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Source code for pyramid_rpc.xmlrpc

import logging

import venusian
from pyramid.exceptions import ConfigurationError
from pyramid.httpexceptions import HTTPNotFound
from pyramid.response import Response
from pyramid.security import NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED

from pyramid_rpc.api import MapplyViewMapper
from pyramid_rpc.api import ViewMapperArgsInvalid
from pyramid_rpc.compat import xmlrpclib

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

class XmlRpcError(xmlrpclib.Fault):
    faultCode = None
    faultString = None

    def __init__(self):
        xmlrpclib.Fault.__init__(self, self.faultCode, self.faultString)

class XmlRpcApplicationError(XmlRpcError):
    faultCode = -32500
    faultString = 'application error'

class XmlRpcMethodNotFound(XmlRpcError):
    faultCode = -32601
    faultString = 'server error; requested method not found'

class XmlRpcInvalidMethodParams(XmlRpcError):
    faultCode = -32602
    faultString = 'server error; invalid method params'

class XmlRpcParseError(XmlRpcError):
    faultCode = -32700
    faultString = 'parse error; not well formed'

def exception_view(exc, request):
    if isinstance(exc, xmlrpclib.Fault):
        fault = exc
    elif isinstance(exc, HTTPNotFound):
        fault = XmlRpcMethodNotFound()
        log.debug('xml-rpc method not found "%s"', request.rpc_method)
    elif isinstance(exc, ViewMapperArgsInvalid):
        fault = XmlRpcInvalidMethodParams()
        log.debug('xml-rpc method not found "%s"', request.rpc_method)
        fault = XmlRpcApplicationError()
        log.exception('xml-rpc exception "%s"', exc)

    xml = xmlrpclib.dumps(fault)
    response = Response(xml)
    response.content_type = 'text/xml'
    response.content_length = len(xml)
    return response

def xmlrpc_renderer(info):
    def _render(value, system):
        request = system.get('request')
        if request is not None:
            response = request.response
            ct = response.content_type
            if ct == response.default_content_type:
                response.content_type = 'text/xml'

            return xmlrpclib.dumps((value,), methodresponse=True)
    return _render

def setup_xmlrpc(request):
        params, method = xmlrpclib.loads(request.body)
    except Exception:
        raise XmlRpcParseError

    request.rpc_args = params
    request.rpc_method = method

    if method is None:
        raise XmlRpcMethodNotFound

[docs]def add_xmlrpc_endpoint(self, name, *args, **kw): """Add an endpoint for handling XML-RPC. name The name of the endpoint. A XML-RPC method also accepts all of the arguments supplied to Pyramid's ``add_route`` method. """ def xmlrpc_endpoint_predicate(info, request): # potentially setup either rpc v1 or v2 from the parsed body setup_xmlrpc(request) # Always return True so that even if it isn't a valid RPC it # will fall through to the notfound_view which will still # return a valid XML-RPC response. return True predicates = kw.setdefault('custom_predicates', []) predicates.append(xmlrpc_endpoint_predicate) self.add_route(name, *args, **kw) self.add_view(exception_view, route_name=name, context=Exception, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)
[docs]def add_xmlrpc_method(self, view, **kw): """Add a method to a XML-RPC endpoint. endpoint The name of the endpoint. method The name of the method. A XML-RPC method also accepts all of the arguments supplied to Pyramid's ``add_view`` method. A view mapper is registered by default which will match the ``request.rpc_args`` to parameters on the view. To override this behavior simply set the ``mapper`` argument to None or another view mapper. """ endpoint = kw.pop('endpoint', kw.pop('route_name', None)) if endpoint is None: raise ConfigurationError( 'Cannot register a XML-RPC endpoint without specifying the ' 'name of the endpoint.') method = kw.pop('method', None) if method is None: raise ConfigurationError( 'Cannot register a XML-RPC method without specifying the ' '"method"') def xmlrpc_method_predicate(context, request): return getattr(request, 'rpc_method', None) == method predicates = kw.setdefault('custom_predicates', []) predicates.append(xmlrpc_method_predicate) kw.setdefault('mapper', MapplyViewMapper) kw.setdefault('renderer', 'pyramid_rpc:xmlrpc') self.add_view(view, route_name=endpoint, **kw)
[docs]class xmlrpc_method(object): """This decorator may be used with pyramid view callables to enable them to respond to XML-RPC method calls. If ``method`` is not supplied, then the callable name will be used for the method name. This is the lazy analog to the :func:`~pyramid_rpc.xmlrpc.add_xmlrpc_method`` and accepts all of the same arguments. """ def __init__(self, method=None, **kw): self.method = method self.kw = kw def __call__(self, wrapped): kw = self.kw.copy() kw['method'] = self.method or wrapped.__name__ def callback(context, name, ob): config = context.config.with_package(info.module) config.add_xmlrpc_method(view=ob, **kw) info = venusian.attach(wrapped, callback, category='pyramid') if info.scope == 'class': # ensure that attr is set if decorating a class method kw.setdefault('attr', wrapped.__name__) kw['_info'] = info.codeinfo # fbo action_method return wrapped
[docs]def includeme(config): """ Set up standard configurator registrations. Use via: .. code-block:: python config = Configurator() config.include('pyramid_rpc.xmlrpc') Once this function has been invoked, two new directives will be available on the configurator: - ``add_xmlrpc_endpoint``: Add an endpoint for handling XML-RPC. - ``add_xmlrpc_method``: Add a method to a XML-RPC endpoint. """ config.add_directive('add_xmlrpc_endpoint', add_xmlrpc_endpoint) config.add_directive('add_xmlrpc_method', add_xmlrpc_method) config.add_renderer('pyramid_rpc:xmlrpc', xmlrpc_renderer) config.add_view(exception_view, context=xmlrpclib.Fault, permission=NO_PERMISSION_REQUIRED)