Virtual Rooting =============== You can present a folder other than the physical Substance D root object as the "SDI root" to people. For example, if you have the following structure from your physical Substance D root:: root-- \-- folder1 | |-- folder2 You can present either ``folder1`` or ``folder2`` to the user as a virtual root when people log in to the SDI. To do so, you have to pass an ``X-Vhm-Root`` header to SubstanceD in each request. It's easiest to do this with Apache or another frontend web server. Here's a sample configuration which assumes you are telling Apache to proxy to a Substance D application that runs on localhost on port 6543:: ServerAdmin ServerName ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/ CustomLog /var/log/apache2/ combined RewriteEngine On RewriteRule ^(.*)$1 [L,P] ProxyPreserveHost On RequestHeader add X-Vhm-Root /folder1 In the above configuration, when users log in on ````, the root they see in the SDI will be ``/folder1`` instead of the real root. They will not be able to access the real root. Note that retail requests (requests without ``/manage``) to the same hostname will *also* be rooted at ``folder1``. This feature requires Pyramid version 1.4.4 or better.