and Pyramid still uses them. (They were ported parly by Pyramid developers.) Scaffolds ========= Pylons has one paster template that asks questions about what kind of application you want to create. Pyramid does not ask questions, but instead offers several scaffolds to choose from. Pyramid 1.3 includes the following scaffolds: ================= ========== ================ Routing mechanism Database Pyramid scaffold ================= ========== ================ URL dispatch SQLAlchemy alchemy URL dispatch \- starter Traversal ZODB zodb ================= ========== ================ .. ================= ========== ==================== ====================== Routing mechanism Database Pyramid 1.3 scaffold Pyramid 1.2.4 scaffold ================= ========== ==================== ====================== URL dispatch SQLAlchemy **alchemy** routesalchemy URL dispatch \- **starter** \- Traversal ZODB **zodb** zodb Traversal SQLAlchemy \- alchemy Traversal \- \- starter ================= ========== ==================== ====================== The first two scaffolds are the closest to Pylons because they use URL dispatch, which is similar to Routes. The only difference between them is whether a SQLAlchemy database is configured for you. The third scaffold uses Pyramid's other routing mechanism, Traversal. We won't cover traversal in this guide, but it's useful in applications that allow users to create URLs at arbitrary depths. URL dispatch is more suited to applications with fixed-depth URL hierarchies. To see what other kinds of Pyramid applications are possible, take a look at the Kotti and Ptah distributions. Kotti is a content management system, and serves as an example of traversal using SQLAlchemy. Directory Layout ================ The default 'alchemy' application contains the following files after you create and install it: .. code-block:: text PyramidApp ├── CHANGES.txt ├── ├── README.txt ├── development.ini ├── production.ini ├── setup.cfg ├── ├── pyramidapp │   ├── │   ├── │   ├── scripts │   │   ├── │   │   └── │   ├── static │   │   ├── favicon.ico │   │   ├── pylons.css │   │   ├── pyramid.png │   ├── templates │   │   └── │   ├── │   └── └── PyramidApp.egg-info ├── PKG-INFO ├── SOURCES.txt ├── dependency_links.txt ├── entry_points.txt ├── not-zip-safe ├── requires.txt └── top_level.txt .. Generated via this command and manually resorted and some entries removed. tree --noreport -n -I '*.pyc' Zzz >/tmp/files (We have omitted some static files.) As you see, the directory structure is similar to Pylons but not identical. .. include:: ../links.rst