.. _translationdir_directive: ``translationdir`` ------------------ Add a :term:`gettext` :term:`translation directory` to the current configuration for use in localization of text. Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ ``dir`` The path to the translation directory. This path may either be 1) absolute (e.g. ``/foo/bar/baz``) 2) Python-package-relative (e.g. ``packagename:foo/bar/baz``) or 3) relative to the package directory in which the ZCML file which contains the directive (e.g. ``foo/bar/baz``). Example 1 ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Example 2 ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Example 3 ~~~~~~~~~ .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Use :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_translation_dirs` method instance during initial application setup. See Also ~~~~~~~~ See also :ref:`activating_translation`.