.. _static_directive: ``static`` ---------- Use of the ``static`` ZCML directive or allows you to serve static resources (such as JavaScript and CSS files) within a Pyramid application. This mechanism makes static files available at a name relative to the application root URL. Attributes ~~~~~~~~~~ ``name`` The (application-root-relative) URL prefix of the static directory. For example, to serve static files from ``/static`` in most applications, you would provide a ``name`` of ``static``. ``path`` A path to a directory on disk where the static files live. This path may either be 1) absolute (e.g. ``/foo/bar/baz``) 2) Python-package-relative (e.g. (``packagename:foo/bar/baz``) or 3) relative to the package directory in which the ZCML file which contains the directive (e.g. ``foo/bar/baz``). ``cache_max_age`` The number of seconds that the static resource can be cached, as represented in the returned response's ``Expires`` and/or ``Cache-Control`` headers, when any static file is served from this directive. This defaults to 3600 (5 minutes). Optional. ``permission`` Used to specify the :term:`permission` required by a user to execute this static view. This value defaults to the string ``__no_permission_required__``. The ``__no_permission_required__`` string is a special sentinel which indicates that, even if a :term:`default permission` exists for the current application, the static view should be renderered to completely anonymous users. This default value is permissive because, in most web apps, static resources seldom need protection from viewing. You should use this option only if you register a static view which points at a directory that contains resources which should be shown only if the calling user has (according to the :term:`authorization policy`) a particular permission. Examples ~~~~~~~~ .. topic:: Serving Static Files from an Absolute Path .. code-block:: xml :linenos: .. topic:: Serving Static Files from a Package-Relative Path .. code-block:: xml :linenos: .. topic:: Serving Static Files from a Current-Package-Relative Path .. code-block:: xml :linenos: Alternatives ~~~~~~~~~~~~ :meth:`pyramid.config.Configurator.add_static_view` can also be used to add a static view. See Also ~~~~~~~~ See also :ref:`static_assets_section` and :ref:`generating_static_asset_urls`.