Installing Pyramid and Creating Applications

Here are the basic steps to install Pyramid and Akhet and create an application. For more details see the Installing Pyramid and Creating a Pyramid Project chapters in the Pyramid manual. New users should also do the SQLAlchemy + URL Dispatch Wiki Tutorial (Wiki2), which explains Pyramid while you build a simple wiki application. The following chapters will walk through this application. For convenience, a prebuilt tarball of the application is available: wiki2-tutorial.tar.gz [1].

The steps here are effectively the same as the installation chapter of the Wiki tutorial; we’re just using pip rather than other installation commands because it makes uninstallation easier, and because it’s the new hotness. We also activate the virtualenv, which allows us to keep the application source outside the virtualenv without having to type convoluted paths to run virtualenv commands. Keeping the application outside the virtualenv makes it easier to delete/recreate the virtualenv if it gets hosed, and to run the application under multiple virtualenvs (e.g., to see how it works under different Python versions, different Pyramid versions, and different dependency versions).

These steps assume you have Python, virtualenv, and SQLite installed.

Creating an application with Pyramid 1.3 and Akhet

(Pyramid 1.3 is unreleased as of this writing. This alternative won’t work until it’s released, so use one of the other two alternatives instead.)

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/directory/myvenv
$ source ~/directory/myvenv/bin/activate
(myvenv)$ pip install 'Pyramid>=1.3'
(myvenv)$ pip install Akhet
(myvenv)$ pcreate -s alchemy Zzz
(myenv)$ cd Zzz
(myenv)$ pip install -e .
(myenv)$ populate_Zzz development.ini
(myenv)$ pserve development.ini

Creating an application with Pyramid 1.2 and Akhet

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/directory/myvenv
$ source ~/directory/myvenv/bin/activate
(myvenv)$ pip install 'Pyramid<1.3'
(myvenv)$ pip install Akhet
(myvenv)$ paster create -t routesalchemy Zzz
(myenv)$ cd Zzz
(myenv)$ pip install -e .
(myenv)$ populate_Zzz development.ini
(myenv)$ paster serve development.ini

Creating an application with development versions of Pyramid and Akhet

Installing Akhet from its source repository works like most Python repositories. Pyramid, however, requires additional steps.

$ virtualenv --no-site-packages ~/directory/myvenv
$ source ~/directory/myvenv/bin/activate
(myvenv)$ git clone git:// Pyramid
(myvenv)$ pip install setuptools-git
(myvenv)$ pip install -e ./Pyramid
(myvenv)$ hg clone Akhet
(myvenv)$ pip install -e ./Akhet
(myvenv)$ pcreate -s alchemy Zzz
(myenv)$ cd Zzz
(myenv)$ pip install -e .
(myenv)$ populate_Zzz development.ini
(myenv)$ pserve development.ini

Three things to note here:

  • Install Pyramid first so that it will satisfy Akhet’s Pyramid dependency. Otherwise when you install Akhet, it will download the latest stable version of Pyramid from PyPI.
  • Pyramid requires ‘setuptools-git’ because the repsository contains Git submodules.
  • Pyramid must be installed as a link (with “-e”) because a regular install won’t copy the scaffolds or other supplemental files. (That’s because the repository does not contain a file.)
  • The extra ”./” is so that “pip install -e” recognizes the argument as a path name rather than as something to download from PyPI.


The “–no-site-packages” option is recommended for Pyramid; it isolates the virtualenv from packages installed globally on the computer, which may be incompatible or have conflicting versions. If you have trouble installing a package that has C extensions (e.g., a database library, PIL, NumPy), you can try making a symlink from the virtualenv’s site-packages directory to the OS version of the package; it may take some jiggering to make the package happy.

I found –no-site-packages necessary on Ubuntu 10 because Ubuntu installs some Zope packages but not all the ones Pyramid needs, and zope is a namespace package which can’t be split between the global directory and the virtualenv. I have not had this problem with Ubuntu 11.10 so far, so it may be fixed.

“pip install -e .” installs the application and all dependencies listed in That’s necessary for this application because it depends on SQLAlchemy, which is not installed with raw Pyramid. Installation also sets up the ‘populate_Zzz’ command. In a simpler application without these restrictions (such as the ‘starter’ scaffold), you can get by without installation. You’ll have to run “python egg_info” instead (which updates the distribution’s metadata, and is one of the installation steps. Also, if you don’t install the application, you’ll have to always chdir to the application’s directory before running it, because Python won’t be able to import it otherwise.

Remember for later: whenever you add or delete a file in the application directory, run “python egg_info” to update the metadata.

See Uninstalling if you want to uninstall things later.


To uninstall an application or package that was installed via pip, use “pip uninstall”:

(myvenv)$ pip uninstall Zzz

If you installed it via “easy_install”, “python install”, or “python develop”, you’ll have to uninstall it manually. Chdir to the virtualenv’s site-packages directory. Delete any subdirectories and files corresponding to the Python package, its metadata, or its egg link. For our sample application these would be zzz (Python package), Zzz.egg-info (pip egg_info), Zzz.egg (easy_install directory or ZIP file), and Zzz.egg-link (egg link file). Also edit easy-install.pth and delete the application’s line if present.

[1]Copied from the Pyramid repository, directory docs/tutorials/wiki2/src/tests (renamed ‘tests’ directory to ‘wiki2-tutorial’). Revision dated 2011-12-08, ID 674636494b7e546598ac3adb094c3dca6f6b8c9e.
The tarball was built with Pyramid 1.3-dev (2011-12-02, rev.
d5666e630a08c943a22682540aa51174cee6851f), Python 2.7.2, on Ubuntu 11.10 (Linux).